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Special post letter from daddy (jejai) to his daughter (jemyma) during #jemymaturns1
My dearest Jemyma,
I cannot believe it, you are a year old today, I mean, we just brought you home from the hospital!! You are now giving high fives, clapping your hands, dancing to music beats and macam macam lagi. Each day I watch you learn and explore the world around you and I find myself getting excited about the simple joys in life again.
Always remember the love and strength of your family, and that you will never ever be alone.I promise to always be there for you, to help guide you, pray for you, and love you unconditionally. I am your dad and i may well disappoint you, I will for sure embarrass you, but know that I love you more than you can ever imagine. I hope when you are old enough to read this letter, many years from now that you will smile, and know how special you are to me. You are my number one girl.
On the day you were born, you and I started off on a special journey that only a father and daughter would understand. About 30 years ago when i was a kid, i remember clearly my dad (that's atok to you) spoke to my twin sisters(that's ende cho and ende min to you), on many occurance atok said to both ende cho and ende min, "nanti bila dah besar boleh la cho dan min buat teh untuk daddy." i think i would say similar like that too. Now I understand what atok felt for ende cho and ende min. I can't even begin to explain how special a father daughter relationship is.
Until you, I didn’t know my capacity to love another person this much. Unquestionably, I love your ibu deeply, but you’ve shown me what the ferocity and boundless love of a father is to his daughter. I’m still in awe and overwhelm, it reminds me of my love for my mummy( that's tah to you), it is unconditional. Putri ku tercinta, jadi lah seorang insan yang solehah dan taat kepada ibu bapa, ingat kepada tuhan, menghormati orang tua, menjadi seorang yang berguna dan berbakti kepada agama bangsa dan negara." 365 days has gone by, and still not one day has passed without us marveling at our luck. “How the hell did we get the best, most beautiful baby girl!
I love you from the bottom of my heart, with all my heart, for all my life and for all eternity.
Love always and forever
List of abbreviations:
TTM: Tong Try Me/Tong Taik Myanmar/ND
LEMBU: Haters FS terlebih bodoh
Pesanan penaja dr FS
Tak suka kita, tapi follow , ambik tau semua pasal kita and keluarga lepastu ada banyak masa nak menaip , buat karangan panjang, berbalas2 pantun sesama sendiri. Rajin kan.. Macam tak ada keluarga sendiri and takde kerja je sampai rajin ambik berat sangat benda yang tak sepatutnya. Hello saudaraku. Hati2, orang dulu2 kata, jangan benci sangat, nanti jatuh cinta . Hahaha.
Post time 27-10-2015 03:23 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by esteryen at 27-10-2015 03:27 PM
LaLA_ replied at 27-10-2015 03:15 PM
dasyat makcik darsita tu.. sanggup ber pm hadap sgt dgn ig ps tu... rugi la kau ps berkawan dgn oran ...
Hi Lala..senang je kalau u nak berPM or berWA ngan ps tu..u beli je baju from her. That's what that makcik delusional xmalu tu buat..pastu ahahahahas kat sini nak give others the impression kononnya she is close ngan ps..adoiii adoiii..
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Post time 27-10-2015 03:46 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
seattle replied at 27-10-2015 03:36 PM
u mean the IG drama belum habis lagi banyak lah kalau gitu komen komen pat IG ...
Yang komen WA tu kat post lain. Kat post baju, dia nak beli baju ngan ps.
Tapi nampak sgt her intention, not to buy the clothes tapi to get ps punya phone no.
Tengok ni kelakar betul. Beli barang tapi minta seller xyah post out. Nanti balik Msia baru bg address kat Msia..nampak sgt her intention not bcuz of the clothes tapi it's for getting ps punya number.
Memang something wrong ngan makcik ni..go to such extend to "rapat" ngan famili fasha...hmmmm
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Post time 27-10-2015 03:50 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Yang I geram bila tengok her profile is gambar tu gambar baby :
Kesian baby tu..bodoh punya makcik, kalau x berani guna gambar sendiri, guna je gambar peralatan, xpayah guna gambar baby sbb komen2 dia tu semua bawa fitnah n jatuhkan maruah orang lain.