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NOVEL- Obsesi (18PL)

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Post time 19-4-2016 09:36 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Salam korangs...
Aku baru lagi dalam bidang penulisan, walaupun aku dah mula mengarang sejak sekolah lagi. Ini draf novel aku. Bahasa asal novel ni sebenarnya english, tapi untuk forum ni aku tambah2 sikit bahasa Melayu. Karya asal aku fully in english pun ada kat wattpad.

I do appriciate kalau korang ada sebarang komen. Insya-allah aku akan cuba untuk improve.

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 Author| Post time 19-4-2016 09:42 AM | Show all posts


Aku terjaga dari mimpi yang aku rasakan terlalu panjang. Dan seperti kebiasaannya, mimpi itu menghantui aku.

Mama tells me that the accident took away all my memories..

Aku tak ingat sesiapa pun, termasuk orang yang aku sayang. Kawan-kawan, keluarga..Dan realitinya, aku sendiri tak ingat ‘siapa’ aku. Tapi entah mengapa, wajah itu sering mengunjungi mimpi malam ku.. membuatkan aku tercari-cari siapa dia.


It was suppose to be an easy task. Bunuh dan hilangkan diri. I completed my task; I’ve killed my main target. But she was not supposed to be there. There shouldn’t be a witness. Tapi entah mengapa, aku biarkan dia hidup.

She can’t remember me now, even when I’m looking at her face to face. All of sudden I realized- that I’ve grown obsessed with her.

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 Author| Post time 19-4-2016 10:24 AM | Show all posts
Edited by brown_pupil at 19-4-2016 10:27 AM

And with that, my reality crashes..
Jam locengku berbunyi, menandakan jam 6 pagi. Dengan malas, aku gagahkan juga membuka mata sambil mengomel-gomel dalam hati. Kenapa la kejap sangat masa untukbersama dia.

After a quick shower, I dressed myself forclass as usual. I'm a jeans and shirt person-as always. Sambil menyapu secalitlipstik agar tidak kelihatan pucat , I make my way down to the kitchen and meetmy mama for breakfast. I smiled as she greeted me with the treat of the day -scramble eggs, toast and OJ. Breakfast for champions they say..
Seumur hidup ku, kami cuma berdua. Daddymeninggal ketika aku masih bayi dan semenjak itu, cuma mama yang membesarkanaku.
Baru je nak menyuap makanan masuk ke mulut,aku dikejutkan dengan suara perempuan yang nyaring.. You must be kidding me! Irole my eyes and mamma just laugh away. Ella menuntun masuk ke dapur sambiltersenyum, macam biasa. She and I have been BFF since forever. Memandangkanparent Ella kerap outstation kerana urusan kerja, maka Ella pun selalu lamenempek kat rumah aku ni.
Dengan tak malu, Ella menuangkan kopi untukdirinya - konsep make your self at home!
"Kau habis lecture lambat ke hari ni? Akumungkin lambat sikit. Kalau kau balik sendiri boleh tak?" soal nya,memecah kesunyian.
" Mungkin. Aku ok jer. Kau tak payahrisau" ujarku perlahan
" Betul ke ni?" Mama menyampuk.
" Orang ok la.."
You see, for a 28 year old adult -- situasi diatas seolah-olah mengambarkan macam hidup aku ni terkongkong sangat. Nak pergi mana-mana pun, kena ada orang yang teman. Tapi hakikat yang ramai tak tahu, 4years ago I survived a car crash that almost took away my life.

Semasa aku dijumpai dan dibawa ke hospital,peluang untuk hidup ketika itu cuma 50-50. Kecederaan aku boelh dikatakanteruk. Patah 2 tulang rusuk, tualng kaki kanan yang retak, dan kecederaan dikepala akibat hentakkan yang kuat. Kecedarran itu lah yang menyebabkan akuhilang ingatan.
Dan bila aku terjaga dari koma, aku cuma mampumenangis, meracau dan menjerit kepada nurse dan semua yang berada dihadapan ku. I do not recognized anyone.. not even my own mother.

2 tahun..  It took me 2 years to get backon my feet. 2 tahun menjalani intensive therapy, 2 tahun untuk cuba belajarmempercayai orang-orang disekeliling aku.
Mamaselalu menunjukkan gambar ku yang diambil sejak kecik. My childhood photos,gambar kawan -kawan ku. Namum agak sukar untuk aku terima yang hakikatnya, aku merenung ke arah gadis yang mempunyai wajah ku, namun aku tak mengenali siapa dia.
"Udah-udah la berangan tu. Nanti lambatpulak pergi kelas"

Aku cuma tersenyum sambil menghabiskan sisa-sisa kopi dalam cawan. Aku mangambil keputusan untuk menyambung pengajian ku 2 tahun lalu setelah disaran oleh Ella. . Katanya, dari tak buat apa-apa kat rumah, baik sambung belajar kan. Aku akui, keputusan untuk kambalibelajar itu menakutkan aku pada mulanya. Apakan tidak, aku membuka diri aku untuk benda dan situasi yang aku kira sangat asing untuk aku. Aku sedar, aku tak boleh selamanya menyendiri.
Aku mengapai beg sandang ku lantas mengucup pipimama, rutin ku sebelum ke kelas. Ella merupakan ‘designated driver’ aku untuksetiap masa memandangkan selepas kemalangan itu, aku fobia untuk memandu. Perjalanan ke kuliah terasa singat, dan sepanjang masa ku cuma mendiamkan diri. Setibanya di perkarangan universiti, aku memeluk Ella erat sebagai tanda terima kasih sebelum melangkah malas keluar dari perut kereta.

“ Kau sure kau ok untuk balik sendiri, beb?” Ella bertanya untuk kali terakhir. Aku cuma menganguk sambil tersenyum.

Dengan itu,Ella memandu pergi manakala aku masih tercegat di perkarangan masuk,  memerhati keretanya hilang dari pandangan  sebelum aku berpaling dan melangkah ke dewan kuliah.

Keep calm Elia.. you'll find your way home.


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Post time 19-4-2016 12:56 PM | Show all posts
syabas cerita menarik!

tapi tak sesuai campur adukkan english dan malay
kalau nak english>>>fully english
kena pilih>>either english or malay
kalau dialog in english tu okay...tapi tuk malay novel tak boleh dari 10% in english dialogue


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 Author| Post time 19-4-2016 01:05 PM | Show all posts
Ipo replied at 19-4-2016 12:56 PM
syabas cerita menarik!

Sebenarnyer kan.. citer asal aku ni memang dalam BI.. Tapi kang kalau post kat sini kena hencap pulak. Tu yang terpaksa selang seli ngan BM tu..

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Post time 19-4-2016 01:06 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Ipo at 19-4-2016 12:07 PM
brown_pupil replied at 19-4-2016 12:05 PM
Sebenarnyer kan.. citer asal aku ni memang dalam BI.. Tapi kang kalau post kat sini kena hencap pu ...

eh boleh je...
baik english je..kalau dah ada
macam cerpen @cassiopeia  tu
semua in english...

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 Author| Post time 19-4-2016 01:08 PM | Show all posts
Ipo replied at 19-4-2016 01:06 PM
eh boleh je...
baik english je..kalau dah ada
macam cerpen @cassiopeia  tu

Boleh eh...
Nanti aku tempek versi BI. Jangan hencap kalau grammar berterabur okeh.

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 Author| Post time 19-4-2016 01:12 PM | Show all posts
Edited by brown_pupil at 19-4-2016 01:18 PM



I have a boring life. That statement has much concluded my entire life. My day start off with a brief jog around the neighborhood, having breakfast with my mum, off to lecture and so on. It was the same routine over and over again, as long as I can remember. I don't have lots of friends, except for Ella that I've known since I was a baby. She was practically like my little sister since she was present in my house most of the time and she lived just next door.

By the end of the day, I would return home, had my dinner and off to bed.

Sleeping is something that I've look forward to everyday, since it is the only time that I can see him. In my dreams, he will haunt me with his eyes. Never once I've seen him smile, making him much more mysterious. He would just stare at me, with blood dripping from his hands and I practically wanted to launch myself towards him. Maybe I am crazy after all, wanting a man that will only appear in my dreams and might not exist in reality.

That night, he came into my dreams again only this time it was different. He was standing merely 2 feet away from me and I could see his face clearly. Those grey eyes, those luscious lips.. He mesmerized me and there was no blood in his hands this time.

For the first time in past 4 years of having him as my sleeping companion that he was looking directly at me and he was smiling. As I drew closer to him, I could clearly hear him say "No matter how far or how long you will try to run away from me, at the end I will always find you. You are MINE."


Life has taken its toll on me.

I'm blessed that god have given me a good life. I have my friends around me at times when I needed them the most. My business is doing pretty well. I might not be one of those billionaire boys club but I'm doing pretty well for myself. Girls are easily accessible for me although I've never committed myself seriously with them. I find it hard to trust the ladies, especially those who are practically throwing themselves to me for a one night stand and the next morning proclaiming their undying love for me.

My mom once pestered me to find myself a decent girl that I'm proud enough to bring home and show off to my relatives. I wish mum, but in reality and in my world, those 'girl' don't exist. In my world, 'girls' were never an issue. They would just spread their legs for me. It was that easy.

I will never lie to you if I said that I've never fell in love before.


Back then I was like a love sick puppy and she was my universe. Never did saw it coming when one day, she just blurted the words straight in my face

"I'm in love with someone else"

Does my world shattered? Oh yes it did! I even lock myself away from everyone for almost a year, trying so hard to forget her. But really, how could you even forget the person who breaks your heart for the first time.


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 Author| Post time 19-4-2016 01:15 PM | Show all posts
Edited by brown_pupil at 19-4-2016 01:17 PM




And that's when reality crashes..

My alarm clock beeps loudly indicating that it's already 6 am. I woke up, cursing quietly that I deserve to have just a little more time with him.

After a quick shower, I dressed myself for class as usual. I'm a jeans and shirt person-as always. With dab of lipstick to compliment my pale olive look, I make my way down to the kitchen and meet my mamma for breakfast. I smiled as she greeted me with the treat of the day - scramble eggs, toast and OJ. Breakfast for champions they say..

All my life, it has been just the 2 of us. My dad passed away when I was a baby and mamma have been playing both the mom and the dad role ever since.

I was just about to have my first bite when the door bell ring. You must be kidding me! I role my eyes and mamma just laugh away. Ella enters the front door, beaming her dazzling smile as always. She and I have been BFF since forever. Both of her parents are always away on the road, so my house is practically her house too.

She makes her way into the kitchen and sat herself next to me, pouring herself a cup of freshly brewed coffee.

"Will you be finishing lecture early today? I'll be running a bit late. Can you manage going home your own?"

" Ya, I'll manage. Don't worry ok, I'll grab a cab"

" Are you sure?" Mamma asked again, trying to get the reassurance from me.

" Don't worry. I'll be fine."


You see, for a 28 year old adult -- the situation above looks as if Mamma and Ella have their leash on me. But what people don't know is, 4 years ago I survived a car crash that almost took away my life.

When I was found and taken to the hospital, the chances were 50-50. My body was badly severed with injury. 2 fractured ribs, broken leg and a head trauma. The doctors told me that I have a serious concussion, resulting to memory lost that wiped out almost my entire life.

When I woke up from coma, I was screaming and crying at the nurses who tended me. I do not recognized any one.. not even my own mother.

It took me 2 years to get back on my feet. 2 years of intensive therapy, 2 years to learn on how to trust people around me.

Mamma even shows me all of my photos taken, with friends, families and even from birth so that I could slowly recognize their faces. It was hard, starring at you own face but having the feeling that 'you don't know her'..


"Snap out of it.. you'll be late for lecture"

I look up to mamma and smile before finishing of my coffee. Enrolling back to school was practically a right thing to do since I was bored to death during the 2 years after the accident. So when Ella suggested that I could consider going back to school to get my bachelors degree, I took her words and enrolled myself the following week. Going back to school opens me up to a new environment.

I was scared at first.. being approached by my 'so called' friends when I don't even remember who they are. It takes me a while to build back the confidence and open up to public. But I have to admit, after a while I can finally adapt myself. I make friends with people from my lecture and I am now comfortable with people around me.

I grab my messenger bag and kiss mamma goodbye on my way out to lecture. Ella was my designated driver ever since I started my class. After the accident, I lost my driving confidence. So our daily routine is, she will drop me off the class before heading to her office.

Upon reaching the main entrance, I gave Ella a big hug as a thank you gesture.

'Have a nice day, babe.. anything call me"

With that, she drove away whilst I was still standing at the entrance watching her car disappear from my sight before turning around and making my way to the lecture hall.

Keep calm Elia.. you'll find your way home.


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 Author| Post time 19-4-2016 01:20 PM | Show all posts
Edited by brown_pupil at 19-4-2016 01:21 PM



I hate today!

I hate the fact that today I will need to wake up and make myself presented for the board meeting. If it were up to me, I don't even bother to show up. But then, my father's legacy needed to be monitored and ensured that the staff is being taken care off. My father had worked hard to build his empire, so watching it burn to the ground will be such a waste.

I only manage to grab a cup of coffee before making my way out to the car that has already waited for me. I don't usually do breakfast, so coffee should last me till lunch. I lived a simple life, so I don't actually need a lived in keeper. In fact, my house keeper comes in after 9 am and leave by 5 pm. Ever since my mom passed away 5 years ago, I prefer to keep things to myself. No more wild parties, no more charity events, no women.

I was practically.. A loner.


"We've arrived, sir"

I snapped out from my day dream when my driver, Rupert opens up the door for me. Standing on the pavement, I look up to my family name displayed across the entrance of one of the tallest building in the world.


If my dad was alive, I'm sure he'll be proud of me.

I was only 18 when my father died and handover the business to me. Back then, I didn't pay much attention to what's going on around me or my company. I was busy with my college life, the girls, and the booze. I finally came to realize that the business was at a brink of closure when my accounts department presented me with the financial report. I had realized how selfish I was thinking just about me when I have almost 200 staff under me, relying on the survival of my company in order to make their living.

Since then, I work my ass off to save what's left of my family empire. I have made lots of sacrifices which I don't regret of. I will do anything, in order to see the survival of my family legacy.


I was greeted by my secretary, Lana as soon as I step off to the 36th floor. Well, unlike every other businessman who have a hot chic as their secretary, my Lana was actually a 42 year old single mom with 3 kids to handle. Despite all the work load that I throw at her, she managed to get her task completed. I on the other hand, prefers it that way.

She handed me all the required documents that I needed, briefing me on few details while escorting me to the meeting room where all the board members have taken their seats. Looking at their face, I started to wonder what else is required from me.

I guess that today will just be a long day for me...


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 Author| Post time 19-4-2016 01:24 PM | Show all posts
Edited by brown_pupil at 19-4-2016 01:26 PM



I found today's class to be stressful... Not only that I'm struggling so hard to keep up this semester, I also juggling the given assignments as well.  As I was packing my books away, Shelly pulls the chair in front of me. I've known her since my fist semester so she was practically close to me, compared to my other classmates.

" You look lost," she said while I'm still putting away my books. I shrugged my shoulder and try to smile back at her statement. It is hard for me to admit it, but she is right. I am kinda lost at the moment.

" Yup! But I'll manage. Just need to pay more attention during lecture.."I said quietly, hoping that she won't bugged me with other questions.

" I think you need to loose it up. You are always uptight. Maybe what you need is some time out. Why don't you join me and the other girls later. We are planning to hit up the new club tonight. Just dancing around, teasing the boys.. " I can see that she's actually genuine enough, inviting me out for a girls night out. For once I am tempted to go, but my head is telling me NO.

" I don't know Shelly. I'm scared that if I go along, I will only be an embarrassment and it would look good on you," I politely try to decline her invitation.

" Sush, don't say that. We're just going there to have some fun. Nothing wrong in that. Don't think too much about it. Text me you add, I'll pick you up by 9. Later.." She didn't gave me a chance to reply as she just took off. I took a moment to inhale my breath as deep as I can, trying to relax.

Class - DONE. Lets find my way back home, alone!


I am still standing at the entrance , trying to figure out which way to go home. The watch on my wrist shows that it's almost 4 pm and yet, I'm still starring at blank space like a lost puppy. There are no taxi available at this time and it's a long way home. It's almost dark and I know that I need to make my way home.

I guess that I wasn't really looking where I was going when I hear a loud honk and shrieking sound of a car break. I look up, only to realize that I'm merely inches from death. I gasp and curse myself for being so clumsy before pulling myself by the roadside.

" Are you trying to kill yourself?" I was still in dazed when I look up to the owner of the masculine voice. I would say that he sounds harsh instead of being sympathetic.

" I'm sorry, I'm just.. I really didn't see your car coming!" I apologize and hurriedly grab by messenger bag that is still lying on the road. I took a good look at the owner of the voice. He was in his business suit - minus the jacket. His sleeves are folder neatly, showing a beautiful sleeves of tattoos.

When I look up to his face, especially those eyes.. that is when I realized.

It's him.

Without saying another word, I took off. And I ran as fast as I could....


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 Author| Post time 19-4-2016 01:28 PM | Show all posts
Edited by brown_pupil at 19-4-2016 01:29 PM



Basically, the girl sprinted from me as if she saw a ghost. I think maybe she saw the monster in me. And I swear even I tried to catch up with her, I wouldn't able to do so.

I just stood by and watch her disappear from my sight before making my way back to my car.

" She's fine. Not a scratch on her.." I scoff to my driver. I was basically asleep when my driver suddenly hit the breaks and trust me, you don't wanna mess with me when I'm sleeping. It irritates me off!

" I'm sorry Sir,"

" Forget it Rupert, just drive me home.."


Being a loner, I spend most of my days and nights alone.

Once I'm at home, I'll have my dinner quietly while watching the tv. When both of my parents was alive, I will usually have dinner with them in the dining hall. But since they are no longer here, so I'm free to do as I wish.

I'm flipping over the channel before I finally give up and shut off the tv. I don't know why tonight, I feel like going out to my usual joint. Since the incident this evening,  I have the urge to release the anger in me. I'm feeling agitated that I can't keep myself calm.

I make my way up to my room to change my outfit to something more casual. As I was standing in front of the mirror in my walk in closet, I trace the line of scar across my chest. For the last 4 years, the scar has been a reminder for me to always keep my eyes open and keep my mind focus.

I decided for tonight, I will just go all black. Plain black tee and a pair of jeans will suit me just fine. Once I've put my clothes on, I walked into the bathroom for final touch before making my way to The Club.



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Post time 19-4-2016 06:29 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 20-4-2016 08:37 AM | Show all posts

sekarang semua author pakai wattpad.. senang. Siap leh upload2 gambar lagi. aku siap download kt hp lagi.. agak2 terasa ada idea, leh terus tulis.

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Post time 21-4-2016 11:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
brown_pupil replied at 20-4-2016 08:37 AM
sekarang semua author pakai wattpad.. senang. Siap leh upload2 gambar lagi. aku siap download kt h ...

aku guna wattpad skng for bca je.tulis pun x dah.
Biarlah wattpad jdi sejarah.waaa!

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 Author| Post time 21-4-2016 12:08 PM | Show all posts
Esmiria replied at 21-4-2016 11:55 AM
aku guna wattpad skng for bca je.tulis pun x dah.
Biarlah wattpad jdi sejarah.waaa!

kan.. dapat baca buku free . Tapi sayang weih tak continue guna... aku tengok ada author yang bertahun2 karang buku, x siap2. Aku pun bakal jadi cemgitu la kot.

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