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Post time 24-11-2022 08:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by gunkgurl at 24-11-2022 08:43 PM

Hai semua. Saya ada berkenan dengan someone ni, and ada follow dekat ig, tapi tak diapprove since all his account was very private. I rasa orang yang dia kenal je kut diapprove. Do you guys know how to make sure dia approve saya punya request. Or memang xde harapan yaa? Hmm



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Post time 25-11-2022 06:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
IRL kenal ke?

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 Author| Post time 25-11-2022 06:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ciksaenara replied at 25-11-2022 06:08 PM
IRL kenal ke?

Tak kenalll hmm mcm lagi lah xde harapan kab?

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Post time 28-11-2022 04:46 PM | Show all posts
PM, hi approve please, gitu



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Post time 28-11-2022 10:49 PM | Show all posts
letak la gambar muka kau cun2

kalau boleh dress up sexy maxy

laju je dia approve



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 Author| Post time 29-11-2022 01:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Catpaw replied at 28-11-2022 04:46 PM
PM, hi approve please, gitu

Agak2 kalau i buat, dia rasa creepy ke tak ya? i dah follow banyak akaun dia dah, tp still tak di accept. Maybe dia dah berpunya kut

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 Author| Post time 29-11-2022 01:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
SonicSiLandak replied at 28-11-2022 10:49 PM
letak la gambar muka kau cun2

kalau boleh dress up sexy maxy

Hahahahahahah part muka cun tu i xde. I tak lawa. I sedar diri, tu risau hahahahahha

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Post time 29-11-2022 01:24 PM | Show all posts
gunkgurl replied at 29-11-2022 01:15 PM
Hahahahahahah part muka cun tu i xde. I tak lawa. I sedar diri, tu risau hahahahahha

so pamerkan kekuatan yang lain

pandai masak ke... independent ke.. mengutamakan ibu bapa ke... apa2 la yang kuat



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Post time 1-12-2022 12:49 PM | Show all posts
gunkgurl replied at 29-11-2022 01:14 PM
Agak2 kalau i buat, dia rasa creepy ke tak ya?  i dah follow banyak akaun dia dah, tp still tak ...

Baru send request sekali je ke? Cer buat kali ke dua or ketiga ke. Maybe masa tu dia busy sampai lupa nak tengok request awak semula.

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Post time 1-12-2022 04:21 PM | Show all posts
pm dia sambil puji gambar dia. jgn puji muka. kalo gambar ngan keta, puji keta. tp make sure u tahu la pasal keta. bual ala2 YM khaleeda ngorat TMJ

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 Author| Post time 1-12-2022 05:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
SonicSiLandak replied at 29-11-2022 01:24 PM
so pamerkan kekuatan yang lain

pandai masak ke... independent ke.. mengutamakan ibu bapa ke... ap ...

Ni tak bolehh. Sebab i kenal dia dkt explore. Dia pun memang tak kenal i since memang xde kenal dekat mana2 selama ni i pun xde kawan2 yang i boleh tanya pasal dia hehe

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 Author| Post time 1-12-2022 05:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by gunkgurl at 1-12-2022 06:44 PM
J4I replied at 1-12-2022 12:49 PM
Baru send request sekali je ke? Cer buat kali ke dua or ketiga ke. Maybe masa tu dia busy sampai l ...

Haah sekali je. And i ada follow dia punya akaun lain jugak. Tapi tak di accept jugak

I ni geram je nk dm dia even dia private account. Tapi itu lah, kan dia seram dengan i sebab tak kenal tapi ttiba dm dia macam tu

Or i just tried to send the request again? Takut jugak nak usaha sebab takut dia dah ada gf

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 Author| Post time 1-12-2022 05:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
greantea replied at 1-12-2022 04:21 PM
pm dia sambil puji gambar dia. jgn puji muka. kalo gambar ngan keta, puji keta. tp make sure u tahu  ...

Tapi account dia private sis

I tengok dia dkt explore itu pun orang tagged dia. I follow dah lama, untill now belum accept i

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Post time 1-12-2022 06:05 PM | Show all posts
Nak dengar satu idea tak?
Minta kawan follow dan dm dia kalau sudah berpunya. Sekureng-kurengnya nanti takde la tinggalkan sangkaan buruk kat TT seperti yang TT fikirkan ni.

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 Author| Post time 1-12-2022 06:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
J4I replied at 1-12-2022 06:05 PM
Nak dengar satu idea tak?
Minta kawan follow dan dm dia kalau sudah berpunya. Sekureng-kurengnya nan ...

I ada suruh kawan follow dia. Tapi dm tu takk ????

Ke nak je i dm dia or kawan yang dm kan?
Crush i ni pun ada rupa jugak, i biasa2 je.  I segan

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 Author| Post time 1-12-2022 07:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Catpaw replied at 28-11-2022 04:46 PM
PM, hi approve please, gitu

Nak cubaaa. Tapi agak2 creepy tk kalau i buat macam ni? Since all his account semua private follow request pun still x accept

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Post time 1-12-2022 11:08 PM | Show all posts
gunkgurl replied at 1-12-2022 11:53 AM
Nak cubaaa. Tapi agak2 creepy tk kalau i buat macam ni? Since all his account semua private  fo ...

Cuba je lah.. Tak cuba tak tahu... Cam kawan i dulu, laki dia add fb nak kenal, kawan meols tak layan. Lepas tu dia pm minta approve baru kawan i accept.

Ke dia takut chuols scammer takpun jual produk, chuols jual coway ke

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 Author| Post time 2-12-2022 10:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Catpaw replied at 1-12-2022 11:08 PM
Cuba je lah.. Tak cuba tak tahu... Cam kawan i dulu, laki dia add fb nak kenal, kawan meols tak la ...

Xpe ke sis kalau i perempuan yang mulakan dlu ? i tk berapa lawaa hmmm. Sebab biasanya orang lawa je memang jalan , orsng yang xde rupa ni bubye je lahh hahahah . Tp rasa jugak nk dm dia untuk accept i punya request hmm

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Post time 2-12-2022 12:39 PM | Show all posts
gunkgurl replied at 2-12-2022 02:39 AM
Xpe ke sis kalau i perempuan yang mulakan dlu ?  i tk berapa lawaa hmmm. Sebab biasanya orang l ...

Takpe je buka jalan dulu. Jangan nampak desprate sangat udah, nanti dia meluat. Nape berkenan tu, ke sebenarnya berkenan kat kereta tu

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 Author| Post time 2-12-2022 12:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Catpaw replied at 2-12-2022 12:39 PM
Takpe je buka jalan dulu. Jangan nampak desprate sangat udah, nanti dia meluat. Nape berkenan tu,  ...

Hahahahaha baikkk. Nanti i cuba dm dia.. xde maknanya sebab keta sis. I berkenan sebab rupa dia hahahaha hensem + nampak baik jee hahahaha okay tk okay sis?

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