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Sejarah Piramid

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Post time 6-3-2007 07:01 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

Meh kita kongsi sejarah tentang piramid. sesiapa yg ada artikel pasal piramid sila lah kongsi.



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Post time 7-3-2007 02:46 PM | Show all posts

Pyramid complex of Unas in Sakkara

A - three magazines
B - antechamber
C - burial chamber
D - corridor chamber
E - cult pyramid
F - three portcullises
G - entrance chapel

base length:   57.75 m
slope:   56o
height:   43 m
antechamber:   3.75 x 3.08 m
burial chamber:   7.3 x 3.08 m
lenght of causeway:   750 m

sarcophagus in burial chamber

Pyramid Beautiful are the [cult] places of Unasis the smallest one of those built in times of Old Kingdom. Its eastern part is located over tomb of Hotepsekhemwi. The core consisted of six layers, built of rough blocks of local limestone that became gradually smaller as they neared the top of the pyramid. The casing was made, as usual, of carefully dressed blocks of fine white limestone. From the middle of northern wall descends 14,4 m long causeway leading to connecting chamber, next running 14,1 m  horizontally (with three traps) and finally ending in antechamber (3,8 m x 3,1 m). From the last, in eastern direction one can get to magazine while in western direction

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Post time 20-3-2007 12:43 PM | Show all posts

Giza pyramid complex (map).


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Post time 20-3-2007 12:50 PM | Show all posts

Khufu, or Cheops, built his pyramid on the Giza plateau, where he found firm bedrock and a convenient limestone quarry. His pyramid is a work of astonishing size and precision, standing 481ft (146.6m) high, with a slope of 51 degrees 50'. Its sides vary by less than 1.9ft (58cm) and are orientated almost exactly true north. Its base is almost completely level. It has been calculated that the base of the Great Pyramid could accommodate both the UK Houses of Parliament and St Paul's Cathedral with room to spare.
The pyramid holds three chambers linked by a system of passageways: the unfinished 'Subterranean Chamber'; the ill-named 'Queen's Chamber'; and the 'King's Chamber', where Khufu was buried in an enormous, plain, red granite sarcophagus.

At the dawn of the dynastic age, around the time of unification, Egypt's dead were buried in oval pit graves in desert cemeteries. Here the bodies underwent a natural mummification as the hot sands drained away the body fluids, averting the onset of decay. Already there was a belief in life after death, and the dead were provided with grave goods.
Eventually the elite started to protect the bodies of their dead with wooden and clay coffins, and sarcophagi (outer coffins). The pit graves were given wooden roofs and plaster or mud-brick linings and they became rectangular, sand-free tombs. Above ground a superstructure, perhaps a pile of stones or a low mound, marked the position of the grave. These flimsy superstructures have today vanished, although what lay below has sometimes remained.

Egypt's highest ranking Old Kingdom civil servants were interred at Saqqara, close to Memphis and the temple of Re at Heliopolis.
Here the burial chambers were gradually cut deeper until they passed into the bedrock. Lined with wood, their ceilings were topped with a low mound and then surrounded by a low, rectangular mud-brick building known as a mastaba after the Arabic mastaba (low bench).
Most mastaba superstructures were filled with storage chambers for grave goods, but this made them vulnerable to thieves. By the end of the 1st Dynasty the superstructure was being reduced in favour of extensive subterranean storage, reached by a stairway. Eventually the mastaba would become a solid, rubble-filled block.

Djoser's pyramid has a stepped appearance. It is an extension of the mound found in mastaba tombs and is usually interpreted as a symbolic mound of creation, but can also be read as a stairway to heaven.
Djoser's architect, Imhotep, built in stages. The tomb started life as an unusual square, solid mastaba, but a series of extensions saw it develop into a six-stepped pyramid with a rectangular ground-plan.
Below ground, a warren of tunnels, galleries and rooms surrounded Djoser's burial chamber. Around the pyramid, his mortuary complex included courts and buildings, each with its own particular function, and its own particular magic

At Meidum, 30 miles south of Memphis, King Snefru (the first king of the 4th Dynasty, who came to the throne around 2613 BC) built Egypt's first true, or straight-sided, pyramid. This started as a stepped pyramid, but as it neared completion the steps were packed with stone and the whole structure was cased in finest limestone. In its final form the pyramid stood approximately 311ft (95m) high.
Unfortunately the pyramid was unsound. Its heavy outer layers eventually slid downwards, leaving a square, three-stepped core standing in a mountain of sand and rubble and the ruins of the pyramid complex. We do not know when this disaster occurred, although as there are New Kingdom tombs incorporated in the rubble we know that the pyramid had at least partially collapsed by the time of the New Kingdom (which started around 1550 BC).



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Post time 20-3-2007 01:15 PM | Show all posts
so, apa kaitannya piramid ngan Sphynx n kedudukan buruj Orion?? Apasal pembinaan pyramid sama ngan kedudukan buruj Orion?




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 Author| Post time 20-3-2007 06:03 PM | Show all posts
ader yg kata piramid ni alien yg bina, btol ker ? atau konspirasi semata ?

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Post time 20-3-2007 06:03 PM | Show all posts
Piramid telah juga ditemui di Bosnia



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 Author| Post time 21-3-2007 12:10 AM | Show all posts
cam baru buat je bosnia piramid tu .......... lawa ......... hihihihi.................

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Post time 21-3-2007 12:47 AM | Show all posts
pada pendapat aku pyramid ni ada kaitan dengan orang2 atlantis, benua yg tenggelam tu



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Post time 21-3-2007 07:55 AM | Show all posts
Kat mexico pun banyak piramid beb....hebat betol gamaknye...tak kurang gah dengan piramid di Mesir tu.

Antara yang paling besau, Teotihuacan, ada dua buah; "pyramid of the sun" dan "pyramid of the moon".... kalu joging ke atas, mau surrender lutut beb!

Mexico jugak ada satu Piramid yang dipilih sebagai salah satu pilihan dalam "New Seven Wonders of The World" yang dibuat dek NOWC. Nama dia "Chichen Itza"... duk kat dalam utan, jalan arah ke Cancun, yang harus semua orang biasa dengar dah...

godek internet, sure semua orang bole baca lebih lanjut punye.

kalu tengok filem terbaru Mel Gibson, "apocalipsto" kalu aku tak silap, boleh la nengok piramid Mexico masa zaman Maya dulu...




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Post time 22-3-2007 06:42 PM | Show all posts
ni piramid ahpek mcm gampang


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f@uzi This user has been deleted
Post time 25-3-2007 11:31 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by civicbiru at 22-3-2007 06:42 PM
ni piramid ahpek mcm gampang

Dikatakan architect yang buat design ni kena musibah....

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Post time 17-10-2012 01:24 PM | Show all posts
takde yg nak paste piramid melesia ker??? opss.. gambar takde... temberang jee banyak

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Post time 18-10-2012 12:02 AM | Show all posts
Rahsia Piramid

menakjubkan sesapa saja yang memandang. Ia adalah struktur2 yang masih ujud di kalangan 7 Keajaiban Dunia, mengharungi ribuan tahun dipenuhi cuaca padang pasir yang panas dan ganas dan kerja kotor tangan manusia. Hakikat bahawa ia masih berdiri jugak adalah satu misteri, memandangkan kawasan sekitarnya adalah zon gempa bumi dan banyak binaan telah tumbang sejak piramid-piramid Giza selesai didirikan dahulu kala.

Ramai  mendakwa mereka telah bertemu dengan apa yang dipanggil “kwasa piramid”, dengan meletakkan objek2 tertentu di bawah model skala Piramid Agung Giza (piramid Firaun Khufu, atau Cheops). Model piramid itu seharusnya dilaraskan supaya setiap sisinya menghadap 4 mata angin utama – Utara, Timur, Selatan dan Barat. Objek itu pula harus diletakkan di bawah satu pelantar untuk meninggikannya kepada tahap satu pertiga dari ketinggian piramid itu. Selepas beberapa lama, dsikatakan keajaiban-keajaiban mula berlaku.

Pada tahun 1959, satu patent telah dikeluarkan oleh Suruhanjaya Patent Czech kpada Karl Drbal, seorang jurutera radio, untuk satu “alat bagi mengekalkan ketajaman pisau cukur dan alat pencukur”. “Alat” itu adalah satu model skala 1:1000 Piramid Agung, diorientasikan dengan betul.  – pada kedudukan satu pertiga dari ketinggian piramid – pisau2 cukur, yang mana paksi terpanjangnya menganjur dari Utara ke Selatan. Beliau menemui bahawa pisau-pisau itu kekal tajam walaupun selepas 50 kali digunakan untokbercukur. Ini membuatkan beliau memohon untuk mendapatkan patent tersebut.

Para piramidologis – mereka yang mengkaji sifat2piramid – mengatakan terdapat penumpuan tenaga danmedan magnetik di dalam piramid. Kajian terbaru menunjukkan bahawa sememangnya terdapat satu penumpuan kecil medan magnetik di dalam sebuah model skala piramid, diorientasikan dengan betul terhadap mata angin. sedia maklum bahawa medan magnet memberikan kesan terhadap kehidupan di bumi – mamaallia jerung berkepala tukul, sebagai contoh, bergantung kepada medan magnetik semula jadik di dasar lautan untuk memandu arah pergerakan mereka. Mungkin penumpuan tenaga dan medan ini menghasilkan perubahan dalam sifat-sifat objek yang diletakkan di bawah piramid, tetapi kenapa ia berlaku di dalam piramid yang memiliki ukuran yang betul dan diorientasikan dengan tepat – soalan ini masih blum terjawab sepenuhnya. Banyak eksperimen turut gagal membuktikan kewujudkan “kuasa piramid”.Walau bagaimanapun, ramai urang secara tak sedar mula mempercayai bahawa piramid boleh membawa kebaikan kepada mereka. Dapatkah anda perhatikan bahawa banyak bangunan pencakar langit baru-baru ini memiliki puncak berbentuk piramid? Trend baru dalam senibina, atau pendekatan mistik ke arah kesempurnaan?

Sebenarnya melalui pengkajian yang mendalam terhadap piramid, para pengkaji memang mengakui bahawa bentuk piramid mampu menghasilkan tenaga yang boleh membawa banyak kebaikkan. Makanan yang diletakkan di bawah piramid lebih tahan lama dan tumbuhan yang berada didalam piramid lebeh subur. Ada sesetengah , mereka piramid sendiri dan bermeditasi di dalam piramid tersebut. Dikatakan hasil dari meditasi di dalam piramid itu membawa banyak kebaikkan kepada urang tersebut.Sebenarnya kelebihan sebuah piramid itu bukan terletak pada permukaan bentuk piramid, tetapi ketepatan sudutnya. Jika korang mereka sebuah piramid tetapi mempunyai sudut yang tidak tepat, hasilnya pasti menghampakan. Piramid sebenarnya adalah salah satu bentuk geometri dari banyak bentuk geometri lain yang diaktakan ajaib. Jenis bentuk geometri ini dipanggil sebagai ‘sacred geometry’. Semua ‘sacred geometry mempunyai suatu persamaan iaitu suatu ukuran sudut yang sama iaitu Phi 1.168 (Golden ratio). begitulah  tentang ‘sacred geometry’ ini
Pyramid stuffs (claimed (and proved?)


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Post time 18-10-2012 03:44 PM | Show all posts
bluezink posted on 18-10-2012 12:02 AM
Rahsia Piramid

menakjubkan sesapa saja yang memandang. Ia adalah struktur2 yang masih ujud di kal ...

Wondering kenape sayur dalam Sunway Piramid x tahan lame seperti yang di war2 kan

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