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How to move on, we are working together...

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Post time 14-10-2018 11:26 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
So, cter dier mcm nie. about me and Mr A. Me and Mr A kerja di bawah satu bumbung under bos yang sama tapi different team. Mr A seorang introvert while i you can say extrovert. kalau ikut rank i above sikit dari Mr A. nak dijadikan cerita kami berkawan (well under wraps) and we got along fine. i found out kitaorang ader mutual attraction to each other and we got closer until one day our closeness dihidu oleh our teams. well when our teams got to know about it Mr A ala2 main tarik tali well because smua duk kecoh about us. and thats where all the problem started..start dari tue our own team, mula lar reka2 cerita( dont know for what purpose) try to break us apart (maybe i dont know) and Mr A still berkawan but dalam diam..kami jumpa tanpa pengetahuan org, kami dating jauh dari kawasan and when i ask him all about gossip office all he can say to me is 'ignore jer lah diorang tue'..

well i just cant. obviously his team hates me and my team duk nak sebok tambah2 cter..diorang buat mcm2 such as create cter Mr A nak bertunang lar, nak berkahwin lar, ader gf lar a lot of things...Mr A while at office as an introvert and lelaki lemah ikutkan jer gurauan and gossip created by his team..things getting worse and they start attacking me in social media. last i confront Mr A about where we are going and all about the gossips and all he can say is 'ignore what they said i want you to be happy like you used to' and about our relationship  he said ' i dont have any relationship with the girls they gossip me with and honestly i'm not ready for marriage (which out of the blue, since i never mention about marriage)

so yeah that breaks my heart and at the office Mr A still ikutkan jer rentak his team. so i decided myself since im hurt badly because of him, i decided to ignore him and move on. so we did without any contacts to each other walaupun satu bumbung. things are hard but we survived until.....

well, he finally date someone from his team (which they approve of course)...kira ala2 hubungan yang direstui oleh his team..the problem is, im bitter...they keep show off on social media their affection and bila ader gathering office jer ader jer yang duk kacau2 diornag (which is so awkward for me, considering our history) well, im still single, he's happily now and im bitter because when dulu we have to do everything in private (like a private girlfriend) and now hes happily showing off..sometimes i avoid office gathering because its hard to see them together..its been 2 years now, and i'm still stuck here...i know i should move on but how when he is just around the corner flaunting around his new happiness?? i really need some nasihat....

p/s and please jgn cakap berhenti kerja or change job because i tried but maybe rezeki ku masih di sini



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Post time 14-10-2018 01:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Find urself new man la. Kenapa nak bercinta tp kena dpt approval dr office team. Both team pulak tu mcm x suka ngn hubungan chuolss. X phm jgk tu sbnr nya. Company chuolss ada rules x boleh dating ke smpai nak kena sorok dr org? Dgn chuolss dia main sorok2 tp new gf elok je pulak

And kalau chuolss masih bitter jgk walaupun dah 2 tahun kisah cinta x jadi ni maka ignore je dia. X perlu sakitkan hati sendiri sedang kan dia gembira bercinta. Chuolss pon masih kerja tempat yg sama. Nak x nak kena hadap jgk makhluk tu



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 Author| Post time 14-10-2018 01:28 PM | Show all posts
tomaz replied at 14-10-2018 01:03 PM
Find urself new man la. Kenapa nak bercinta tp kena dpt approval dr office team. Both team pulak tu  ...

yeah im trying but after Mr A mcm tak lekat plak new man tue...

actually office team kitaorang nie ramai typical malays so diorang mcm kurang suka lar Mr A yang introvert tue dgn i yang urban sikit nie..thats why they patch up kan Mr A dgn that girl tue yang mcm diorang..they dont like people different from them..


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Post time 14-10-2018 01:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sedihnya bila baca.. sorry xtau nak ckp apa.. harap tt tabahkan hati dan buat hal sendiri saja..

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Post time 14-10-2018 03:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dekk ckap BM je dekk.... English adekk haukk sgat.. pening2 lalat iols baca

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Post time 14-10-2018 04:14 PM | Show all posts
wpon aku baca title je tapi aku nak share

macam kawan aku la....cinta sesama ofismate

tapi last2, ofismate dia tak nak jadi kan dia isteri sebab ada la tu tak berkenan

now ofismate dia dah kahwin dengan orang lain

dia sekarang single lagi

n mereka berdua masih bekerja di tempat sama (nampak rilek je..but  hati sapa yang tahu)

so banyakkkkk la mulut bercerita sana sini

KESIMPULANNYA...elakkk kan la cinta sesama ofis...melainkan dia terus hantar rombongan pinang (sebab ada je juga kawan aku yang bercinta satu ofis, kahwin beranak pinak dah)

move on tuh senang, tapi mulut orang sekeliling ya hampunnnn susahnya nak tutop...

kes 2 3 5 tahun pon di jaja macam baru semalam terjadi



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Post time 14-10-2018 10:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
i hate that man sis!

if i were u, i will push myself harder to be better and not biter..i will look beautiful even more than the girl his dating, i will be super nice to everyone and i will gain trust from others
just to make little revenge

I will find myself a new man of coz and i will show to him that i have move on....

why, i feel he is not genuine for not at least care how u felt, at least x show off sgt..or at least apologies, so pls twist ur mind...just anggap he is not worth it to

feel sorry
feel sad
feel left out

infact u should be more happy now...sbb u x bercouple dgn lelaki yg low class



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Post time 15-10-2018 12:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Keja apa ye ada team2 cmni.. Pastu mcm team BBNU, kesahh sgt org punya relationship. U customer service?

Since kena jumpa dia hari2, mmg susah sikit u nk move on. Tapi 2 tahun tu patut u dah bole ok.. If still tak boleh guna la senjata mukmin. Doa bersungguh minta Allah bantu.



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Post time 15-10-2018 02:52 AM | Show all posts
Babe, jangan cari pengganti hanya sebab nak lupakan atau nak show off pada yg lama tau.

Aku pernah lalui benda yang sama. Memang perit la jugak sbb hari2 tengok muka dia dgn gf dia yg tersayang tu. Tapi ko ni kes lain macam sampai dua tahun pun belum move on lagi.

Memang tak ada nasihat lain dari aku, cari kerja lain or ko tak akan dpt move on. Tiap hari ko akan berperang dengan perasaan ko sendiri sebab jantan tu pun suka show off gf dia.



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Post time 15-10-2018 02:55 AM | Show all posts
merrissa replied at 14-10-2018 04:14 PM
wpon aku baca title je tapi aku nak share

macam kawan aku la....cinta sesama ofismate

Ternyata bawang2 di office/tempat kerja lebih memedihkan mata.

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Post time 15-10-2018 06:55 AM | Show all posts
My question is

Why you keep checking their social media?

Kerjaya korang memang kena melibatkan social media ke? Kalau tak, aku cabar ko stop looking to their social media. Kalau ko okay masa both of you single tapi ko rasa tak bes bila dia start couple, it's more sbb ko rasa ego ko tercabar. Ni bukan pasal dia dah sebenarnya.



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Post time 15-10-2018 07:58 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Fokus pada diri sendiri, fikir diri sendiri je. Buat apa nak keysah kat org yang tak sudi dgn kita?

Balik ni cantik2 untuk diri sendiri, wangi2 untuk diri sendiri, happy2 utk diri sendiri, syoping2 utk diri sendiri.

Mujur ko tak jadi dgn dia, kalau kawin pun dia nak tak nak je ko padan makan hati je nanti.



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Post time 15-10-2018 10:50 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Pernah juga jadi mcm ni. Nak kata susah tu ye. Kalau tt jenis lawa senang je, cari lelaki lain. Jadikan diri tt lebih baik. Tak perlu nak bitter dgn dia. Nmpk tak bila dgn tt, dia nak sorok hubungan korg. Bila dgn org baru takde pula. Tak payah sakit hati buang masa je. Mmg rasa awkward. Tp lama2 perasaan tu hilang. Lagi satu, kurg lah org nak tertumpu dekat kita dgn gosip murahan. Mcm I sendiri, sejak dah kurg rapat dgn si dia, rasa freedom. Less people will bahan me. Kalau sblm ni, I annual leave lama je sibuk tanya gi mana. Beli earphone baru pun sibuk nak tahu. Appreciate waktu org kurg tertumpu pada kita.



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Post time 15-10-2018 12:38 PM | Show all posts
kejadah nye bercinta tapi kena dengar cakap member opis? macam jantan tu nak fun2 je dgn u memang niat tak nak serius je? u je yang jatuh terduduk tergolek dalam percintaan tersebut.

jantan tu mmg jahanam, ini masanya u pulak tunjuk kuasa.

kuasa untuk tak peduli.

good luck!



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Post time 15-10-2018 02:09 PM | Show all posts
sebelum mek baca komen komen sekalian semua, mek baca yg TT first...ok first sekali mek nak cakap LELAKI TU LELAKI TAK GUNA...siap show off kemesraan kebahagian dia n his gf dekat u..oh man are serious???..

so TT cari la lelaki lain untuk jeleskan dia pulak..dia ingat TT heran ke dengan dia..u can get someone better than him! them u lak luak pun lah dgn mamat emmmmm..



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Post time 15-10-2018 02:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hey tt...

u harus sujud syukur tau trlpas dr jantan dayus tu..
jnis dgr ckp kawan..

1-smada jantan tu mmg btl xde niat nk kwin so dia layankan je ckp2 kwn dia n dgn u hnya keluar as a friend ja atau dia mmg jantan xde telur tkut nk tnjuk u dpn org sb tkut jadi bahan kawan2..

2-klu dia show off pmpuan skrg ni, hrpnya dia dh sedia nk kawin lah, klu dia msh mcm dlu x sedia nk kawin so pdn lah muka pmpuan tu sb laki tu mesra2 dgn pmpuan tu sb ikut ckp kwn2, pilihan direztui,kononnyaaa....

tp yg sbnrnya dia dgn u dlu tu mmg bercinta serius atau tdk? brp lama hubungan uols, sori klu u ada mention kt atas, lupa.



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 Author| Post time 15-10-2018 02:46 PM | Show all posts
little_sis replied at 14-10-2018 01:52 PM
sedihnya bila baca.. sorry xtau nak ckp apa.. harap tt tabahkan hati dan buat hal sendiri saja..

memang sekarang maybe i avoid depa and buat hal sendiri cuma kadang2 bila gather2 ramai2 agak makan hati lar..

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 Author| Post time 15-10-2018 02:47 PM | Show all posts
Orix replied at 14-10-2018 03:48 PM
Dekk ckap BM je dekk.... English adekk haukk sgat.. pening2 lalat iols baca

ahahaha, tuelah duk nak cter complicated sgt smpai hauk..hehe..

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 Author| Post time 15-10-2018 02:59 PM | Show all posts
merrissa replied at 14-10-2018 04:14 PM
wpon aku baca title je tapi aku nak share

macam kawan aku la....cinta sesama ofismate

tak berniat pun sbb kwan2 jer kan mulanya tapi mmg betul budak2 ofis nie kdg2 takder keje so bila takder keje mulalah nak bergosip lar nak membawang lar pasal org...

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Post time 15-10-2018 03:40 PM | Show all posts
kepochinya sis ofis u. tabah k. iols xde nasihat.

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