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Author: mygs_blossom84


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Post time 21-5-2019 11:15 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Meiizu replied at 21-5-2019 09:52 AM
i pegi medispa biasa jer kat shh alam ..byk ehhh medispa skrg ni, rumours kata bukan doctoor pun d ...

Memang bukan doc pun. Mostly yg conduct tu beautician atau nurse/MA yg diupah

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Post time 21-5-2019 11:21 AM | Show all posts
evlinne replied at 21-5-2019 11:15 AM
Memang bukan doc pun. Mostly yg conduct tu beautician atau nurse/MA yg diupah

if nurse okehh taraf beutician jaaaaa takut mak huhuhuhu dah leerr bunyi laser tu menakutkan, muka plak rasa panas2

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Post time 21-5-2019 11:28 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Meiizu replied at 21-5-2019 09:53 AM
3kali nampak tak?

seeloknya 2 minggu skali ye tak.
tapi lagi elok jaga makan..pastu skincare pon kena suit ngn kulit..baru sume ok. amik supplemen skali..tuk dalaman focus on kulit lah..mcm vit c ..vit e ke..

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Post time 21-5-2019 12:15 PM | Show all posts
evlinne replied at 21-5-2019 11:14 AM
Wah thanks you. Yaa mostly yg kat spa atau mobile spa ke rumah ni iols memang kurang percaya. Once ...

I pun baru buat last weekend..takleh komen lagi on results. Tp immediately after buat tu pipi i rasa gebu dan lembut je. Tp treament ni ada downtime for few days, but very minimum..i siap blh gi shopping lepas tu. Based on apa doc ckp, result ni depends pada org juga..ada yg after 1 treatment terus nampak positive result. I ambik package yg ada 3x PRP & PICO ni. I hope after habis treatment i ni, i akan achieve la kulit muka idaman i hehe...
After that, maintain je with your existing skincare lepas tu...moisturizer and sunblock wajib pakai. And i think lepas ni, i hanya akan maintain religiously buat facial je as maintenance..takde la robek sgt poket ni.

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Post time 22-5-2019 11:24 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
noreen80 replied at 21-5-2019 12:15 PM
I pun baru buat last weekend..takleh komen lagi on results. Tp immediately after buat tu pipi i ra ...

Brapa rm.. Sakit tak..

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Post time 22-5-2019 12:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bagi i yg pernah buat yellow lazer n prp, kita da merogol kulit kita dgn kasar. Buang semua bakteria baik dlm kulit, buang lapisan barier kulit dan expose kulit kita kepada sekitaran yang penuh pencemaran. Sbb tu slalu diorg pesan pakai sunscreen kan, sbb diorg tahu diorg da buang semua lapisan kulit yg baik dan jahat semua sekali


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Post time 22-5-2019 04:50 PM | Show all posts
evlinne replied at 20-5-2019 10:35 PM
Haiii. Boleh tak share klinik estetik u pegi buat PRP facial tu? Iols dah lama berkira2 nak buat ...

Hai evlinne, i try to share my journey with aesthetic procedures so far ya..

My skin concerns are uneven skintone, large pores, pigmentation, sunken eyes, parut2 lama

I study on PRP treatment dan survey memang banyak la until i decided to do it. So after survey, i contacted RX Clinic via whatapps link. I tanya pakej semua and other details. Memang banyak la i tanya from A to Z but nothing on aesthethic procedures sebab she's not the doctors. I tanya pasal pakej and t&c. I decide nak buat kat W Clinic in Penang (previously known as KIM RX Clinic) sbb price dia quite reasonable. Kalau tengok dekat FB, kadang2 diaorang buat promo. So i purchased the beauty pass which is RM3288 for 4 treatments, sebab i buat kat outlet baru dapat further discount 20%. So for 4 treatments i boleh choose two different treatments, kalau ikut I, mmg nak buat semua PRP all 4, tapi T&C kata max 2 times for the treatments, so dalam banyak2 i chose PRP + TRX Skin Perfector 2 kali dan Mesolipolisis V Shape (fat burner untuk muka bagi nampak V Shape) for 2 kali, so total purchase = RM2630.40. Tapi at the same time ada promo PRP untuk 1st time customer RM688.00 tak silap (U.P:RM988). So i guna yang 1st time customer promo ni dulu sebelum i guna my beauty pass. So in total i dapat 1 PRP biasa, 2 PRP with TRX Skin Perfector and 2 Meso V Shape.

So, gap antara each treatment is 3-4 weeks. So far, i dah habis guna my beauty pass. Excited gila bila orang yang tak tau you buat procedure tegur, muka sekarang dah elok la, guna apa semua..yang Meso V Shape tu pun best, memang rasa lelemak area dagu pipi berkurang.

So i pun purchase next treatment, yang ni mahal sikit tapi i rasa worth it. Dia consist of  4x PRP, 4x Rejuran 2x Mesobotox (which i minta tukar to Meso V Shape) jugak. Dalam RM6k tak silap. I put RM200 deposit sebab dia promo untuk i book. So balance i can pay in three times visit. Okay what kan? I kata worth it sebab Rejuran mahal tau per session around RM1800 pun ada klinik lain buat. So the fact i dapat 10x treatment memang i rasa berbaloi. So last Saturday, i buat Rejuran sebab nak try. Kalau google memang hype la Rejuran ni. Klinik bgtau results will shown after 3-4 weeks tapi i rasa mcm couple days pun dah nampak or it's my feeling sajo..hahaha..before i decide nak purchase current package i dah visit another klinik tapi i rasa oklah buat kat RX Clinic sebab i suka my overall experience price wise.

PRP dekat sini dia akan guna Meso gun area muka, area yang dia nak focus or area mata dia manually inject, dia tak guna micro needle or dermapen..procedure, cuci muka, tangkap gambar, sapu numb cream, amik darah, dan inject guna meso gun last sekali pakai mask. Pain level, tak rasa sakit pun, kalau area yang manually inject tu akan rasa jarum tapi tak sakit pun. price wise affordable.

Meso V Shape, procedure, cuci muka, tangkap gambar, sapu numb cream, dan injection. Pain 0.5 sebab dia cucuk dalam sikit, lepas cucuk akan rasa panas sikit je, mcm tengah bakar lemak, afterwards dia sapu soothing mask, ada bengkak sikit tapi akan surut within a day.

Rejuran pulak dia akan guna manual injection...procedure, cuci muka, tangkap gambar, sapu numb cream, dan injection last sekali pakai mask. Pain level, 1.5, this hurts the most so far, memang staff situ dah bgtau ni sakit sikit sebab dia cucuk dalam compare to PRP. I macam okay je sebab last time V Shape pun diaorang kata sakit tapi i rasa okay je. Tapi once dah start, i was like this hurts the most so far, tapi i try focus to finish the treatment sambil cakap dalam hati, beauty is pain, beauty is pain. Dr kata sembanglah to hilangkan sakit, i said cannot, hahaha...i said to him, how can i finish another three treatment. rasa lama sementara nak habiskan shots rejuran tu, sampai i cakap kat Doctor, lama lagi ke. hahaha...but i like the results, so i agree on the premise that beauty is pain. So far, ni je experience I with aesthetic procedures. Umur I 31 this July, i nak try to treat my skin from now on.


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Post time 22-5-2019 04:59 PM | Show all posts
sara_thrash replied at 6-5-2019 10:09 AM
i pernah try carbon laser tp bagi i results dia nan hado je. Ingat nak try prp plak tapi masih ber ...

Yang, i share my experience kat atas ni, with pricing.


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Post time 23-5-2019 09:35 AM | Show all posts
cah-cah replied at 22-5-2019 04:59 PM
Yang, i share my experience kat atas ni, with pricing.

i ada teman kan kawan i buat prp sebab i berminat nak tengok proses dia. baru je inject tang pipi dia dah mintak stop & balance plasma tu juz microneedling. tengok dia yg sampai menangis tu i tak berani kot nak buat

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Post time 23-5-2019 09:41 AM | Show all posts
fealefea replied at 22-5-2019 12:29 PM
Bagi i yg pernah buat yellow lazer n prp, kita da merogol kulit kita dgn kasar. Buang semua bakteria ...

prp bukan masukkan plasma ke? camne boleh membuang semua bakteria baik, membuang lapisan barier kulit dan expose kulit kita plak?


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Post time 23-5-2019 09:44 AM | Show all posts

I ambik package total harga RM5200 - this included 3x PRP, 3x PICO laser and 3x baby/oxy facial. Then i add on 2xEdge one laser for my skin tags.
Since blh buat, i pikir, why not. I mmg aim nak betulkan kulit muka yg dah lama i neglect ni.

Sakit tu i yg pain treshold rendah ni, i rasa PICO was quite painful. PRP still bearable. Tp facial diorg buat mmg betul2 picit habis segala whitehead, blackhead, jerawat u...sampai terangkat2 la kaki kesakitan. But it was worth it sbb lepas tu nampak muka clear sgt.

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Post time 23-5-2019 09:46 AM | Show all posts
cah-cah replied at 22-5-2019 04:50 PM
Hai evlinne, i try to share my journey with aesthetic procedures so far ya..

My skin concerns a ...

Oh my...scary tgk downtime rejuran tu babe..i tgk Yuri Clinic punya IG..habis bengkak2 muka. PRP pun i rasa mcm sakit, ni kan pulak rejuran yg cucuk lagi dalam.....

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Post time 23-5-2019 02:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sara_thrash replied at 23-5-2019 09:41 AM
prp bukan masukkan plasma ke? camne boleh membuang semua bakteria baik, membuang lapisan barier ku ...

Bile cucuk jarum byk2 kat muka kita da tentu muka kita cedera dgn lubang2 kecil dan luka. Kat situ je bakteria dah hinggap masuk dlm sistem defense kita. Bila i tuka dgn range sensitif dan ada prebiotic baru la muka i respon. Better lah

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Post time 23-5-2019 04:51 PM | Show all posts
noreen80 replied at 23-5-2019 09:46 AM
Oh my...scary tgk downtime rejuran tu babe..i tgk Yuri Clinic punya IG..habis bengkak2 muka. PRP p ...

Sekejap je babe, give it a day or two..hilang, i buat on Saturday morning so by Monday dah tak ada.


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Post time 24-5-2019 08:20 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sara_thrash replied at 23-5-2019 09:35 AM
i ada teman kan kawan i buat prp sebab i berminat nak tengok proses dia. baru je inject tang pipi  ...

Ala siannya your friend,  suppose dah guna numb cream,  dia tak rasa sakit,  mungkin kena letak numb cream % tinggi dan biar kan lama lagi before procedure.  Try opt PRP with meso gun,  memang x rasa apa.

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Post time 24-5-2019 08:28 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sara_thrash replied at 23-5-2019 09:41 AM
prp bukan masukkan plasma ke? camne boleh membuang semua bakteria baik, membuang lapisan barier ku ...

Supposedly PRP konsep dia nak cederakan dengan sengaja our skin,  so that our skin will heal and regenerate new cells. Macam bila kita luka, luka tu akan slowly sembuh sendiri, cuma kat muka x lah kita buat luka besar2, just small tear.  Personally,  i dont think it will harm you,  unless your white blood cell count is kurang or ada health problems.  That why we need to go to doctor instead beautician.  The standard of care is higher and they are covered with professional insurance

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Post time 4-6-2019 05:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cah-cah replied at 22-5-2019 04:50 PM
Hai evlinne, i try to share my journey with aesthetic procedures so far ya..

My skin concerns a ...

Wowww thanks for sharing cah! Detail gila u punya explanation iols is sukaaa hahaha. I tak pernah dengar yg rejuran tu. Tapi kalau prp tu memang iols dah lama gila eyeing on it cuma biasanya doc aesthetic akan inject plasma tu samada guna dermapen atau inject syringe je. Tak pernah pulak jumpa yg pakai meso gun. iols pernah buat dermapen sekali je sebab iols punya lubang jerawat tak besar2 mana pun tapi first treatment is nan hado!! Terbang rm300 iols. Masalah kulit kita sama jugak; large pores, uneven skintone, oily skin, sometimes belang2 and ada minor rosacea, ugly eyebags(!!!)

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Post time 4-6-2019 05:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cah-cah replied at 22-5-2019 04:50 PM
Hai evlinne, i try to share my journey with aesthetic procedures so far ya..

My skin concerns a ...

Btw uols buat kat penang kan omg jauhnya. iols ni duduk kl takkan semata nak pergi penang ulang alik buat treatment ni hahahahaha. Boleh tak uols share produk yg uols pakai lepas buat skin treatment ni? Either uols pakai drugstore, dermatologist atau luxury skincare? Anything lah

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Post time 5-6-2019 12:12 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
evlinne replied at 4-6-2019 05:15 PM
Btw uols buat kat penang kan omg jauhnya. iols ni duduk kl takkan semata nak pergi penang ulang al ...

Ya,  i buat kat Penang. Btw,  you boleh survey dulu option yang ada,  KL lagi meriah kot rasanya  and competitive prices. I love the Rejuran effects. Once i dah buat rejuran,  i think less of PRP,  hahaha,  lupa diri sekejap.

My next appoinment is this Saturday,  i nak buat meso v shape dengan PRP. Lepas treatment,  i guna drugstore product je sebab i rasa the procedure helps a lot. I pakai Eucerin tapi Eucerin yang white therapy and Hyaluron Filler tu. Mahal jugak la for drugstore brand tapi i think it is working well with the procedure.

I tak sabar nak buat Rejuran lagi, sakit tapi berbaloi

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