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Author: joy_ah

Istana Bawang 8 (Meghan & Harry Markle)

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Post time 16-8-2019 08:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 16-8-2019 03:31 AM
girls... be prepared to deep-dive into WTF moment okay

Hhahahha. Asal mcm tak POSH at all je. So KAYU. Tak natural. She need to masuk kelas lakonan fauziah nawi. Mesti kena straighten gile gile

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Post time 16-8-2019 09:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
acikhan replied at 16-8-2019 06:58 PM
Ank Hawking Ade 3 org n ank2 die semua jaman umo die 20an hingga 35... Die kahwin muda n ank2 die  ...

aaa sebelum dia jd vege.. kira masa dia kuat dan gagah la tu

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Post time 16-8-2019 09:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sharlenetexas replied at 16-8-2019 07:39 PM
Adakah melalui ivf?

eemm tetiba I teringat iklan thailand..
rompakan besar besaran kat bank.. ada salah seorg dorg nampak byknya yogurt kat peti ais , dia lapar so dia telan.. and ketua perompak tny kat assistant dia.. bank apa kita rompak nie.. pelik je.. last2 nampak perkataan "sperm bank"

yeap tu selingan.. maybe dia simpan sperm dia yg sihat kat sperm bank hahaha

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Post time 16-8-2019 09:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
AliyaSophia88 replied at 16-8-2019 08:24 PM
Hhahahha. Asal mcm tak POSH at all je. So KAYU. Tak natural. She need to masuk kelas lakonan fauzi ...

unnatural.. fake kan hahahaha

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Post time 16-8-2019 09:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
korang.. blind item tu mcm nak kata meggot ngan PA ni mcm pernah ehem ehem je.. seramnya klau betul

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Post time 16-8-2019 09:35 PM | Show all posts
Lama  tak jengah benang abis khatam tred.

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Post time 16-8-2019 10:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eva replied at 16-8-2019 09:06 PM
korang.. blind item tu mcm nak kata meggot ngan PA ni mcm pernah ehem ehem je.. seramnya klau betul

I tak suprised kalau betul sis, they both sick people. The sickest among all. Budak pun nak aniaya. Setakat ehem2 between them. It’s nothing to them.

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Post time 16-8-2019 10:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
AliyaSophia88 replied at 16-8-2019 10:06 PM
I tak suprised kalau betul sis, they both sick people. The sickest among all. Budak pun nak aniaya ...

kan... masing2  tau secret.. tp mmg sick la kan sbb x normal punya citarasa..

about unnamed prince tu.. semua kecoh ingat itu PC sbb kn ada nama Charles Windsor.. tp kat twitter speku prince tu adalah Prince Henry Charles Albert David a.k.a Harry

make sense

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Post time 16-8-2019 10:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mistified replied at 16-8-2019 09:35 PM
Lama  tak jengah benang abis khatam tred.

Epstein dah mati sis.. patah tengkok sbb bunuh diri or maybe Arkancide

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Post time 16-8-2019 11:24 PM | Show all posts
eva replied at 16-8-2019 10:46 PM
Epstein dah mati sis.. patah tengkok sbb bunuh diri or maybe Arkancide

Hi sis @eva . Aah i ada baca epstein dh mati.tapi ramai syak foul play.

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Post time 16-8-2019 11:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

That’s Ghislaine in the background, FYI
.... ambik dr twitter


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Post time 16-8-2019 11:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mistified replied at 16-8-2019 11:24 PM
Hi sis @eva . Aah i ada baca epstein dh mati.tapi ramai syak foul play.

hi misstified . tak tau sis.. senang sgt ye dia mati, tp bila mati senang org selongkar reta dia.. now si ghislaine lg kena hadap semua benda..


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Post time 16-8-2019 11:51 PM | Show all posts
eva replied at 16-8-2019 11:44 PM
That’s Ghislaine in the background, FYI
.... ambik dr twitter

Yg lelaki dalam gambar tu prince andrew ke?

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Post time 17-8-2019 12:08 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mistified replied at 16-8-2019 11:51 PM
Yg lelaki dalam gambar tu prince andrew ke?

yeap lelaki tu PA tp yg tgh gomol dia tu seems like teenager kan..


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Post time 17-8-2019 12:40 AM | Show all posts
eva replied at 17-8-2019 12:08 AM
yeap lelaki tu PA tp yg tgh gomol dia tu seems like teenager kan..

Ya.nmpk muda.

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Post time 17-8-2019 01:11 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mistified replied at 17-8-2019 12:40 AM
Ya.nmpk muda.

geli hahaha

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Post time 17-8-2019 05:42 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eva replied at 16-8-2019 11:44 PM
That’s Ghislaine in the background, FYI
.... ambik dr twitter

Mesti B & E malu tak tau nak sorok muka kat mana.

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Post time 17-8-2019 07:54 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 16-8-2019 12:06 AM
Bila Virginia Roberts mentioned "an unnamed prince", could it be Prince Charles???

Eminem pun pedo ka ?

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Post time 17-8-2019 09:08 AM | Show all posts

Jap. Ai confused. So MM ni pernah kerja dengan JE as pelacur or "business partner" cari mangsa untuk JE and friends?

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Post time 17-8-2019 09:58 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
emera replied at 17-8-2019 05:42 AM
Mesti B & E malu tak tau nak sorok muka kat mana.

bapak dorg mmg sleazy.. first love pon pelakon porno

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