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Author: LelaRentaka7


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Post time 13-12-2019 10:18 AM | Show all posts
Peterpan17 replied at 6-12-2019 04:49 PM
waktu tu aku byr GDP10 derang bawalah masuk tempat tempat tu. Cuba ko chk ni link. Yg ni mmg khas  ...

wokeh.. tq peter...


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Post time 17-12-2019 12:06 PM | Show all posts
Edited by baiduri14 at 17-12-2019 12:12 PM
uda replied at 10-12-2019 05:40 AM
Primak ada jual kasut timberland ke?

Uda, kasutnya design seperti brand Timberland. Tapi good kualitinya . Nasib baik beli untuk main salji di gunung Murren, Switzerland dan ke Beijing, China juga

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Post time 17-12-2019 02:50 PM | Show all posts
baiduri14 replied at 17-12-2019 12:06 PM
Uda, kasutnya design seperti brand Timberland. Tapi good kualitinya . Nasib baik beli unt ...

Ohh..ingat kasut timberland betul2.
I hari tu tak tenguk pun kasut, tak sanggup dengan ramai manusia. Nak bayar yang azab.
Tapi kat westfield - aman2 aje and store dia mcm upscale stores.

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Post time 17-12-2019 04:31 PM | Show all posts
Edited by baiduri14 at 17-12-2019 04:38 PM
uda replied at 17-12-2019 02:50 PM
Ohh..ingat kasut timberland betul2.
I hari tu tak tenguk pun kasut, tak sanggup dengan ramai manu ...

Tak sempat nak jalan-jalan sangat di London, sebab lepas tu dah masuk ke Amsterdam pula. Sempat masuk juga Primark di La Valle Village, Paris. Nanti nak datang ke London semula, pegi tempat Uda beritahu tu. Just shopping aje

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Post time 17-12-2019 09:22 PM | Show all posts
baiduri14 replied at 17-12-2019 04:31 PM
Tak sempat nak jalan-jalan sangat di London, sebab lepas tu dah masuk ke Amsterdam pula. Sempat ma ...

iye, pergi yang di westfield mall. Kat oxford street tu ramai sgt orang.

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Post time 28-2-2020 09:36 AM | Show all posts
ohhh cuak nyer tgk news coronavirus nih..
flight ke london lg 3 mgg.. now netherlands pon dah ade 1 kes

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Post time 28-2-2020 10:01 AM | Show all posts
Nak pergi hujung tahun dengan bff dan kakak ipar, lajak 5 negara Europe sekali

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Post time 1-3-2020 10:07 PM | Show all posts
ichi replied at 28-2-2020 09:36 AM
ohhh cuak nyer tgk news coronavirus nih..
flight ke london lg 3 mgg.. now netherlands pon dah ade 1 ...

aku baru balik dari Thailand 2 hari lepas. Kami kat sana 2 minggu pusing pekan pekan Thailand dan smp ke Bangkok. Takde apalah. Orang heboh heboh saja lebih bikin orang panik. Kita org tak pakai mask pun. Cuma selalu basuh tangan dan guna hand sanitizer juga. Untung kita org gi time mcm ni. Hotel sunyi takde orang, bandar bandar utama pun sunyi. Kami smp Suvanbhumi airport mcm kena serang hantu. orang kurang. Cop passport pun jap je. Depan cuma ada 2 orang & belakang kami ada 3 orang. Dlm 10 minit lepas turun flight cop passport dan amik bag. Sewa keta dan driver pun murah kat Khao Yai. Fullday cuma 2500 baht pagi smp ke dinner. Mall buat sale gila babeng. Kasut Skeachers Go Walk tu cuma 900 baht. Kami rembat sorang sepasang. Sandal crocs pun 900baht. Segala baju bajan yg berjenama sale abis abisan. Aku belikan byk baju ksh mak aku. kekekeke!! Baju blaus utk mak aku kualiti bagus punya harga 400baht. Byk tour agency slash harga tour derang. Pergi tempat places of interest pun senang. Takde manusia. Puas puas bergambar posinglah byk byk pun takde sapa kacau.

Naik katebang dlm plane setakat 30-40 orang. boleh main guling2 dlm plane. tukar tukar seat. tak pernah aku merasa mcm ni sepanjang hidup aku melancong. Nak mkn, bergambar, nak beli barang semua senang. takde orang. muahahahah!!!

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Post time 4-3-2020 01:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by no_el at 4-3-2020 01:32 PM

Nak mintak pandangan sikit
I akan pegi europe 5 negara cuti sekolah ni. Dah bayar dgn travel agensi. Cadang nak cancel tapi x boleh return. Huwaaaaaa
Takut ni virus corona. So camane. Tolong bg nasihat kat saya. Burn 7k atau teruskan melancong dgn risiko virus

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Post time 4-3-2020 05:38 PM | Show all posts
no_el replied at 4-3-2020 01:31 PM
Nak mintak pandangan sikit
I akan pegi europe 5 negara cuti sekolah ni. Dah bayar dgn tr ...

High risk sangat sekarang ni kes cluster semua dah mula timbul.  Ada beli insuran perjalanan tak kalau ada cuba check dulu dgn pihak insuran kalau nak cancel trip sebab wabak.  Selain tu kalau ada surat doktor mungkin airlines mahu berlebih kurang kalau tak dapat 100% dapat 70% pun dah bagus.

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 Author| Post time 5-3-2020 02:26 AM | Show all posts
EU raises risk level of coronavirus infection as global deaths pass 3,000

Indonesia, Russia, Ireland, Portugal, Jordan, Iceland, Saudia Arabia and Andorra all confirm first cases

The level of risk of contracting coronavirus within Europe has been raised to moderate to high, as the global death toll swept past 3,000 and continued to rise.
“The virus is spreading very fast,” the European commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, said after the latest assessment by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Hours later Italy, which has the third highest number of cases worldwide, announced its deaths from the virus had jumped 18 to 52.
Indonesia, Russia, Ireland, Portugal, Jordan, Iceland, Tunisia, Senegal, Saudi Arabia and Andorra all confirmed their first cases as the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development warned global economic growth rates could be slashed.
Official statistics indicate that within the EU, the European economic area and the UK, 2,199 people have so far contracted the Covid-19 virus. Across the world, about 89,000 are believed to be infected.
“While we should not give in to panic, the situation is likely to get worse,” the European commissioner for crisis management, Janez Lenarčič, said of the unfolding epidemic.

[backcolor=rgba(51, 51, 51, 0.6)] Tourists wearing face masks outside the Louvre in Paris, which has remained closed amid fears over the coronavirus. Photograph: Benoît Tessier/Reuters
In Spain, it was reported that the number of cases had doubled from Saturday to 120 on Monday, prompting Fernando Simón, the doctor coordinating the country’s response, to suggest the government could take action against the kissing of religious images.
There were four new cases in England reported on Monday bringing the total to 40 across the UK. Health officials in Ireland said they would decide on Monday whether to restrict large gatherings, including the St Patrick’s Day festival, as the leader of Sinn Fein, Mary Lou McDonald, said she would be staying at home after a pupil at her children’s school was diagnosed with the virus.


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 Author| Post time 5-3-2020 02:32 AM | Show all posts
Edited by LelaRentaka7 at 5-3-2020 02:34 AM

Italian coronavirus death toll passes 100, as UK cases surge
The death toll from an outbreak of coronavirus in Italy has risen by 28 over the past 24 hours to 107.
The country's the Civil Protection Agency confirmed the new fatality figures as the spread of virus showed little sign of slowing.
The accumulative number of cases in the country, which has been hardest hit by the virus in Europe, totalled almost 3,090, up from 2,502 yesterday.
The contagion came to light 13 days ago and is focused on a handful of hotspots in the north of Italy.
However, cases have now been confirmed in all but one of the country's 20 regions.
The spread of the virus has forced Italy to close all schools and universities until 15 March.
The country's prime minister, Giuseppe Conte, said that Italy's health service risks being overwhelmed by the coronavirus.
Meanwhile, the UK has seen its biggest day-on-day increase in coronavirus cases, with 85 people now confirmed to have the virus.
Three of the 29 new cases in England were passed on in the UK, raising fears that community transmission may now be taking hold.
The jump comes as England's chief medical officer, Professor Chris Whitty, warned that a UK epidemic is looking "likely".


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 Author| Post time 5-3-2020 02:47 AM | Show all posts
Edited by LelaRentaka7 at 5-3-2020 02:54 AM
no_el replied at 4-3-2020 01:31 PM
Nak mintak pandangan sikit
I akan pegi europe 5 negara cuti sekolah ni. Dah bayar dgn tr ...

Baca ni dulu OK

Public transport can be an ideal setting for respiratory diseases to spread and may even increase the risk in certain boroughs
Planes, trains and buses (and the stations and airports you must travel through) are in many respects the perfect environment for a droplet-spread diseases such as coronavirus (Covid-19) to thrive.
Viruses are thought largely to be spread via droplets which land on shared surfaces. People catch the virus when they touch their infected hands to their face – something we all do 20 to 30 times an hour.
Tube and trains
Research published in BMC Infectious Diseases found that those using public transport during flu outbreaks were up to six times more likely to pick up an acute respiratory infection.

A woman wearing a face mask on the London Underground: commuters are some of the most at risk of spreading infection CREDIT: Ian Hinchliffe/PA Wire
This is especially true in densely populated cities like London, where a woman was confirmed to have Covid-19 on Wednesday evening.
The underground, which serves roughly 1.2 billion passengers annually, is a particular hotspot, according to a paper published in Environmental Health journal in 2018.
Those most at risk were found to be commuters who have long journeys or use busy interchange stations, as they come into contact with more shared surfaces and people.

For instance commuters living in the northern borough of Highbury and Islington predominantly travel on the Northern or Victoria lines and are likely to change at Kings Cross St Pancras – the busiest station in London – en route to their destination.
The researchers also found that boroughs with fewer tube stations have higher infection rates, as these stops tend to be more crowded.
In contrast, commuters in areas with no underground stops at all saw fewer cases of flu-like illnesses over a six-month period.
This map shows the rates of infections for influenza-like viruses in London boroughs, and the busiest Tube stations:

Travelling at off peak times is one way to mitigate the risk of picking up an infection on the tube. But even then, it’s possible to pick up droplets of respiratory diseases from surfaces including tube poles, handles and seats or even the escalator handrail.
To reduce the risk, make sure that you wash your hands or use hand sanitiser after leaving the underground and do not touch your face or bite your nails while travelling.

Beware airports
In the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic infection was spread internationally largely through ships and ports. Today airports are what turn localised epidemics into global pandemics.
In a study published just days before China’s deadly coronavirus was first identified, researchers found that ramping up handwashing at 10 of the world’s most “influential” airports could reduce the spread of a respiratory pandemic by 37 per cent.
The data, published in Risk Analysis Journal at the end of December, said the figure could be as high as 69 per cent if applied to all airports worldwide.
Security checks are thought to be the highest risk areas in airports. A study published by researchers from the University of Nottingham and the Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare found that half of all plastic luggage trays at security checks were harbouring at least one respiratory disease such as the common cold or influenza.
The trays, which are shared thousands of times over but seldom washed, collect detritus from people's pockets and belongings and were found to have more germs than even airport toilets.

There are other hotspots in airports where passengers would be well advised to clean their hands after passing through.
The same study, in BMC Infectious Diseases journal, found that the chip and pin paying machines at airport pharmacies were especially likely to harbour viruses.
Hand rails on escalators, arm rest on waiting area seats and the constant passing of tickets and passports to airline and security staff is also likely to present some risk.
Many international airports make hand sanitiser available to passengers. Unfortunately, Public Health England has not required British airport operators to do this. You would therefore be well advised to take your own – using it immediately after paying for it at a chemist.

Bugs on a plane
Many are aware that the confined cabins of planes pose a risk of catching viruses – but mostly for the wrong reasons.
Most studies suggest it is not the recycled cabin air that poses the greatest risk (it passes through sophisticated filters) but the droplets spread by passengers and cabin staff moving up and down the main aisles.
A study by scientists at Emory University in the United States found that an infected air steward could become a ‘super-spreader’ as they constantly move up and down the plane.
It concluded that the best place to sit was in the middle of the plane in a window seat to escape this particular risk. You enhance your chances of remaining free of infection by staying in your seat for the duration of the flight. If you can’t get a window seat, second best is a middle seat rather than an aisle – see below:

If a fellow passenger is infected and sitting close by, there is less you can do.  The study found that those seated within a row or two seats either side of an infected passenger had an 80 per cent chance of catching a bug no matter which type of seat you are in.
During the 2003 Sars epidemic, 25 airline passengers were famously infected by a single passenger. Some were seated as far as seven rows in front of and five rows behind the index case.

Buses and trams
Less research has been conducted looking at the spread of disease on buses, but one study in BMC Infectious Diseases in 2011 found that bus or tram use was associated with an almost six-fold increased risk of developing an influenza-like infection during flu season.
Although tuberculosis spreads differently to flu, another study in Houston in 2011 found that incidence of TB was almost eight times higher among commuters who spent more than an hour a day on the bus.
The study, published in Tuberculosis journal, identified 10 bus routes where TB infections were most common - several of these routes passed the city’s hospitals.
When traveling on a bus try to sit in a quiet area, be aware of the surfaces and handrails you touch and, as ever, wash your hands when you get off.

Taxis – sit behind the driver
Taxis should be relatively safe in case of a pandemic but are enclosed spaces. There have been no scientific studies but security experts recommend that the safest place to sit is directly behind the driver.
This is because all drivers tend to swerve to protect themselves in an accident and also because drivers with nefarious intent can be controlled from behind by pulling their seatbelt tight over their shoulder.
You are also less likely to have droplets land on you should the driver cough or sneeze.

Walk if you can
It’s not always possible but the best way to get around virus free is almost certainly to walk or cycle. Regular exercise of at least 150 minutes a week also protects you from heart and other vascular disease – a much bigger risk to your health than coronavirus in the long run.


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Post time 5-3-2020 08:24 AM | Show all posts
no_el replied at 4-3-2020 01:31 PM
Nak mintak pandangan sikit
I akan pegi europe 5 negara cuti sekolah ni. Dah bayar dgn tr ...

pegi dengan travel agent mana ? i pon akan ke europe 19/3 - 29/3 dengan Syarliz Group.

So, bawak mask banyak2, sanitizer dan dettol wet tissue

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Post time 9-3-2020 07:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
watie79 replied at 5-3-2020 08:24 AM
pegi dengan travel agent mana ? i pon akan ke europe 19/3 - 29/3 dengan Syarliz Group.

So, bawa ...

I dah batalkan pegi.
Sbb majikan batalkan kelulusan keluar negara. Keja gomen gitew. Kena akur arahan majikan
Masalahnya bolehke dpt refund. Balik dgn travel agensi ni. Sape ada pengalaman

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Post time 10-3-2020 10:10 AM | Show all posts
watie79 replied at 5-3-2020 08:24 AM
pegi dengan travel agent mana ? i pon akan ke europe 19/3 - 29/3 dengan Syarliz Group.

So, bawa ...

Iols dgn adik beradik & pakcik makcik iols pun akan ke London & Europe this upcoming April..
Bila duk baca news everyday.. macam nervous je nak teruskan percutian ni... tapi family iols macam takde rasa nak hold pulak dah.. aiyark!

Lepas tu baca pulak netizen charutkan semua yg teruskan percutian.. lagi serammm iols


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Post time 10-3-2020 11:54 AM | Show all posts
jingga007 replied at 10-3-2020 10:10 AM
Iols dgn adik beradik & pakcik makcik iols pun akan ke London & Europe this upcoming April..
Bila ...

ai dah bgtau agent mintak cancel, dia cuba utk postponed trip ni kalau redho kalau duit pilih mudarat kecik dari mudarat besar...benda ni kalau sensorang kena hadap lagik tp melibatkan org, opismet, ntah sapa2 lagik...takmau selfish, ada rezeki nanti boleh kumpul duit pegi

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Post time 10-3-2020 04:46 PM | Show all posts
Peterpan17 replied at 1-3-2020 10:07 PM
aku baru balik dari Thailand 2 hari lepas. Kami kat sana 2 minggu pusing pekan pekan Thailand dan  ...

makin lama makin bertambah kes..
flight ke london next week.. hahahaha..

tp travelmate semua positif.. go aje.. plan dari last yr
host kat london pon kate situasi kat sana ok jer lagik.. mmg sedapkan hati sungguh
airlines and negara2 tu takde kuarkan ape2 restrictions.. so mmg kami xkan dpt refund if nak cancel..
kalau reschedule pon airlines bg tempoh sampai 31may jer.. haishhh mmg taklah nak pergi jenjalan time pose2..

mental kene kuat travel time2 gini..


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Post time 11-3-2020 11:27 AM | Show all posts
watie79 replied at 10-3-2020 11:54 AM
ai dah bgtau agent mintak cancel, dia cuba utk postponed trip ni kalau redho kalau duit ...

huhuhu, iols pun dengan keadaan sekarang, memang nak cancel je terus...nak berjalan time musim orang tak sihat, memang tak seronok pun..
semua benda nak kena extra careful & extra hygine..

cuma itulah, setakat sekarang pakcik iols yg handle trip ni tak nak cancel kan lagi..
tapi heols cakap, tunggu sampai dah nak dekat date nanti, baru weols reconfirm balik trip ni..
iols mampu berdoa ajelah everything goes well, tak kisah lah sama ada cancel ke mcm mana..
lagipun tak nak la dituduh selfish pula.. bukan seronok pun khen nk pergi bercuti memusim sekarang ni.. huhu..

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Post time 11-3-2020 11:34 AM | Show all posts
ichi replied at 10-3-2020 04:46 PM
makin lama makin bertambah kes..
flight ke london next week.. hahahaha..

huhuu uols teruskan juga ya?
itulah, macam kes iols, airlines bagi tempoh untuk reschedule balik flight untill June.
Sah-sah masa tu tengah Raya segala, macam tak kuasa nak beraya di perantauan

Nanti update juga lah keadaan dekat sana..

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