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Vector Art Software...

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Dewa_Sakti This user has been deleted
Post time 29-4-2004 06:10 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
err nak tanya..
software per yg. leh create vector art?..ari tu aku dah jumpa trial version jer..skang ni dah abih trial so takleh ler nak guna..

erm..tula nak tanya ni..ada tak sesapa yg. jumpa software utk. create vector art ni?..kalo ada leh la bagitau erk..

lagi satu..kalo korang ada tutorial utk. create vector art ni via photoshop ataupong paint shop..leh jugak letak link dia kat sini..aku memang memerlukannyer..

ps :- sesapa yg. tau SN utk. 'vector eye basic' tuh plz pm aku secepat yg. mungkin..aku ada projek besar yg. perlu disiapkan..

thanks in advance...

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Post time 29-4-2004 06:14 PM | Show all posts
yang glamer dan ganaz

Corel Draw
Adobe Illustrator (kalau tak silap)

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Dewa_Sakti This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 29-4-2004 09:10 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sarah_Radzi at 2004-4-29 06:14 PM:
yang glamer dan ganaz

Corel Draw
Adobe Illustrator (kalau tak silap)

Ooo gitu yerk mak cik sarah..:bgrin: ..mekaseh laa bebanyak sbb. bagitau...ekekek...

Btw...dengar citer dorang guna 'Rastor-Based' yg. ada lam bila aku carik tak jumpa ler pulak..anyone??..ada yg. tau tak??..dia plugin or software??...

Refer to this site .. dia ada tulis kat situ.. -


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Post time 30-4-2004 12:21 AM | Show all posts
Iluustrator Cs..?

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Post time 30-4-2004 12:21 AM | Show all posts
illustrator pun ok jugak,

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Dewa_Sakti This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 30-4-2004 06:57 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nuckletight at 2004-4-30 12:21 AM:
Iluustrator Cs..?

Originally posted by H猷L鰃頧 at 2004-4-30 12:21 AM:
illustrator pun ok jugak,

erm..camne nak guna erk..leh ajar..:malu::bgrin:

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Post time 30-4-2004 08:08 PM | Show all posts
Illustrator ngan Freehand.... aku suka Freehand, tapi dah jauh ketinggalan...

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Post time 1-5-2004 12:28 AM | Show all posts
illustrator.. is the best maa.. including the Corel and also some part of Freehand..:bgrin:

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Post time 2-5-2004 02:42 AM | Show all posts
kiter tak xpert illustrator,

kunci utama penguasaan program ni adalah melalui pen/ marker tool

Use magic Report

Dewa_Sakti This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 2-5-2004 08:18 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by marquez at 2004-4-30 08:08 PM:
Illustrator ngan Freehand.... aku suka Freehand, tapi dah jauh ketinggalan...

Originally posted by nuckletight at 2004-5-1 12:28 AM:
illustrator.. is the best maa.. including the Corel and also some part of Freehand..:bgrin:

Originally posted by H猷L鰃頧 at 2004-5-2 02:42 AM:
kiter tak xpert illustrator,

kunci utama penguasaan program ni adalah melalui pen/ marker tool

oklah..thanks pada semua yg. bagi respons..:clap:
tapi bagi pendapat aku , guna photoshop lagi senang kot..hehe..

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Dewa_Sakti This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 2-5-2004 08:27 AM | Show all posts


1. The very first thing you need to do before starting your vector is choose a base image. Remember that you do not have to make an exact replica of the base image! You can add things, change colours, etc. BE CREATIVE!

things to look for in a base image:
- make sure that its not too dark, especially if there is more then one person in the vector! Sometimes in dark pictures, arms and legs kind of "blend" together and its hard to see exactly where you're supposed to draw your line. This "blend" of things can also happen if two people in the picture are wearing black and are standing side by side.

See how you can't tell who is who in the above photograph where cone, Dave, and Stevo's shirts are all black? That is NOT what you are lookign for. Unless you feel comfortable/confident in creating your own lines, I would suggest looking for a bright, obvious photograph.
-Make sure your base picture is a decent size, its a pain to vector something to small.
- Your picture doesn't have to be the best quality! You are going to be vectoring over it anyways, so a bit of blurryness or fuzzyness shouldn't be a problem.

For this tutorial, we are going to use this image of Blink-182. Its a bit dark in the bottom left hand corner (around tom's legs), but I feel that I will be able draw my own lines for his pants in that spot.

2. Open up photoshop and paste your image onto the first layer.


3. First we are going to work on a skin base. Create a new layer:

Try to label all of your new layers so that you can find the layer if you need to go back later and change or add things. I usually call the skin base layer "skinbase". (*note* To name a layer, double click on where it says " Layer [numberhere]".

Next, choose a skin tone (make sure that the colour has different "shades" that work with it for later on when you will need to add shading). I will provide skin tone palettes at the end of this tutorial if you're stuck for finding a usable tone.
Now, make sure that the "anti-aliased" is checked off. This can be found in the toolbar at the top of the screen.

The tool you'll want to use for selecting the shapes is the "polygonal lasso". The default selection tool is the "lasso tool", just Hold the mouse button down on this to change it. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT use the magic wand tool for selecting shapes!!! This tool gives your vector choppy edges and often doesn't select exactly what you want and can make the vector look deformed.

Okay, Now for actually selecting the skin! Zoom in to about 400%... If you are the right distance away, your lines will be more smooth and acurate. To make your lines really smooth, make your "clicks" short distances apart (that part is hard to explain, So I'm not sure If You'll get it. lol). While selecting the skin, you only need neat on the edges where hair clothing layers won't be covering (you'll see what I mean later in the tutorial). After the area is selected, right click and choose "fill". Make sure the fill is set to "foreground color" and click "ok".

The skin should look like this:

Don't worry if it doesn't look exactly right right away... Your vector doesn't usually start to look right until you're almost done.

3. Make another layer and name it "hairbase". Trace and fill this layer the same as you did the skin colour (make sure you set the colour to the colour you want the hair to be!). Usually when I'm tracing the hair, I make sure to trace as much of the outline details as I can without making it look like a rat's nest (ie: all the little "fly-aways" and stuff). This will make it look more realistic.


There are 3 different ways to shade your vectors: 1) "Layer Shading", this is what I call it when you put each different sade of colour onto a different layer. This is the method I would suggest using if you are just beginning to vector, it makes it easy to go back later and fix mistakes or modify things you don't like. 2) "Lock Transparency", This is where you take a base layer (the first layer of a certain part of the vector, ie: clothesbase) and lock the transparency on the layer. You can then add the shading on the same layer and it will keep all the parts that are transparent clear (this means that you don't have to worry about reselecting the edge of the clothing while shading because the transparency is lockeed and you can select the areas outside of the clothing and not have to worry about it getting filled in). If you don't understand this, I'll be going over it in more detail later on in the tutorial. 3) "Dodge and Burn" This is simply when you use the dodge and burn tool to shade your vector. I don't like this method because its easy to mess up and doesn't look to clean.

I'll show you how to do both the "layer Shading" and "lock transparency" in this tutorial.


5. Now We're going to shade the skin and hair using what I call the "layer Shading" method. Make a new layer right after "skinbase" and name it "ss1" (or what ever you want... just make sure you know its the first layer of skin shading). Then make the "skinbase" layer transparent by clicking the "eye" (*note* you can make all layers visible or hidden by clicking the eye, just reclick the blank spot in a hidden layer to make it visible)

Trace the shading on the face and fill it with the lightest colour of shading. Continue making new layers and shading the different parts. You should end up with something like this:

Each square has a layer added to it with more shading. Remember you can use as many layers as you want! I don't like to sahde too much or else it looses its vectorish quality. This same method of shading can be used for the hair.

I actually used more then three layers for this, But I figure you get the basic idea. I usually use up to 15 layers on the hair. I find the more shading I use on the HAIR the more realistic it tends to look.


6. First, on a new layer, draw the basic shape of the clothing in the colour you want. Then Lock the transparency on this layer.

Now, On the same layer fill in the shading. You can go off the side of the clothing on this, but make sure to do a good job tracing the shading on the clothes... heres what I mean:

See how it goes off of tom's pants? This part of the selection will not be filled in. Because the transparency (OF THIS LAYER ONLY!) Is locked, only selctions filled on non-transparent parts of the layer will show up. Get it? If the clothing has any logos that you want to put on, I would suggest putting them on a new layer.
The finished clothing should look something like this:


7. Now comes the hardest part of vectoring... making the faces! Its really hard to make the face look like the person... If you succeed in this, then congratulations! If you're just beginning, I wouldn't worry about whether or not it looks like who its supposed to look like, just be glad if it looks like a porportioned human face! If you have major issues with the face... no worries, you just need some practice! Okay, I'll start with the eyes.
Make layers in this order (I'm listing this in order from bottom to top) "eyeball" > "iris" > "pupil" > "shine" > "eyelash" > "eyebrow" . You may want to make the eyelash layer first, this will give you a good idea of the shape of the eye. Heres what It should look like:

I find that the eyes are what really make your vector look like who they're supposed to be. They take alot of practice! For girl eyes, just make the eyelashes longer and "fuller":

8. Next, we're goign to do the mouth. Make the layers in this order (again, from bottom to top) "lipbottom" > "lipshading" > "liptop" . On the first layer, draw the bottom portion of the lip. On the next, add shine. On the third layer, draw the top part of the lip in a slightly darker shade then the bottom lip. If there are any piercings, just add another layer.


Use magic Report

Dewa_Sakti This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 2-5-2004 08:27 AM | Show all posts

9. Tada! Your vector should be finished! If theres and jewllery, just add an extra layer at the very top and fill it in. All thats left is to remove the background and add in something pretty! To remove the background you can either a) delete the layer with it on it, or b) just save the image with the background layer hidden. Then just create a new layer underneath ALL the layers and add a gradient or some sort of pattern. And You'll have something that looks like this!:


Here are some "skin palettes". The colour SECOND from the middle is the base colour, the colour in the middle is the highlight colour, and the ones spreading out from the base colour are different shadings.

AND, here is an extra effect that I sometimes like to use for sweaters.

Fill in the sweater and shade it using the "Lock transparency" effect. Then go to Filter > Artistic > Film Grain... Set the settings like this:

And you should come out with something along the lines of this:

See the "specklies"? I used a colour/transparent gradient for the shading (Meaning you just select the area you want shaded and fill with the gradient instead of right clicking and filling it with the solid foreground).


Use magic Report

Post time 2-5-2004 05:13 PM | Show all posts
thanks for sharing..

Use magic Report

kilroy This user has been deleted
Post time 5-5-2004 03:31 PM | Show all posts
hmm aku kalau nak buat vector nyer bitmap pakai illustrator. walau komplikated kena la blaja sket dari memana tutorial yg bley dapat kat net. corel ngan freehand pun okeh gak. terpulanglah pada memana yg rasa senang dihati cun dimata.

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Dewa_Sakti This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 5-5-2004 03:53 PM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by Th

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Dewa_Sakti This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 5-5-2004 03:53 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nuckletight at 2004-5-2 05:13 PM:
thanks for sharing..

u're welcome..

Use magic Report


Dewa_Sakti This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 5-5-2004 03:54 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kilroy at 2004-5-5 03:31 PM:
hmm aku kalau nak buat vector nyer bitmap pakai illustrator. walau komplikated kena la blaja sket dari memana tutorial yg bley dapat kat net. corel ngan freehand pun okeh gak. terpulanglah pada mem ...

Ooo ok..kalo jumpa tutorialnyer leh la letak kat sini ekk..:ah:

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kilroy This user has been deleted
Post time 6-5-2004 03:38 PM | Show all posts
aiseh.. beribu tutorial kat net. nak yang camner tuh.

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Dewa_Sakti This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 6-5-2004 03:43 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kilroy at 2004-5-6 03:38 PM:
aiseh.. beribu tutorial kat net. nak yang camner tuh.

Kalo boleh letak semua..:clap::malu:

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