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Author: shalom

trinity dan trimurti

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Post time 29-6-2004 10:39 AM | Show all posts
by Truth.8

lastweek  i tengok documentary discovery channel di astro.....di situ mereka tayangkan kisah nubuzzendra (Bible). menurut programm tersebut ada banyak persamaan dlm hal ini dengan hindus. menurut lagi, samada ia mula di india atau 'other way around"

why not u switich to astro under discovery channel. title programe itu, saya masih tak ingat but it was shown last week.

anyway, don't get offended, I am just saying that this kind of things practised before hindus during babylon times and it spread  thru out nations.

Sure you did ... (Sarcasm). ;)

I was on leave for 3 days last week and if they shown anything like what you allegedly mentioned, I could have noticed since I was doing nothing but watch TV most of the time.

So please come with some other excuses. :lol

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Post time 29-6-2004 11:08 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 29-6-2004 10:39 AM:

I was on leave for 3 days last week and if they shown anything like what you allegedly mentioned, I could have noticed since I was doing nothing but watch TV most of the time.

are u saying I am making up stories??? u want me to swear infront of my Holy Bible or in the name of Almighty??

I do not  lie things like that, please don't make such judgment on me.

i will try to get u the programme title if i can remember.

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Post time 29-6-2004 11:14 AM | Show all posts
by Truth.8

are u saying I am making up stories??? u want me to swear infront of my Holy Bible or in the name of Almighty??

I do not  lie things like that, please don't make such judgment on me.

i will try to get u the programme title if i can remember.

You go and get that title of the programme if you can. I will be waiting to see who's the expert in that programme (assuming it exists) who could suggest something like that.

As far as I know, Christianity with Trinity concept came around due to the influence of Greeks with their Multiple Gods concepts (Greek Panthleon).

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Post time 29-6-2004 11:18 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 29-6-2004 11:14 AM:
You go and get that title of the programme if you can. I will be waiting to see who's the expert in that programme (assuming it exists) who could suggest something like that.

As far as I know, Christianity with Trinity concept came around due to the influence of Greeks with their Multiple Gods concepts (Greek Panthleon).

Ok, i will get for u but don't keep ur hope high.

i hve created the topic on trinity in C&C. pls visit C&C if u hve time.   i will post slow by slow how trinity concept came frm and where it orginated frm

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Post time 29-6-2004 12:12 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 29-6-2004 11:14 AM:
You go and get that title of the programme if you can. I will be waiting to see who's the expert in that programme (assuming it exists) who could suggest something like that.


Well! God is so Great. I was praying to HIM just few minute ago asking HIM to show me the title of that program. Here HE  open my eyes.

This is title and programe shown:

Date : 26 June 2004
Discovery Channel - Channel 50
Time : 18:00
Title : Unsolved history : The Babylon Mystery Nebuchadnezzar

So, Sep  I advise u to watch the repating programme. Get the astro magazine look for next show.

Here, i would like to Thanks my Lord for helping me the programe title.

God Is Great

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Post time 29-6-2004 12:53 PM | Show all posts
by Truth.8

Title : Unsolved history : The Babylon Mystery Nebuchadnezzar

Unsolved History? Hmmm ... interesting topic. ;)

I will take a look at it, hopefully it will be aired during weekends since that's the only time I can watch anything on TV unless I take leave like last week.

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Post time 29-6-2004 01:14 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 29-6-2004 12:53 PM:
by Truth.8

Title : Unsolved history : The Babylon Mystery Nebuchadnezzar

Unsolved History? Hmmm ... interesting topic. ;)

I will take a look at it, hopefully it will be air ...

yup, i  advise u to watch because it also show India how those similarity worshipped in Babylon and Nebuchadnezzar.

Hmmmm now u believed that the programm title in astro true after all.

later u also believe me what i wrote is TRUTH . only time will tell.

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Post time 29-6-2004 09:47 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 29-6-2004 01:14 PM:

yup, i  advise u to watch because it also show India how those similarity worshipped in Babylon and Nebuchadnezzar.

Hmmmm now u believed that the programm title in astro true after all.


hi hello can i join you?

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Post time 30-6-2004 12:17 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by bebeh at 29-6-2004 09:47 PM:

hi hello can i join you?

yeah u can join by watching astro on that programme.

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Post time 9-7-2004 11:35 AM | Show all posts
Tumpang lalu,
Boleh terangkan Konsep asas Trinity dan Timurti?, Saya yakin konsep ini hanyalah rekaan manusia sahaja, bukannya datang dari ajaran TUHAN yang menjadikan alam ini, bagamanpun saya ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut sejauh mana alasan yang mengatakan ianya benar dan bukti yang boleh diterima oleh Akal yang sihat.

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Post time 9-7-2004 03:01 PM | Show all posts
by kuman

Boleh terangkan Konsep asas Trinity dan Timurti?, Saya yakin konsep ini hanyalah rekaan manusia sahaja, bukannya datang dari ajaran TUHAN yang menjadikan alam ini, bagamanpun saya ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut sejauh mana alasan yang mengatakan ianya benar dan bukti yang boleh diterima oleh Akal yang sihat.

Kalau kamu dah tahu yg konsep ini rekaan manusia, utk apakah kamu nak kami buang masa kami menberitahu kamu apa2? :stp:

Maaf, saya banyak kerja lain nak buat.

Kalau nak tahu tentang persamaan antara Timurti dan trinity spt mana yg dicadangkan oleh Truth, sila buat thread di Christianity column dan berbincang di situ kerana setahu orang2 Hindu, belum ada mana2 pihak yg mengatakan ada sebarang persamaan antara Christianity dan Hindusm.

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Post time 9-7-2004 04:56 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kuman at 9-7-2004 11:35 AM:
Tumpang lalu,
Boleh terangkan Konsep asas Trinity dan Timurti?, Saya yakin konsep ini hanyalah rekaan manusia sahaja, bukannya datang dari ajaran TUHAN yang menjadikan alam ini, bagamanpun saya in ...

saya akan postkan topi 'What is Holy spirit" dlm C&C. disitu saya akan terangkan dimana asal trinity atau trimuti.

saya ringkaskan:

ia datang dari zaman babylon ketika Nirmrod dan isteri dia yg bernama Semirami. Isteri dia lah yg banyak campur adukan trinity di zaman babylon sehingga lah  ke zaman ini.

Kuman, boleh baca  post saya " what is holy spirit" dlm 1-2 hari.

[ Last edited by Truth.8 on 9-7-2004 at 04:57 PM ]

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arianx3 This user has been deleted
Post time 5-6-2006 09:18 PM | Show all posts
:cool: hi guys
  like share something with you all........... Hinduism ......yes    yes    do you know who,how it CAME ...?????   ....>>  ARIAN ...>> NAMED BRAHMIN (PRIEST) TO SPREAD Hinduism ....OK  AND ARIAN ARE JEWISH..

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Post time 12-1-2010 12:08 AM | Show all posts
Konsep thrimurthy ialah konsep asas dalam Hinduism dan kejadian semulajad di dunia ini seperti,kelahiran,perlindungan,dan kematian.

1.Shivan (Penghapusan /Kematian)
2.Vishnu (Perlindungan)
3.Brahman (Kelahiran)
inilah konsep trimurthy sebenarnya.Katakan jika ketiga-tiga kewajipan ini tidak seimbang,maka bayangkanlah keadaan bumi ini,tidak dapat menampung penghuni yang banyak.

Oleh itulah,Hinduism ada konsep kelahiran semula,dan kepercayaan kepada karma.
Karma means,ur sins yang akan dibalas persamaan dengan dosa yang dilakukan oleh setipa individu.

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