a_skirnisdottir This user has been deleted
I don`t know where to ask...
Does anyone have information or experience with Malaysian Immigration?
I am from Norway. My husband is Malay. We want to move back to Malaysia. But now I`ve heard that it`s difficult for me and our two children to get a permit to stay there? Why?We are a family, and been in my country for 5 years. Like to stay in Malaysia now... |
Originally posted by a_skirnisdottir at 14-10-2004 09:52 AM:
I don`t know where to ask...
Does anyone have information or experience with Malaysian Immigration?
I am from Norway. My husband is Malay. We want to move back to Malaysia. But now I`ve heard t ...
Hello there ...
I dont know if it is hard or not but one day i have looked at their website, i dont think it's hard ... you have to check out on their website .. i think you need someone like a guarantor(something like that) in order to be a resident in msia ... if im not mistaken ... better check their website |
Ooops the second link is in malay .. you can choose in english actually hehehehe |
a_skirnisdottir This user has been deleted
Terima Kasih
Thank you to both of you.
You see, I did contact the Malay consulat yesterday, wich said they can`t do anything from here (Norway). We have to apply in the local immigration office in Malaysia. And they also said it`s very difficult for me to get permit, spesially working permit. Maybe jut get social visit pass for 6 months or ayear at a time. So I got afraid, and asked here...
Then I checked something on the internet, and see it`s a problem more for foreign man married to malay woman. Easier for me as woman married to Malay man? Is that true?
Our children are norvegian, and our country can have two passports. I really hope they can apply for malay citisentchip, so they can go to school there. So I`ve heard, they can get problem entering government school, only private. Wich is not possible in our litle village, there are no private schools!
My husband is born malay (bumi, not chineese or indin), and been there until 30 years old.
I really hope we can settle down in Malaysia. What if we go there, build our house (my husband got a small land). And get jobs. And ending up in problems with immigration? So we must come back here with nothing?
Thanx to more information or experienses from all of you.. |
I think there shouldn't be any problem for you to settle down in Malaysia
Wish you good luck! |
a_skirnisdottir This user has been deleted
Thank you
I just have to belive in that. Cause w鑐ve planned, and been saving money for years, to start our lifes back in Malaysia. I used to be there 3 years, go/come from Thailand, with tourist-visa. And we got married there. But do you know about the school for our children? |
As for the school, Im not really sure .. but it shouldnt be any problem as long as they speak and understand malay ... the problem might be the education in the government school ... maybe they have to pick up quickly in school coz the education system overseas is not really the same as in government school in malaysia. (My opionion, this can be wrong) |
a_skirnisdottir This user has been deleted
But again...
I talked to the Malay consulate here today, and she said it`s impossible for our 4 year old son to become malay citisent. It`s to late, cause he is 4, and have norvegian passport allready. Our little girl is 1 month, and we still can report her to the embassy. She also said that noone, even under 18 can carry two passports! And we cannot do anything from embassy here. Applying for social visit for me and children is only done in local immigration.
And yes, my husband is malay... |
a_skirnisdottir This user has been deleted
Thank you so mudh
You know, the women working in Malaysia embassy here was not willing to help in any cases. She was quit rude at the phone, and made me feel stupid, helpless and worrid. She kept on saing "Don`t you have relatives in M`sia who can ask local immigration and school there?" What kind of help is that? And also she kept on saying 騢, I think that`s a problem.."
My husband is going to call her on monday and ask same questions, and if she`s still bad, he`ll tell her stright! Anyway my husband believe it`s no problem for our family, andd tell me to relaxe and wait till we get to M`sia.
We got married in M`sia in 1999, local wedding, with about 80 guests. We have surat nikah, and lots of photos. That will be ok..
Thank you, if you can call embassy in NY I will be so happy..
Take care.. |
a_skirnisdottir This user has been deleted
and I did mail to immigration im KL, but no answer yet..(but it`s just 3 days now, and weekend, so...) |
Originally posted by a_skirnisdottir at 14-10-2004 16:52:
I don`t know where to ask...
Does anyone have information or experience with Malaysian Immigration?
I am from Norway. My husband is Malay. We want to move back to Malaysia. But now I`ve heard t ...

Immigration aku tak tahu... Tapi kalau disket Imation tahulah aku...
Jizzz... Klong! Klong! |
ace hand..what kind of answer is that? orang serious tapi engko main main pulak.... nampak guna kata kata rendra..cubalah behave like one! |
Ace hand ni nak kena starlight dahi kut ... hehehehehe |
Oddy This user has been deleted
[quote]Originally posted by a_skirnisdottir at 14-10-2004 09:52:
I don`t know where to ask...
Does anyone have information or experience with Malaysian Immigration?
I am from Norway. My husband is Malay. We want to move back to Malaysia. But now I`ve heard t ... [/quote
Hei....Er du norsk? Jeg er Malaysisk og gift med en nordmann....
yg lain2 tu...sorry le...keluar topic kejap |
Originally posted by Oddy at 6-12-2004 06:39 PM:
[quote]Originally posted by a_skirnisdottir at 14-10-2004 09:52:
I don`t know where to ask...
Does anyone have information or experience with Malaysian Immigration?
I am from Norway. My ...
Terkedu sekejap :agr: |
Oddy This user has been deleted
Originally posted by NadiaMurad75 at 7-12-2004 23:03:
Terkedu sekejap :agr:
sorry le Nadia...Oddy tanya dia sikit dlm bahasa Norway...jangan maree yee...:bgrin: |
| |
Category: Negeri & Negara