exactly, surely even monotheist faiths should learn from the Wisdoms of Buddhism, Hindus, Native Americans ... etc , but i guess fanaticism have obstructed ppl from learning from each other. There is certainly so much more than meets the eye.. |
by Obersliutenant
exactly, surely even monotheist faiths should learn from the Wisdoms of Buddhism, Hindus, Native Americans ... etc , but i guess fanaticism have obstructed ppl from learning from each other. There is certainly so much more than meets the eye..
I rather not ... their final purpose and Hindus', Buddhist's and others' are different. Hindus, Buddhist and most Ancient beliefs teach people about Living properly in this life, leaving the issue of Afterlife aside. Monotheists faiths (except Judaism) more concern about reach a proper afterlife rather than living properly. Therefore, I don't like if they mingle too much with Hindusm, Buddhism and other Ancient beliefs. |
its funny dont you think , and pretty ironic too ... but if based on your words then alot of people have got it wrong in focusing too much on 'duniawi', as you would say that alot of muslims and christians are paying too much attention on the hereafter and not living properly...but what you do in this earth matters too in the hereafter is it not?, isnt this world supposed to be a test ,before we all meet in the hereafter?
shold you say that more people should study Hinduism and Buddhism how to live more properly? |
by bObersliutenant
its funny dont you think , and pretty ironic too ... but if based on your words then alot of people have got it wrong in focusing too much on 'duniawi', as you would say that alot of muslims and christians are paying too much attention on the hereafter and not living properly...but what you do in this earth matters too in the hereafter is it not?, isnt this world supposed to be a test ,before we all meet in the hereafter?
To answer this, you should think from a different point of view. :hmm:
You have taken examinations like SRP, SPM and STPM before, correct? Now, there are two sort of students in a school. Some people study with goal ONLY to pass the examination. Some people have genuine passion to learn a subject and doesn't care what grade they will achieve in the final examination.
The different between this two groups is, the group which obtain good result WILL NOT remember what they have learnt after a few years because their goal is to achieve best result. The other group will always remember what they have learnt, and even so they may not get a good result, what they learn will remain with them for live.
To worry about where you're will be going in your afterlife is riddiculos and waste of energy. All you need to do now is concentrate in learning what you required to learn, follow what you should follow and avoid making mistakes. IF made mistake nevertheless, RETRIFY it immediately by confronting your mistake and assisting those you have wronged.
shold you say that more people should study Hinduism and Buddhism how to live more properly?
Not exactly ... Hindusm and Buddhism alone doen't means one can achieve perfection. Instead, they have to get their priority straighten. In the end, it depends on individuality. :hmm: |
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