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NOBEL PRIZE winner 2006
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Salam and greeting to all,
THere are 3 science -based Nobel prize winners
Field of physiology & medic - about RNAi
Physics - something to do with the black matter
Chemistry - about the same discovery in genetics actually
Arthur Konrberg - i think those involve in biology or who studies genetic are quite familiar with the name -
OKay things to NOTE
These people - just look at their CV / resume - my oh my
They basically involved in fundamental sciences -
so what are the relevance of things here?
i could think of only one- we still need to boost , improve i dunno something in this field - such a simple basic foundation of science but yet could open to so many windows of knowledge . Hmm interesting.
TO MODERATOR : mana thread saya yg bincangkan ttg uni , R7D etc dengan panjang lebar satu ketika dulu?
i cuba cari i rindu thread tu.
in BM
Kalau kita lihat kan depa ni cuma involve in basic science , kan? tapi napa boleh buat so much of discovery?
Kenapa jugak uni di barat / eropah still oofer the course?
apakah mereka juga tidak gusar dengan jobmarket" -?
i mean i dunno what to say or think but somehow we still need those fundamental branches of science
Tapi how about social sciences like neuropsychology ? cognitive neuropsychology?
apakah kedudukan disiplin itu ? sebab disiplin ni in the middl e antara science and behavioural science?
bless u all. : |
black matter itu sama dengan dark matter ker..mereka tukar term ni ker? |
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 27-11-2006 10:37 PM
Salam and greeting to all,
THere are 3 science -based Nobel prize winners
Field of physiology & medic - about RNAi
Physics - something to do with the black matter
Chemistry - about the s ...
lama tak nampak.. |
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 27-11-2006 10:37 PM
Salam and greeting to all,
THere are 3 science -based Nobel prize winners
Field of physiology & medic - about RNAi
Physics - something to do with the black matter
Chemistry - about the s ...
org2 macam ni disupport oleh big2 company..
basic sains? apa maksud hang basic sains
neuropsychology ? cognitive menatang hapa...habaq la sikit.. |
Originally posted by mail golok at 28-11-2006 22:45
org2 macam ni disupport oleh big2 company..
basic sains? apa maksud hang basic sains
neuropsychology ? cognitive menatang hapa...habaq la sikit..
habaq ni binatang aper..maksudnyer aper? :nyorok: :nyorok: |
u too...
Originally posted by zuas at 28-11-2006 09:32 PM
lama tak nampak..
been busy with a lot of things lately, sebab tu tak masuk kat sini. dah lama dahh...
so mana thread yg dulu?
yg you tulis yg bagus bagus dulu tu?
miss the thread ntah kena delete ? |
hey ya...
Originally posted by mail golok at 28-11-2006 10:45 PM
org2 macam ni disupport oleh big2 company..
basic sains? apa maksud hang basic sains
neuropsychology ? cognitive menatang hapa...habaq la sikit..
hmm... well
macam ni ada bidang yg duduk kat tengan tengah basic fundamental and arts
bidang macam behavioural science - yg i pun tak berapa suka panggil dia pure science.
tapi bidang macam cognitive neuropsychology ni dia kaji mental processes.
mental processes apa yg dia kaji - well yg mendasari how we learn, thinks, and control / mechanism of all human behaviour pada thinking level - the brainwork of it lah.
yg cognitive neuropsychology - this is just mainly focusing on the thinking process involved in cognition like
macam mana you perceive satu object tu like botol - is a botol - based on wht? which part of brain yg process shape? depth etc
macam mana you tahu baca or decoding from PRINTED huruf kepada BUNYI ( jika you tengah baca dengan kuat (reading aloud))
macam mana kita eja?
macam mana human bilingual process language
so ini punay study based on assumptions lah - yg semua processing centers = multiple processors
or lebih senang concept modularity
studies bidang ni usually focused on single case study.
tapi depa relied on other sub - field jugak untuk derived pengetahuan.
i bukan ahli dalam bidang ni just giving the flavour of it.
tapi berbalik pada jawapn you tu- fundamental science - pure science lah maksud see depa still kekalkan researh dalam bidang yg kita kira basic lah tapi mampu buat discovery yg gempaq - gempaq.
apa yg tak der lagi kat kita kat sini- banyaklah kan
just look at their cv oh my...
just that they have interesr and patience and sheer determination. |
may be...
Originally posted by Atomic_Omnikid at 28-11-2006 08:49 PM
black matter itu sama dengan dark matter ker..mereka tukar term ni ker?
sama kot tapi go to that nobel foundation website.
best tau. bila dapat tengok reaction depa. |
To mail ...
apa nama MAx plack institue tu i baru tau yg depa bukan involve into the quantum sajer...tapi in linguistic jugak yer ker? sebab i terkejut jugak sebab ada lah yg linguist ni buat kerja kat sana so i tanya buat apa dia pi tang tu then rupanya i ada narrow thinking jugak sebab i thought the institute just mainly focusing on science jer... |
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