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An Inconvenient Truth ~ 15 March 2007

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Post time 7-3-2007 07:47 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
An Inconvenient Truth

Al Gore has traveled the world delivering a presentation on the global climate change, proving that humankind must confront global warming now or face devastating consequences--this film captures his journey as a worldwide environmental champion.

Classification: U  
Genre: Documentary  
General Release: 15 March 2007  
Running Time: 1 Hour 40 Minutes  
Distributed by: United International Pictures  
Starring: Al Gore  
Director: Davis Guggenheim  

Sumber amik dari website Cinema Online



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 Author| Post time 7-3-2007 07:48 PM | Show all posts
utk pertama kali aku buka topik pasal movies di board Geografi...

Yup its all about global warming issue, so it is relevant to be here...

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 Author| Post time 7-3-2007 07:49 PM | Show all posts
documentary type of movie mmg susah nak masuk Malaysia sbb tiada pasaran... org tak minat sgt... even Fahrenheit 911 pun tak ramai yg tgk... begitu juga dokumentari yg ditygkan kat GSC International Screen (eg Spellbound) dan Cathay Picture House (eg Murderball), rasenye susah nk dapat sambutan...

utk yg ni taktau la... not sure whether akan ada yg kata this is American propaganda atau apa2 pendapat... terpulang pd persepsi masing2... cuma aku tertarik dgn isi kandungan movie ni yg menceritakan pasal global warming... mungkin tak ramai yg menyedarinye, bumi kite semakin dikhianati oleh penghuninye sendiri... whats the truth, lets watch it...

Movie ni juga memenangi Best Dokumentary dalam Oscar dan juga Best Original Song dalam Oscar...

p/s-amik ayat aku dari movies/tv...

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 Author| Post time 7-3-2007 07:50 PM | Show all posts
Tayangan bermula di sesetengah wayang di Malaysia pada 15 Mac 2007...

ada sneak preview di wayang pada 9-11 Mac 2007...

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Post time 13-3-2007 11:53 AM | Show all posts
Hmm kalau propaganda amerika, maka filem tu mesti pasal amerika tak mencemar alam!

Tak semua orang amerika ikut telunjuk si Semak tu!

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annasoparanoid This user has been deleted
Post time 16-3-2007 06:09 AM | Show all posts
al gore..huhuhuh

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Post time 29-3-2007 08:51 AM | Show all posts

Republicans move to block Al Gore 'Live Earth' rock concert

WASHINGTON (AFP) - Republicans in Congress are trying to bar former vice president Al Gore's anti-global warming
mega-concert from its planned venue on the steps of the US Capitol building.
Gore is planning a single-day, series of free "Live Earth" concerts on seven continents, with the goal of calling attention
to the climate change crisis.

The US concert, scheduled for the steps of the Capitol on July 7, 2007, has drawn an A-list slate of pop performers,
including the Police, Kanye West, Faith Hill, Bon Jovi and the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
But some Republicans have balked over the cost of providing police for the event, while others insist that the concert is
a partisan Democratic event and as such, not allowed on Capitol grounds.

One outspoken opponent of the concert is Senator James Inhofe, a longtime debunker of cataclysmic climate change,
which he has derided as a "hoax."
"Senator Inhofe objects to having any events on the Capitol grounds that are either highly partisan or politically controversial
and the proposed Gore concert is both," said his spokesman Marc Morano.
Inhofe and Gore locked horns last week at a standing room only Senate hearing on global warming. Morano said formal moves
to block the concert have been lodged by Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Congressional officials said that Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid and Republican Senator Olympia Snowe who earlier this
month introduced a Senate resolution to allow Gore to stage his anti-climate change concert -- insist the event is non-partisan,
and are working with Republicans to break the impasse.
Gore, perhaps the best-known environmentalist in the United States, is the author of a bestselling book on global warming
"An Inconvenient Truth," which was made into the blockbuster documentary which won a pair of Oscars last month.

He also recently received a nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to draw attention to the ravages of global climate change.

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Post time 30-3-2007 01:51 AM | Show all posts

Reply #5 alphawolf's post

Tak jugak..tengok dulu cerita tu baru komen...

Al Gore ada jugak sentuh pasal Amerika degil tak mau sign Perjanjian Kyoto tu...dan dia pun admit salah satu penyumbang kepada global warming adalah USA.

Tengok cerita ni, takut jugak..kot2 betul dalam 2050 nanti ice semua dah cair kat Antartika...

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Post time 19-5-2007 12:17 PM | Show all posts

Reply #8 ~boolean's post

kat mana nak dapat kan movie documentary nih..... bleh down load dari mana2 ker

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Post time 21-5-2007 09:39 AM | Show all posts

Reply #8 ~boolean's post

Maksud aku..kalau filem dibuat untuk mendewa2kan amerika..maka takde le cerita pasal ketidakmahuan US sign Kyoto Protocol tu....mesti tutup punya.

Takut tengok gambar Kilimanjaro tu...masa aku budak2 (bukan lama pun, 15 tahun dulu aje) putih melepak puncak gunung tu dengan salji nampak pelik sebab kat Afrika ada snow...tapi sekarang....

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