In 1967 we lost the Sinai to Israel....And this was due to our ex-regime of Nasser who was never prepared and did not estimate the confrontation with more precision, they almost gave the Sinai to the enemy on a gold platter - This was during what was known
afterwards by the six days war.
The Israeli believed they could stay and live in the Sinai for ever. They built a very strong fortification defenses all over the 150 kms lenght of the Suez Canal. It was a huge and massively fortified line that they called the Barlev line.
The Israelis have dug the earth and constructed underground tunnels fortified with armed concrete, then they filled it with all the ammunitions and Weapon of Mass Destruction they could get from their biggest ally theUSA
they covered its ceilings with big steel channels and with rocks and stones, then covered with earth to protect them from Egyptian artillery
on the other side of the Suez Canal. They also built a huge artificial sand mountains more than twenty meters high
to make the Egyptians lose any hope in crossing the canal's water
The Israelis also added big containers and filled it with Napalm Jelly and other chemical materials to let loose into the canal water to burn anyone who would dream of crossing to the side where they were hiding.
Dayan the chief of the Israeli army once said "No force on this earth can cross and destroy our Barlev line, even if they use Atomic Bombs"
Then came our glorious president ANWAR EL SADAT a very clever, courageous and wise man ,
he taught the Israelis the lesson of their lives , In 1973 In spite of all the fortifications mentioned on Barlev line the Egyptian soldiers crossed the canal in small rubber boats and opened big holes in the artificial sand mountains by pumping and aiming very strong jets of water to the sand walls , this was after the Egyptian commandos closed and shutdown all the Napalm openings made by the Israelis under the canal water.
Egyptian tanks crossing the Suez Canal on floating bridges that the Engineers constructed only in a couple of hours
The Egyptians crossed the suez canal back to the sinai on the 150 km front , and in only six hours
The Egyptians destroyed the strongly fortified Barleve line, and made it collapse on the head of the Israelis soldiers in one of the most unexpected and most audacious attack on any army in the history of all wars
The Israelis where taken by surprise some run like rabbits, others surrendered without firing one shot
The charge and the attack was so unexpected that some of the Israeli soldiers were taken prisoners
Hundreds of Israelis officers and soldiers taken prisoners by the brave Egyptians
They were captured inside their bunkers before they even knew what was going on
( As the saying goes ) : " They were taken with their pants down" !!!!)
What you see here is a group of Israelis officers surrendering to the Egyptians the Israelis are handing over their flag to the Egyptian officer
The Israelis used their Helicopters in transporting the wounded more than fighting. . .We expelled the Israeli army from Sinai in one of the most relentless battles, we cleaned the Sinai land from their presence forever and for good.
Egypt could have occupied all of Israel, but as usual when Golda Meir the Israeli prime minister at that time cried for help and was on the brinks of commiting suicide, to overcome Israeli losses, America flew US$2.2 billion worth of arms and ammunition to Israel aboard its giant C5 Galaxy planes. The airlift brought 22,000 tons of tanks, artillery, helicopters and ammunitions to Israel over a one-month period. Involving more than 560 sorties, it was the biggest such operation since the airlift to Berlin after the end of World War II. All this was to replace the airplanes, the helicopters, the tanks, that were destroyed by the brave Egyptian army.
An Israeli Helicopter ( or better say an American Helicopter ), is shot down
If you want to learn more about that Glorious war in which Egypt made Israel eat dirt, read the story as told by the Chief of stuff of the Egyptian army who administarted the combats during the October War ... CrossingFihris.html
I see we see rewriting of history here. Let me tell you a true story.
In 1967 we lost the Sinai to Israel....And this was due to our ex-regime of Nasser who was never prepared and did not estimate the confrontation with more precision, they almost gave the Sinai to the enemy on a gold platter - This was during what was known
afterwards by the six days war.
It was not the first time Egypt lost Sinai. First time Israel captured Sinai in 1956. But returned it because of US pressure. Egypt had 7 divisions in Sinai in 1967, vs. 3 divisions that had Israel. Egypt threatned to throw Israel into the sea. But Israel destroyed all these divisions in 4 days.
Immideatly after 1967 war Israel offered to return Sinai for peace. Egypt rejected that offer. Egypt has huge advantage over Israel in artillery, so they started to bombard day and night Israeli troops on East bank of Suez channel. This was known as war on attrition. Because of these bombardments Israel built a Barlev line. The idea of the line was follow: about 450 soldiers were sitting in protected bunkers near the channel and observing, while main forces (armored division) were stationed some 10 km away from the shore.
Egypt failed to achieve its goals in war of attrition and ceased the bombardments in 1970. They started to prepare for new war.
In October 6, 1973 - Yom Kippur, the holiest day of Jewish calendar, when all Jews fast and pray, Egypt together with Syria launched a surprise attack against Israel. Israeli army was not mobilized. 450 soldiers in Bar Lev line faced 2 egyptian armies (each consist group of divisions). On Syrian front 180 Israeli tanks faced over 1000 Syrian tanks.
450 soldiers were fastly overruned and surrounded by Egyptian armies. They fought till the end of ammunition and 240 were caught as prisoners.
Israeli armor division that was stationed 10 km away, launched attack on Egyptian armies to push them back, but it suffered heavy loses from Russian anti tank missiles that used Egyptian soldiers and retreated back. Meanwhile Egyptians started to transfer tanks to East shore, while Israel gather reservist troops. They prepared to new battle.
On 14 October Egyptians offensive started. Two Egyptian armies advanced on Israeli positions that stationed 10 km from the channel. By the end of the day Egyptians lost 460 tanks and armor viechels, Israel lost 40 tanks. It was a biggest tank battle since WW2. Egyptians did not made attempts to go to deep Sinai anymore, but continued to possess narrow strip of the Suez channel.
After the battle Israelis made a plan: to capture land between two Egyptian armies, cross the channel and encircle one of the armies. It was successfully accomplished. In 16 October first Israelis crossed the channel. They started to smash unprepared troops of the Egyptians and push deeper into Egyptian territory. 3rd Egyptian army was totally encircled. Egyptians cried for case of fire. Soviet threatened, that they would attack Israel if it wont stop it's advance. Israel agreed for case fire and it was signed 100 km from Cairo on 24 October.
This was the end of the war. Israel suffered 2,667 killed and 242 POWs.
Egypt - about 15,000 dead and 8,372 POWs captured by Israel (that does not include tens of thousands in encircled army).
Syria - 3,000 dead and 392 POWs.
In 1977 Egyptian president Saddat came with visit to Israel and in same year peace agreement was signed. In 1982 Israel returned Sinai to Egypt.