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Stroke and solutions

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Post time 24-4-2007 10:54 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
JK's Digest No. 43 of April 2007 (99 of 2007) STROKE OR NOT, it can be voodoo in many forms

PETALING JAYA: Every hour six people in Malaysia suffer a stroke. (see story below).

I believe I have a few hundred incidences of such look-alike- strokes for a number of years.

Quite a couple of dozens of that were very worrying and it could happen any time and any place.

People says we must have physical exercises to keep fit or do regular walks etc or simply play golf.
But some people travel by cart playing golf.

I do not go out for physical exercises but I maintained my body weight by praying and feeding my dogs over the last decade. I believe that it is dangerous out in the crowded places.

I am still trying to slim despite spending many hours of up to 16 hours daily in front of the computer.
I was once detected with hypertension but doctors never treated me with any prescription because the doctors told me once given medications, I would have to live with that for life. I need to deal with the hypertension and high cholesterol by personal control and a food regime. So today, thank God I am not on any medication. My eyes are still short sighted.

I want to share this because of under great pressure I still manage to avoid any stress.

I want to share that because doctor can misdiagnosis similar bloating symptoms for stroke.

Without prejudice to the specialist doctor concerned, I was once treated for parkinson disease in 1987 but the nurse (angel) on duty sort of alerted me about the drug prescribed to me by bringing a very thick book to ask me if I had parkinson disease. Then I told her, I did not know. Soon I was discharged from the only time I was ever hospitalised for observation in my life. Thank God in a risky life that I lead, I am still under the divine protection because I know I have done things RIGHT for others.

So if I were to go to the doctors every time I experienced countless numbers of "strokes", I would be a bankrupt as I cannot afford those fees in ecg etc. I have not been to any medical examinations for more than 8 years.

The first person I consult is God whenever I had the strokes when I could be blowing out hot air with a hot body. By this process, my emotions, my spirit, my physical capabilities are enhanced through faith in God Jesus. With this kind of tough experiences, I could face more challenges whatever that may come my way.

The worst one was when I was standing near the Wisma Jubilee (old post office) when the Sultan of Brunei and his entourage passed by in September 2001. Soon after that I was blowing hot air like an atomic bomb with a heated body. Despite that terrible thing for about half hour I could pray to God in tongue and soon with a bit of water, I was back to normal without any side effects. Instead of succumbing to the 'stroke' or excessive bloating, I could have benefited by the excessive vibration within my body strengthening every part of me internally and externally. My spirit was definitely lifted very high till it is heavenward.

Take my word for this, you are the one to benefit from such evil attacks that are doomed to fail if we have God in our hearts. I am not angry with anyone who want to voodoo me for whatever reasons, because I am more worried that God would not be happy if I curse others. I know those people who do such voodoo things or instruct the bomohs to do such things are godless. They are the ones in need of God.

But many are going to die from strokes with or without the consequence of voodoo.

I know I could have died and doctors would just diagnose that as 'stroke' and heart attacks.

So my questions to doctors- innocent or otherwise - how do you think medical practice can resolve such thing as voodoo?

The sad thing is that the bomohs (I have no quarrel) have been well paid by those who use them to launch such evil attacks and that many young people have died for me.

So doctors, the society should treat the root of the problems rather than treat the impact of voodoo.
If you want to treat this as a joke, that is your problem. But I know many people had spent billions of Ringgit in vengeance as invisible as voodoo. An example of what happened to those bomohs perished was the Greg Storm in Keningau in 1996.
At this point, I am rather surprised that Daily Express had carried two similar big pages at different days recently glorifying voodoo practices in the Philippines. Is that to strike fear in some people? It is ridiculous that it is alright to cast spells on the opposite sex to fall in love. The Bible says "Marriage is made in heaven" hence any thing else is EVIL.

In a rotten society of ungodliness and ungodly people of misled people, we are spending too much good money after bad things without solution.

There was the case of Johoar Solian@Dolin who committed suicide on the instruction of Satan, and then survived to regret the fatal acts on himself after returning to God. (Daily Express 23rd April).

It is timely we have a totally new system especially in Sabah before we go nihilism.

I as the survivor deserve to lead in Sabah.

Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON)
Latest Book: Biodiversity Challenge-Haze Health Hell ISBN983-2653-24-XAuthor of New Wealth Order, EPIC of Sabah, FIRE, Sabah Wealth - image of woods power, - 2nd Edition, Paper to Parliamentary Select Committee on Unity and National Service.
EPIC of Sabah - 3rd Ed., WATER, A tussle in biodiversity of two liquids - palm oil and water,
Sabah and Sarawak in Malaysia in 1963, A Paper to Parliamentary Select Committee on Integrity (2006). Books to come:- A critical review- claim on Sabah and A case of Independence for Sabah - EPIC of pros and cons, Introduction to TSUNAMI of illegals and illegalities in SABAH; TSUNAMI of illegals and illegalities in SABAH.

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 Author| Post time 26-4-2007 08:41 AM | Show all posts

young also dying for me

Wednesday April 25, 2007

Younger people can have stroke, too


PETALING JAYA: Hypertension and stroke, the silent killers, are not 搊ld folk's

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 Author| Post time 27-4-2007 12:22 PM | Show all posts

another attack

survived again but lack sleep.

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Post time 27-4-2007 02:23 PM | Show all posts
:nana: :nana: :nana:

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 Author| Post time 27-4-2007 03:48 PM | Show all posts

silly people

nothing better to do except into voodoo with the little tongues waging.

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 Author| Post time 28-4-2007 03:09 PM | Show all posts

sleep back to normal

last night I had very good sleep.

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Post time 29-4-2007 12:42 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by 13Friday at 27-4-2007 03:48 PM
nothing better to do except into voodoo with the little tongues waging.

kharrrrr   kharrrr   kharrrrrrr

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 Author| Post time 29-4-2007 03:10 PM | Show all posts

money gone to the drain

bomohs are useless with voodoo go after me.

Joshua Kong a special species for LIFE.

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 Author| Post time 5-5-2007 07:55 PM | Show all posts

prayers to God in Christ can clear this

TAKE SPECIAL HEED - a notice from Joshua Kong

What is voodoo?  Real or not?  If not real, why the newspapers publish them?

Is the newspapers publishing fake news or hoaxes?  Licence to be withdrawn?

For me voodoo is evil thing and it can affect the spirit of the person under attacks as a result
some people can die like a stroke or heart attack.   That is how some young innocent and not so innocent people  have died young as some voodoos are deflected on the weak in spirit.

Thank God I have survived hundreds of them by prayers to God in Jesus Christ.
The latest one was last Sunday in church where I sat in regular pew.  That was three in three days but the worst was on Sunday like heart attacks or stroke.

As long as I have survived voodoo or charms or black magic or sorcery - all deadly - Joshua Kong is fully qualified to be the Chief Minister of Sabah to get rid of gangsterism and black evil powers eating the State into nihilism.
Since I has survived from my detention in 1974 and survived Tun Mustapha - the man with genies until today, I had been ruling and impacting the Government of Sabah in Malaysia.   So Joshua Kong is ready  physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually to handle the toughest job in Sabah to restore dilapidated Sabah in Borneo.

Don't waste the public fund to do voodoo, gangsterism, terrors, and slander or libel on the good people who are NOT enemies of the State.  Those corrupted elected ones are the REAL enemies of the people and the State and the nation.

So set Sabah Free from federalism and greedy leaders since 1963.

Medical doctors, please learn this issue.

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Post time 7-5-2007 11:56 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 7-5-2007 04:37 PM | Show all posts

what solutions?

May 07, 2007 14:31 PM     

Malaysians Still Fascinated By The Supernatural

By Zulkiple Ibrahim

KUALA LUMPUR, May 7 (Bernama) -- One evening during the fasting month last year, 46-year-old Noordin Sulaiman, felt some pain in the left side of his abdomen.

Thinking that it was the time to answer nature's call, Noordin went to the toilet. What came out shocked the lorry driver. It was bucketfull of blood.

Noordin was immediately rushed to a public medical centre here where doctors told him that that his blood haemoglobin count had fallen to the dangerous level of 4.0 due to the massive blood loss.

He was warded for two weeks and a series of tests was carried out including an endoscope which proved to be inconclusive. Finally a computerised tomography (CT) scan was done but that too was inconclusive.

Noordin had no history of gastric ulcers and doctors were baffled to the cause of the sudden intestinal bleeding.

The diagnosis was: "Intestinal bleeding due to unknown causes".


"It was santau (poison)...what else?," Noordin made his own conclusion.

Illness, claimed to be caused by supernatural elements, is difficult to prove.

"How do we prove things that we are not sure of or do not fully understand?," asked Che Ku Halim Che Ku Hussin.

Che Ku Halim, who is a homoeopathy medicine practitioner, said if santau really exists the problem is very difficult to deal with.

"If santau does exist, the ill that it caused will manifest as a medical problem. Most of the santau cases cause bleeding in the intestine and the sufferers either vomit or pass out blood.

"The only way is to treat its signs and symptoms. The same way modern medicine treats the case. Hence the treatment focuses on stopping the bleeding and transfusing blood," he said.


Dr Francis Yoong said in cases like Noordin's, a close scrutiny of the patient's medical history will reveal the cause.

"A check on the patient's medical history would most probably reveal that the person has been eating meals at irregular times over the past few years and always drinks carbonated water.

"He may also be a chain smoker and lacks sleep apart from preferring food that contain chillies and other gastric irritants. Eventually his intestine cannot take it any longer, that is why he experienced sudden bleeding," said the doctor.

But believers of the supernatural prefer to consult the shaman or bomoh, said Che Ku Hashim.


"Sometimes the newspaper reported about strange incidents like pieces of glasses or small stones coming out through an individual's skin.

"To either the medical or homoeopathy practitioner, the problem is due to something wrong in the individual's excretion system," said Che Ku Hashim.

Dr Yoong said in renal failure cases, the patients would find small whitish granules coming out through their skin, causing great itchiness.

"It is salt alright, in the form of calcium granules as in kidney failure patients, the calcium is continuously eroded from the bones by the presence of high phosphate level in the blood stream.

"The phosphates is usually excreted via the kidneys," he said.


But why do people still like to believe in something that is difficult to prove?

Psychologist Maimunah Karim said exploring the realms of the dark and mysterious has always fascinated the human mind.

"We are used to witnessing daily happenings, it has become routine for us. But incidents that are considered strange tend to attract our attention.

Maimunah said the belief in the supernatural is not confined to the layman, those who are educated are affected too, as in the infamous "Mona Fandey" murder case.

That is also why lately, horror flicks like Dukun, Puaka Tebing Biru, Cermin and Jangan Pandang Belakang have been drawing the crowd at cineplexes nationwide, she said.


Maimunah also said the Malays are equally fascinated by the world of the shaman and the supernatural.

"The shamans are thought to be able to communicate with beings from the other world and can seek their assistance in difficult tasks like searching for missing objects or exorcism.

"That is why when there are exhibitions on ghosts and unearthly beings, the public would throng to such events hoping to see something out of this world, like hantu raya and other supernatural entities".

Recently the National Fatwa Council ruled that such exhibitions will lead to a deviation in the faith of Muslims and hence they should be banned.

"The problem is that during the pre-Merdeka years, the locals were deeply entrenched in shamanism, but the practice gradually dissipated as we embrace the world of science and technology," she added.


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 Author| Post time 17-5-2007 09:18 AM | Show all posts


JK's Digest No. 23 of May 2007 (135 of 2007)  Death to Lok Yan Fai - 40ish  Condolence to the family in grief.

Did Lok YF really died from stroke plus high blood pressure for a bachelor young man?
Lok YF may have collapsed at the Municipal Council meeting in Tawau, but he died 4 hours later.
Did he really die from any treatment of emergency in hospital?
Was he wrongly diagnosed for "stroke"?
Doctors, please note this carefully, and if you are a Christian, please also pray for your patients
before you give whatever prescription?   It is not that you may misdiagnose the case always assumed to
be stroke or related sickness, it may be due to the pressing time, that any injection with good intention
may give some conflict  or worsened blood clot or disturbed blood circulation within  the body of the patients hence expedited death.
If that is voodoo, some bad people may be laughing to the bank for a deception.  This was reported in a two pages articles in a prominent newspaper recently.
You either love me or hate me, but  when what doesn't kill me for decades, there must be some genuiness in my claim that I had gone through thousands of voodoo from whatever sources and causes.  But Christians please pray unceasingly although we all die once but not prematurely.
When what doesn't kill me,  writing EPIC of Sabah is priceless  but the Chairman has to resign from the Integrity Panel.  SAD.

When what doesn't kill me, I am made tougher and stronger to be the Chief Minister of Sabah to help people in distress.   Pray for me and Sabah and Sabahans always.

Be reminded as Tengku Z Adlin writing in his casual Editorial of SABAH Malaysian Borneo under the spotlight "Hidden treasures of Sabah"  (Mar 2007's Vol 73 edition), he wrote " As 2007 rolls around, ....
but as the saying goes, what doesn't kill you will only make you stronger"
Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON)
Latest Book: Biodiversity Challenge-Haze Health Hell ISBN983-2653-24-X
Author of New Wealth Order, EPIC of Sabah, FIRE, Sabah Wealth - image of woods power, - 2nd Edition, Paper to Parliamentary Select Committee on Unity and National Service.
EPIC of Sabah - 3rd Ed., WATER, A tussle in biodiversity of two liquids - palm oil and water,
Sabah and Sarawak in Malaysia in 1963, A Paper to Parliamentary Select Committee on Integrity (2006).  Books to come:-  A critical review- claim on Sabah and A case of Independence for Sabah - EPIC of  pros and cons, Introduction to TSUNAMI of illegals and illegalities in SABAH;  TSUNAMI of illegals and illegalities in SABAH.

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 Author| Post time 18-5-2007 08:00 PM | Show all posts

water is important

JK's Digest No. 24 of May 2007 (136 of 2007)  This is TRUE - perfectly true.

After writing so much about dying prematurely as in the series "when what doesn't kill me for decades,"

this is just a simple reminder.
Young Bachelor man Lok Yan Fai may have died from stroke or stroke like with headache, he could have died for lack of plain water.

I was in UK for the first week in 1974, when a young child aged 8 screamed "headache" and asked for Panadol.  Soon after drinking a glass of water and a tablet, she declared "OK".  Was it the panadol or the pure water that did the job?

Yesterday, I went to well established supermarket in Damai, and after buying  4 cheap but good items, the till machine after checking by the electronic processes showed an amount RM655.10.  The actual amount was only RM6.30.   What actually went wrong that a hundred folds had occurred?

Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON)

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