Bouts of hysteria after 'ghostly sightings'
The entrance to Sekolah Menengah Sains Dungun where several studentsallegedly encountered ghostly apparitions flying around the classrooms,dormitories and assembly hall.
DUNGUN: Some 200 students of Sekolah Menengah Sains Dungun probablyfelt they were in a real live ghost story. They are convinced they sawghosts flying around the school on Sunday -- in the classrooms, thedormitories and the assembly hall.
[table=200][/table]With many of the girls at the co-educational boarding school inhysteria, classes for the 600 students of the school were cancelled forthe rest of the day.
OnMonday, the hysteria repeated itself so the school was closed, andremained so as of yesterday. Many of the students who live nearby havebeen taken home by their parents, but the out-of-state students had nochoice but to remain in their dormitories.
School administratorsand the state Education Department did not want to comment, but one ofthe parents, Mazlan Ariffin, said his daughter said she had seen ghostsflying around the classroom.
"My daughter kept telling me thatshe saw the figure of a woman wearing all white flying around herclassroom before closing in on her. She said she felt a sudden chilljust before the ghostly figure reached her, and she just screamed," hesaid.
A student named Wati said the incident began just after theweekly school assembly on Sunday morning, when a Form Two girl startedscreaming uncontrollably, seemingly in fear of something.
"Thenother students started to scream and they had to be taken back to theirrooms. I felt sick to my stomach and my head hurt so much that Iprobably passed out. I don't remember much of what happened afterthat," she said.
Another parent, who did not want to be named,said the second day was no better as more students were affected andonce again classes had to be cancelled.
"The school told me tocome and pick up my daughter. At first she refused to leave and scoldedme for no reason. It was only when we were a few kilometres away fromthe school that she managed to recite the "dua kalimah shahadat" verseand felt fine all of a sudden," she said.
There have been no classes for four days, but the school is making efforts to bring the situation back to normal. |
ade tak... student2 muslim kat mesir ke penah kne eh? |
uih.......membe aku ni alumni sains dungun tu...dia cakap..memang bbrp taon sekali,skolah ni akan kna histeria besar besaran cenggini ha..
katanya ada kena mengena dengan tapak tanah sekolah tu jugak..
harap2 exposure mistik dapat siasat...cewahhhh... |
Originally posted by perrrghhhh at 2-2-2008 09:56 AM
ada sapa2 budak sekolah tuh kat forum nih : P
leh citer cam ner rupa makhluk tuh ...
Tu sekolah aku tu..tapi dah keluar dr sek tu time 1998 lagi...so x tau ttg kejadian ni..
Tapi time aku kat sana, kes histeria memang selalu jgk berlaku ...nak2 time dkt dgn exam..
So nak kata hantu.. ada kemungkinan sebab berjangkit..kalo nak kata preasure爀xam爉gkn爅ugak..
Tapi yg kena pompuan je la...mgkn budak laki hantu x selera nak kaco ko... |
apa citer sekarang ngan histeria kat skolah di pahang...yg bebudak nampak macam nenek tua tuh ye? |
dah lama kes nih. tapi aku teringat kejadian histeria berjangkit kat aspuri dulu. aku percaya histeria ni bleh berjangkit lagi2 musim exam |
tension exam tu....mana ade pontenak! |
Post Last Edit by akuhomer30 at 26-6-2012 17:53
ceh..padahal bukan ade pape pon..xsangka skolah ak msuk paper metro ngn the star..kes nh berlaku kt skolah sains dungun mse aku f5 kt sne taun 2008..ye,nh mmg pngalaman aku sndri kt skolah tu mse histeria nh..bdak2 skolah nh satu je..sorg buat hal..sume jangkit..yg jenis ati xkebal kne la histeria..konon nmpk bnde bkn2..dh ati pnakut..mula la byg bnde bkn2..korg byg la..dalam surau pon bleh kne histeria..mmg la yasin sume tu xberkesan..ak bkn nk ckp besar ke ap..klu btol pon nmpk..sorg je yg nmpk btol2..yg lain tu terbyg je..nmpk kain putih..pontianak..haish..bila dh ati tu dikuasai perasaan takut -.-''
sume kes nh berlaku sbb satu cite..kononnye Bukit Bauk (bukit femes kt dungun) merupakan tempat org buang antu n saka..jd setiap 4taun antu2 tu akn lalu satu route dari bukit bauk tu smpai pantai teluk lipat blkg skolah aku..route tu plak consist klas tingkatan 1al-ahzan>bgunan tekno>gym>camp site>pstu ak xingt dorm mne ntah..ak rse dorm 1D2 aspura..ntah ak xingt..jd timing ak study skolah sains dungun tu mmg tepat la..2004 skli antu lalu..2008 skli lg antu lalu..taun 2004 tu mmg xde kes histeria2 nh sbb senior xcrite sgt psl rumour tu walaupon ad gak kes2 nmpk antu skit2..tp 2008,taun2 sblom tu dh stat kecoh cite psl bnda nh..mse ak f4 2007(xkonfirm sgt ble), ad senior nmpk pompuan tua terapung kat aspura(blok C)..smpai ad prefect non-muslim pass yassin kt prefect muslim sruh bce takut pnye psl sbb dorg la yg nmpk bnde tu(kne jage hostel)..lg satu, ad geng ak nmpk keranda terbang smpai water tank kt blkg aspuri(yg nh boleh diragui kesahihannya)..budak, skli dh dgr cite cmtu..dh set dlm kepala taun nh antu lalu..nmpk antu taun nh....yg aku ingat sbb kenapa 4taun skli ialah sebab 'pagar' yg dh psg thn lme tu je. Jd stiap 4taun kne psg 'pagar' lg..yg ak plik, pdhl bukit bauk ngn sains dungun tu bleh thn la jauhnya..xde plak org kne rasuk spnjg tu..mainan minda je ak rse.
Aku xnafikan benda2 ghaib nh mmg wujud. Tp xde la dorg nk kne ikut timing ngn route klau nk menyesatkn umat manusia.sekarang nh pon bleh.
#necroing like a baws |
kat U dlu pun pernah berlaku camni.alhamdulillah iols xpernah plak terkena |
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