kenapa ye aku kuat berpeluh...w'pon x sepatutnye berpeluh....kadang2 merimaskan la plk....
ade kaitan ngn cara hidup atau pemakanan ke?? |
ada makan ubat kurus ke, mcm duromine, ionamine memang akan sentiasa berpeluh, makan food supplement mcm herbalife ke, hadis ke, memang ada pembakaran lemak |
berpeluh kat badan ke?
ada org yg mmg jenis badan kuat berpeluh..
mcm saya plak selalu berpeluh kat tapak tangan & tapak kaki
try mandi pakai sabun taharah & pakai bedak baby.. |
if you also have intolerance to heat, palpitations (jantung senang berdebar/degup)...then, you should check your thyroid function tests |
hyperhidrosis kot...
terlebih berpeluh..
memang susah nak hilang melainkan buat surgery..tapi mahal nak mampus la...
lagi satu boleh guna botox...tapi tak tahan lama...dalam 5 bulan macam tu je.
mende ni ada kategori sendri..
tgk ko berpeluh kat bahagian mana...
muka ke..tangan ke...ketiak ke....
lepas tu cuba2 la wat treatment... |
peluh seluruh badan terutamanya kat muke...tp xder lak plk jantung berdebar2 @ jantung kuat berdegup....
takkan la kene buat surgeri kot |
kita pun dah start berpeluh kt tapak tgn..
kalau pegang besi ( cnth kt LRT..) mesti basah besi lepas tue..
gejala ini dipanggil hyperhydrosis..
mmg xde cra lain..
kecuali melalui pembedahan.. |
Reply #7 hazak's post
samalah ngan aku..palmar hyperhidrosis...
kalau jawab exam...sampai boleh basah paper tu..tsk..tsk...
nickey, ada option yg lain gak..tapi surgery ni paling berkesan..dlm RM 10 000 le jugak...
ko boleh gak buat botox, pakai antiperspirant yg ada aluminium chloride atau mintak ubat dari doktor..tapi semua ni x lama kesan dia...
kawan aku pun problem mcm ko...facial hyperhidrosis...x boleh pakai bedak/foundation langsung...bila berjalan sikit dh basah lencun muka dia...tsk...tsk... bawak tisu berbakul-bakul...susah la kalu hyperhidrosis kena kat pempuan..nampak rimas... |
thanx for info...ni br aku tau penyakit ni wujud..
td ader seacrh psl ni...maybe aku msk dlm ketegori general hyperhidrosis...
nt nak gi cek kat hospital... |
Reply #1 nickey's post
aku ada sorang kawan yg ada prob mcm ni
nama dia pun seakan2 nick ko ni |
tingat kawanku.. spm thun lepas.. kertas karangan tu basah gara-gara masalah peluh tangan dia tu.. melekat kt tangan. ehe |
info about hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)
Hyperhidrosis is the name given to excessive sweating.
Hyperhidrosis may affect the entire body, or it may be localised to the armpits, palms, soles, face or elsewhere. It is usually symmetrical.
Hyperhidrosis of palms and soles
What is the cause of hyperhidrosis?
The exact cause or causes of hyperhidrosis are unknown. There are numerous sweat glands distributed over the body. The eccrine sweat glands produce a weak salt solution and are most numerous on the palms (with about 700 glands per square centimetre).
The amount of sweat produced is regulated by a body temperature centre in the brain (the hypothalamus) via the sympathetic nervous system. Overactivity of the hypothalamus or the sympathetic nerves can result in hyperhidrosis.
Most often, hyperhidrosis is localised and first appears in childhood or adolescence. Other family members may or may not be similarly affected. An increase in air temperature, exercise, fever, anxiety, or spicy food may set off attacks of sweating. The sweating usually reduces at night time and disappears during sleep.
A few patients have hyperhidrosis as a consequence of a medical condition.
Generalised hyperhidrosis may be due to:
- Drugs
- Cardiovascular disorders
- Respiratory failure
- Overactive thyroid
- Other endocrine tumours
- Parkinson's disease
Localised hyperhidrosis may be due to:
- Stroke
- Spinal nerve damage
- Peripheral nerve damage
- Neuropathy
- Brain tumour
- Chronic anxiety disorder
What is the result of excessive sweating?
Hyperhidrosis is an embarrassing complaint and significantly interferes with many daily activities.
- Clothing becomes damp and unsightly and must be changed several times a day. Wear loose fitting garments made of fabric that does not stain.
- Wet skin folds are prone to intertrigo.
- It is embarrassing to shake hands and it difficult to write neatly.
- Sweaty feet develop an unpleasant smell, ruin footwear and are prone to dermatitis or secondary infection (tinea, impetigo or pitted keratolysis). Expect to change your socks several times a day. Absorbent insoles in shoes are useful, but may need replacing frequently. Don't wear the same pair of shoes two days in a row; leave them to dry out and increase their life span.
- Frequent washing using a deodorizing soap can reduce the smell and discomfort, but overuse of soaps can also result in dermatitis. Choose a non-soap cleanser instead.
What can be done to reduce sweating?
- Antiperspirant sprays, sticks, roll-ons and paints are available. Choose an unfragranced aluminium salt preparation suitable for hyperhidrosis (10-25% in alcohol or as a gel). Antiperspirants should be applied when the skin is dry, after a cool shower, just before bed. Wash off in the morning. They should be used for several consecutive nights then once or twice weekly. The stronger products can irritate; if so, apply hydrocortisone cream for a few days.
Note: 慸eodorants
ak nk tye, korang yg kne ni umo brape....?
actly ak pon ade mslh ni jgk...
ak skrg usia 17taun..
ak prasan bnde ni tyme ak form 1 lg...
n ak lelaki...
n ak k'kdng malu la sbb kuat berpelo...
ade gak membr ak ckp...
yg ak ni byk dosa.. (ade org kate kuat berpelo dosa byk,)
lau pegi rmg kawen, lg la.. 1bdn berair je...
tyme exam, espclly if ade essy...
lg la.. nk pgg pensil pon xselase, mean ssh nk tulis la...
nk spm nnt mcm mne la.. ak hrp meja ak btl2 bwh kipas..
lau x mmg ak xbley conctrd..
bile paper luksn kjrtn lg la...
kn byk gne alt2 mcm pembris, set square, frenchcure...
mmg mslh la bg ak...
ha 1lg... kelebihn yg ak ske ble mcm ni sbb tapk tgn/kaki xbley jd kasar.. lembut je kn,
n ble mcm 2 plak.. org kate ak ni xpenah bt kje ruma plak...
ak klau pkai stokin lps 2-3hr mesti basuh.. lau xbasuh.. bau lekat ma...
baju T ak belah dlm.. mmg sll kne tkr... sbb sll gler kuar kuning2 lps b'pelo kt KETI (yg penah kne, faham la kn kuning2 yg ak mksdkn)
mmg ak sbnr nye da streess da pk kn bnde mcm ni....
xtaw nk bt ape lg... |
sy pun ada mslh muka berpeluh... yg membuat sy rimas sbb sy ni bekeja sbg jurusolek n mengadap msyrkt.. paling memalukan bila tgh2 buat keje makeup customer, muka sy pulak yg berpeluh sampai menitik2 kena kat customer tu...
ee..geli pulak rasanya.. x tau nk wat camane |
ade kaitan ngan jantung ni...
g r check kat IJN... |
Reply #13 ezz91's post
budak2 punye cara penulisan...
aku plak berpeloh membacenye |
Aku memnag kuat berpeluh apabila panas. Boleh perah baju. Tapi tangan takde lak berpeluh. Badan dgn muka jer. I like that. Katanya peluh merembeskan toksin dlm badan. Dlm aircond aku tak berpeluh... |
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