so anyway...
I'm still young...i don't have these kinds of problem..
tapi haku ingin nak tau cara2 menjaga and mengelakkan diri dari terkene cam pic kat atas...
klu kita tengok kat first pic tuh..
muka org tuh kasar...
ape yg dier patut pakai utk wat muka dier not looking like that..
and pic 3 and 4...urat2 pada tangan tuh..
klu tak silap haku madonna neh dier kuat exercise kat bahagian tangan dulu2..
then her arms prolly turn out like this..
is it true that yg salu wat muscle..contoh slyvester stallone...
pada zaman tua dier...dier nyer urat kluar2 seperti pic 3 and 4...
cam ner nak elak...urat2 cam tuh kuar..
and klu tak silap yg kuar urat neh org..neh..macam..ada menghidap...bukan penyakit..i don't know..
can anybody...clear things out for me..
cam ner nak elak dari ketiga2 mende di atas..or kurangkan..
[ Last edited by demonagirl6 at 8-8-2008 02:32 AM ]