Reply #21 atomicman's post
huhu. itu la. ape nk wat kan. nak taknak dia kene gk la kuruskan badan.hurmmm org sekeliling bkn paham pn. so cane raya ko? nk ilangkan pakai laser ke? ehe. |
Reply #1 atomicman's post
kena rajin apply cream & moisturizer. Aku masa zaman remaja dulu pun ade gak jadi camtu, walaupun aku ni tak berisi mana pun. Tak tau la nape jadi camtu. Pastu aku selalu apply pelembab bila nak kluar umah & nak tido. Lama2 aku perasan makin pudar, skrg ni dah takde dah. |
If you are overweight then it could be a sign of impending diabetes.
Jangan buat excuse you tak gemuk cuma berisi - denial. If your BMI is not within the normal range than you are overweight.
Take action to reduce weight by healthy eating. InsyAllah kulit kehitaman tu akan jadi normal balik. My sister had the same thing. She reduced her weight by healthy eating & exercises and the skin has changed back to its normal shade. |
maksud AnitaSabrina tanda kt tengkuk ni tanda diabetis kew? |
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