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Patah tulang kaki - 5th metatarsal

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Post time 10-9-2008 12:56 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
I've just been told that from my x-ray I have `non union & displaced 5th metatarsal fracture.'  In simple terms - patah tulang kaki.  

Doctor said have to undergo surgery to put in screws to fix the bones.  It sounds quite horrific.    

Anyone ever experienced this?  How painful is the surgery? Time frame to recover?  

[ Last edited by  AnitaSabrina at 24-9-2008 11:36 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 10-9-2008 06:49 PM | Show all posts
Tak ada orang yang tahu ke pasal non-union fracture ni?  

I'm going to a different hospital this Friday for second opinion.  

I've read tons of stuff on non-union fracture.  But haven't found anything on alternative way to treat the fracture that doesn't involve surgery.  

Can air-cast help to push the bone back to where its supposed to be?

Any doctors around?

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Post time 10-9-2008 06:59 PM | Show all posts
doktor x on-call la pulak hari nih

senyap jer die

dr. arissaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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 Author| Post time 12-9-2008 06:54 AM | Show all posts
Still no response from anyone?

Anyway, today I'm going to UMMC to have my legs & foot and everything else checked out.  Left leg knee cap macam dah kembang.  Misaligned?  

Hopefully both fracture and the knee cap doesn't require surgery.  InsyAllah.

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 Author| Post time 14-9-2008 12:57 PM | Show all posts
Next week going for surgery to fix in the screws to unite the bones.  

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 Author| Post time 17-9-2008 03:43 PM | Show all posts
This thread is like a chronoloy of my case je.  No one knows anything about Jones fracture?

My surgery is at 2.30 tomorrow at SJMC.  If everything is fine I can go home at about 4 pm.  According to dr boleh puasa macam biasa.  Makan masa time buka, insyAllah.  I'll have to use AirCast XP Walker for 3 weeks.  Thank God he's not going to put me in a plaster of paris cast.  

The medical term for my fracture is : displaced non union metatarsal fracture (mouthful!).  

My boys are coming with me.  Hubby insists that they come along to accompany their mummy going for surgery.  They missed my surgery last year.  So this year dia orang kena ikut.  I'm sure I'll breakdown tomorrow when I kiss my boys goodbye.  

[ Last edited by  AnitaSabrina at 17-9-2008 03:44 PM ]

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Post time 17-9-2008 07:52 PM | Show all posts
jangan risau. selalunya doc tu mungkin  akan allign balik tulang tu. dan if like u said ada non union ( bahasa biasa tulang tak sambung) bone graph mungkin akan dijalankan. screw n plate just to immobilise the fracture.

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Post time 17-9-2008 09:15 PM | Show all posts
takdak surgeon ler kat sini...heheh...semua doktor medical jer....

aku nk citer pun tkau sgt fracture2 ni.....tau sikit2 jer....

metatarsal fracture is not a major dier should not have any major complications.

ala biasa la screw skit jer....

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Post time 17-9-2008 09:48 PM | Show all posts

Reply #8 Arissa_Sofea's post

kena general anesthesi ke doc

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 Author| Post time 17-9-2008 10:00 PM | Show all posts

Reply #8 Arissa_Sofea's post

Thanks doc.  Its a relief to know its not a major surgery.  

Tapi kan kecut perut jugak.  Especially bila ingatkan rehab dia panjang sangat.  Sakit tak buat bone surgery ni?  I'm thinking nak overnight kat ward sebab takut tak boleh manage post op pain.  

Tapi macam tak best pulak stay kat ward.  Kat rumah lagi best.  Will the pain relief meds given by the surgeon be enough if I choose not to stay overnight at hospital?

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 Author| Post time 17-9-2008 10:04 PM | Show all posts

Reply #7 awangbok's post

Betullah tu.  Tulang tu degil tak nak sambung balik.  Jenuh telan ubat kalsium hari hari!  Doctor cakap Jones fracture memang susah nak unite.  Biasanya dancers yang dapat fracture macam ni contohnya ballet dancers yang dancing terjengket-jengket.  

Adoi!  I wasn't even dancing!  The bloody road was uneven!  

Habislah RM5/6k esok!  

Mudah-mudahan surgery ni successful & I heal quickly.  InsyAllah.  Doakan ya.....

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Post time 17-9-2008 10:18 PM | Show all posts

Reply #10 AnitaSabrina's post

ish, kna stay kat ward lepas operation fracture.....first, sbb kna monitor simptom/signs of hypovolaemia/anaemia. second, macam you cakap pain control. selalunyer kalau major surgery, maybe patient kna pakai PCA (patient control analgesia- yang tekan2 button tuh)....tapi maybe tak payah....

selalunyer orang post operation fracture akan perlukan Paracetamol, Tramadol dan Sevredol untuk control pain. Sevredol tu controlled drugs, hospital jer knala stay dalam hospital...

lagi satu org lps operation kna amik antibiotik Cefuroxime 750mg lagi satu reason kna stay dlm ward....

tp...everything ikut kata surgeon la....kalau dia kata boleh balik, balikla kot...heheh

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 Author| Post time 18-9-2008 10:37 AM | Show all posts

Reply #12 Arissa_Sofea's post

Oh ya ke?  Tak tahu pulak.  Nanti I re-check with my surgeon.  

Thanks for the advise.  I know what to ask kejap lagi before surgery.    

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 Author| Post time 21-9-2008 05:59 PM | Show all posts
Got my surgery done on Thursday evening at SJMC.  Post op pain was like hell!  

I was given Tramadol (spelling?)  and reacted violently to that.

Malam kat SJMC memang suffer giler because the makcik in my room buat parti makan-makan with her rombongan Cik Kiah.  They came all the way from Sepang and bought KFC, Pizza etc and picnic in the room until 11.30 pm.  

Adoi!  Tak ada sivik betul dia orang ni.  Orang baru lepas operation dia orang dok sibuk melantak and create a racket in the room!

Bersambung ..... still in a lot of pain.  Today is day 4 of operation.  Masih sakit berdenyut lagi.

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 Author| Post time 22-9-2008 03:43 PM | Show all posts
...sambungan.  This thread is a reference for anyone that might get a foot fracture or any other fracture.

The surgery started at 3.00 pm and lasted for one hour.  It was supposed to take 30 minutes but went on for longer because my fracture dah lama sangat.  So, dah ada fibrous tissues at the fractured site.  Surgeon had to kikis bahagian tulang yang patah tu and apply bone graft (apa kebenda ni?) untuk re-educate the bone to regenerate.  

Honestly, I don't know what the heck all these is.  This was what the surgeon said to me after the surgery.  

I have to use aircast for 3 weeks, pastu dr akan evaluate whether to take it off or use it some more.  Ideally its to be used for 6 weeks!   For moving around I use crutches, walker and a wheel chair.  

This is hard to get used to.  

Tak best lah Raya like this.  Melompat-lompat gi rumah orang.  I'll just go to my mum's house and mum in-law's house.  Kesian my boys sure sikit duit raya dia orang tahun ni.  

[ Last edited by  AnitaSabrina at 22-9-2008 03:45 PM ]

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Post time 30-4-2010 02:42 AM | Show all posts
aku sambung kat sini je la... kepada doktor aku nak tanye, aku kaki baru je patah... tapi bukan tulang keting tu.. cume fibula je yang kecik sebelah tu... dan tulang aku patah 2 tempat.. jadi tulang tu skang ade 3 bahagian la.. kalo camni memang doktor akan simenkan ke je? takyah betulkan dulu ke? sebab 1 bahagian tulang aku yang yang patah tu terkeluar sket dan agak menjauh dan 1 bahagian yang patah tu masib bersambung cume membelok keluar... kirenye jadi camni la tulang tu.. ---> ( ____/ ____ ) dan boleh ke x-ray banyak kali? mase aku blaja kat skolah, setau aku takleh lebih dari 2 kali setahun... mane la tua kan bende radioaktif ni...

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Post time 1-5-2010 04:55 PM | Show all posts
huuuuuu........ takde ke yang berpengalaman? doktor ortopedik ke... huuuu

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Post time 2-5-2010 10:25 AM | Show all posts
aku sambung kat sini je la... kepada doktor aku nak tanye, aku kaki baru je patah... tapi bukan tula ...
pawangBuaya Post at 30-4-2010 02:42

kau accident ka pawang?tak apa, cuba hospital dulu, jika tak effective baru cari alternative...

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