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Meteor Jatuh Di Edmonton (pic)

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Post time 23-11-2008 06:01 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Gempar meteor jatuh

EMPAT keping gambar ini menunjukkan rakaman meteor jatuh
ke Bumi sebelum meletup dan mengeluarkan cahaya cerah di Edmonton,
Kanada Khamis lalu


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Post time 23-11-2008 06:37 AM | Show all posts
wah...nasib tak kena rumah penduduk eh....

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Post time 23-11-2008 07:30 AM | Show all posts
kat utube ada klip dia. sebijik je ek jatuh

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Post time 23-11-2008 08:44 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1 dexa's post

pada kiraan saya, ia sebenarnya cuma sejenis 'sampah' dari angkasa saja

Sebagaimana yang kita ketahui, di angkasaraya sana tu dah semakin banyak peralatan seperti satellite yang dah tamat tempoh, satellite yang tak boleh diguna sejak dilancarkan, rocket boosters dan sebagainya.

Benda-benda ni tak dibawa semula turun ke bumi. Terapong di angkasa.
Jadi kemungkinan benda-benda ni berlanggar antara mereka adalah sangat besar. Bila dah berlanggar, pasti mencetuskan momentum tolakan, termasuk ke arah bumi.

Bila dah ke arah bumi, pastinya disambut dengan graviti yang tinggi dan dengan kelajuan jatuhan yang beribu km/jam, geseran antara 'sampah' tadi dengan udara pasti mencetuskan bebola api disekeliling 'sampah' tersebut. Semakin laju, semakinlah api tersebut bertukar warna. Inilah yang dapat dilihat oleh saksi mata atau kamera

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Post time 23-11-2008 08:44 AM | Show all posts
SASKATCHEWAN FIREBALL: A brilliant green fireball startled onlookers across western Canada on Nov. 20th (5:30 pm MST) when it split the evening sky and fragmented during a series of thunderous explosions. "The sky was lit up almost like daytime for 3 or 4 seconds," reports Gordon Blomgren of Alberta. Murray McDonnell of northwestern Saskatchewan says "my wife and I saw a brilliant flash of blue white light, like lightning. About one minute later a long rumbling sound shook the house."

Andy Bartlett video-recorded the event from a 10th-floor apartment in Edmonton, Alberta:

Click to play the video

"The brilliant fireball appeared to be closer than the airplane in the upper right corner of this video," says Bartlett. "I made the movie using a Canon A510."

The fireball was almost certainly a small asteroid disintegrating in Earth's atmosphere. A space rock measuring a few to ten meters wide moving at typical local-asteroid velocities would account for the fireball's speed and brightness. Reentry of manmade space junk has now been ruled out. Fragments of the impactor may have reached the ground; if so, they remain undiscovered and/or unreported.

VIDEO UPDATE: A spectacular video of the fireball was recorded by the dashboard camera of a police car on patrol in Edmonton, Alberta. Click to play.

Petikan dari: ... th=11&year=2008

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 Author| Post time 23-11-2008 10:22 AM | Show all posts

Reply #5 aimez's post

kalau fireballz tu - semacam comet la juga ---

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 Author| Post time 23-11-2008 10:24 AM | Show all posts

Reply #4 tokmanting's post

sampah yang panas --
serpihan dari meteor juga   - batu2 gaseous di angkasa -

tu yang jadi macam fireballz tu --

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Post time 23-11-2008 11:09 AM | Show all posts
kalu dpt tgk gambo kawahnya kan besh..

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Post time 23-11-2008 03:13 PM | Show all posts
Space junk ke atau meteor...bila masuk atmosfera bumi akan terbakar dan menghasilkan cahaya....(juga termasuk space shuttle pecah)

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Post time 23-11-2008 10:31 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 23-11-2008 11:18 PM | Show all posts
lepas ni kena tengok ke muzium la ni sbb kat sana biasanya dorg pamer batu2 meteor yg jatuh dr angkasa.

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Post time 25-11-2008 09:50 AM | Show all posts
wow.. bestnya kalo dapat tgk live , but of course, memula tekejut and a bit afraid lah kot..

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Post time 28-11-2008 01:50 PM | Show all posts
debris kalau jatuh pon terbako gak kan

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Post time 28-11-2008 09:30 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Robab at 28-11-2008 01:50 PM

debris kalau jatuh pon terbako gak kan

semua yg 'terjatuh' akan terbakar ..
actually, secara puratanya memang sentiasa ada je benda dari angkasa nun
yg masuk ke atmosfera bumi tiap2 hari
tapi, biasanya bebenda tu dah habis terbakar sebelum sempat didetect atau dilihat ..
kebanyakannya bebenda kecik macam debris tu aa ..


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Post time 28-11-2008 11:09 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Robab at 28-11-2008 01:50 PM

debris kalau jatuh pon terbako gak kan

mungkin Robab berminat nak baca pasal ni, aku pastekan yek

Space Junk

Thousands of nuts, bolts, gloves and other debris from space missions form an orbiting garbage dump around Earth, presenting a hazard to spacecraft. Some of the bits and pieces scream along at 17,500 mph.

When these objects fall back into Earth's atmosphere, which they inevitably do, they behave just like any other meteor, lighting up the sky.

A 1999 study estimated there are some 4 million pounds of space junk in low-Earth orbit, just one part of a celestial sea of roughly 110,000 objects larger than 1 centimeter -- each big enough to damage a satellite or space-based telescope.

Some of the objects, baseball-sized and bigger, could threaten the lives of astronauts in a space shuttle or the International Space Station. As an example of the hazard, a tiny speck of paint from a satellite once dug a pit in a space shuttle window nearly a quarter-inch wide.

Aware of the threat, the U.S. Space Command monitors space debris and other objects, reporting directly to NASA and other agencies whenever there's threat of an orbital impact.

As of June 21 2000, the agency counted 8,927 man-made objects in the great above and beyond; some are there more or less permanently. Of the total, 2,671 are satellites (working or not), 90 are space probes that have been launched out of Earth orbit, and 6096 are mere chunks of debris zooming around the third planet from the Sun. The United States leads the former Soviet Union in the total quantity of orbital junk, but some companies and other organizations contribute significantly to the count.

But there are more objects up there.

The Space Command's electronic eyes can spot a baseball-sized object up to about 600 miles high, officials say. But at 22,300 miles up, where geostationary satellites roam -- providing weather images used by forecasters -- an object has to be as big as a volleyball to be seen. These object, moving in fixed perches with the rotating Earth, may remain in place for centuries, experts say.

And even with more than a dozen of these electronic eyes arrayed around the planet, the agency admits to not being able to see the entire sky all around the world.

Danger of getting hit on the head?

The threat to satellites and Earth-orbiting deep-space telescopes from orbiting debris is clear. But how much of this junk falls back into the sky? Does this poses a risk to the species responsible for putting the stuff up there in the first place?

In the first six months of 1999, 57 of the tracked objects re-entered Earth's atmosphere, according to Major Michael Birmingham of the U.S. Space Command. Birmingham said that 91 objects fell into the atmosphere in all of 1998, and 69 in 1997.

The most spectacular re-entry in the short history of the phenomenon was Skylab. Launched in 1973 (two years after Russia put its first space station into orbit), the first and only U.S. space station stumbled home six years later, part of it splashing into the Indian Ocean and another portion ending up in Australia.

"Most objects that re-enter the Earth's atmosphere burn-up or re-enter over water," Birmingham said, noting that nearly three-quarters of the planet is wet and a great majority of what's dry is uninhabited. "Since the space surveillance mission began, almost 17,000 objects that we track re-entered the Earth's atmosphere. Catastrophic re-entries such as Skylab are rare and the exception."

Cool space junk facts

+ The oldest debris still on orbit is the second US satellite, the Vanguard I, launched on 1958, March, the 17th, which worked only for 6 years.

+ In 1965, during the first american space walk, the Gemini 4 astronaut Edward White, lost a glove. For a month, the glove stayed on orbit with a speed of 28,000 km / h, becoming the most dangerous garment in history.

+ More than 200 objects, most of them rubbish bags, were released by the Mir space station during its first 10 years of operation.

+ The most space debris created by a spacecraft's destruction was due to the upper stage of a Pegasus rocket launched in 1994. Its explosion in 1996 generated a cloud of some 300,000 fragments bigger than 4 mm and 700 among them were big enough to be catalogued. This explosion alone doubled the Hubble Space Telescope collision risk.

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