Adik saya selalu kena ulser mulut. Kadang2 sampai tak boleh makan. apakah puncanya sbb terlalu kerap. ada tak ubat/supplement yang sesuai untuk mengelakkan ulser ni dari berulang. |
mcm saya dulu ni... every mth asyik kena. tp dah ok dah... |
dulu i pun selalu ulcer.. minum byk air la...
kadang2 kalo tension/stress pun leh senang tumbuh ulcer... |
Balas #1 speed74\ catat
oral aid kat farmasi rm4.50-rm6.00, botol dia kecil sahaja tapi memang berkesan |
ulser mulut biasa disebabkan oleh stress.
beli 'orabase' (kenalog in oralbase-dalam tiub kecik 5g.)
ubat ni memang berkesan dari bonjela atau sebarang ubat lain .ubat ni mahal sikit dari ubat ulser yang lain.biasa nya kalau g farmasi diorang akan bagi bonjela atau oral paste je.sebab dalamnya ada steroid yang boleh kecikkan wound tu |
Watermelon Frost yg boleh beli kat kedai sinseh pun ok gak... cuma berhabuk sikit lar... tp so far dr pengalaman sendiri, better dan kenalog dan bonjela... |
jadik mcm mata ikan tu kan?
cik kambing salu boh bonjela je.
Minum air banyak2, tak cukup minum air tu..panas dalam.. |
Originally posted by pinkyberry at 30-12-2008 03:20 PM
Watermelon Frost yg boleh beli kat kedai sinseh pun ok gak... cumaberhabuk sikit lar... tp so far dr pengalaman sendiri, better dankenalog dan bonjela...
panas dalam pun mungkin ye, stress/tension pun ye gakk punca tumbuh ulcer ni.....
wehh.. sama la.. aku pun guna ubat tu.... serbuk color hijau pekat kan? pedih sket tapi puas hati & cepat baik..
bila ulcer nak naik je aku tepek ubat tu.. haaa hamik ko... puashati... cepat betul baik... skrg kat pharmacy pun ada yg jual ubattu....
aku kalo setakat bonjela tu mulut aku dah immune...kebal....tak effect apa2 pun letak bonjela.... |
Yapp.. Stress/tensen antara punca kene ulser mulut..
Nak sembuhkan senang jek.. Minum air kosong banyak2.. Dua tiga hari dah ok.. |
Balas #6 pinkyberry\ catat
i pun selalu kena ulcer. the worst masa raya ari tu coz cuaca panas sgt kat kg. abg ipar belikan ubat dari kedai singseh...tapi tak tau nama apa ubat tu. maybe mcm yg pinky cakap ni kut coz ubat tu berhabuk sikit and tekstur macam abu. kalau bubuh kat ulcer tu rasa sejuk je. I bubuh byk kali... esoknye dah ok.
kalau akak aku pulak dia suh minum ENO...utk sejukkan badan. Bonjela tak jalan sgt. |
Benar salah satu punca ulcer ialah stress, tgk stress camna, kurang minum air..dan terluka disebabkan tergigit lidah atau bibir, tempoh penyembuhan maksima 3 minggu bergantung kepada besar mana luka ulcer tersebut, kesannya memang memang menyakitkan, ubat biasa di beri, ORALPASTE byk djual di farmasi ubat ini tidak menyembuhkan tetapi akan menyebabkan KEBAS supaya makan kita tidak terganggu, selepas 4 jam sakit akan kembali, disyorkan ke klinik sebab ada ubat dlm bentuk tablet yg lebih berkesan, lupa pulak namanya, 3 hari sahaja ulcer akan kecut/ pengambilan vitamin c, akan mempercepatkan penyembuhan.
Ulcer bukan disebabkan virus tetapi ulcer akan mengundang virus ke luka sebab itu lambat kurang, jika ulcer masih tidak kurang2 selepas sebulan berjumpalah pakar sebab itulah tanda2 ke arah lebih buruk, cancer mulut.. |
sedikit ilmu tentang mouth ulser atau ulser mulut yang saya rasa boleh di kongsi bersama rakan-rakan yang ingin tau...
Mouth Ulcers
We first must distinguish between a mouth ulcer (canker sore) and a fever blister (cold sore).
Ulcers are typically found inside the mouth and are not contagious, while Fever blisters are found outside, typically on the lips, and are very contagious.
Fever blisters are caused by the herpes virus, and are most effectively treated by acyclovir, denovir or penciclovir.
The discussion here will concern the cause and treatment of Apthous ulcers, which is much more controversiol.
The following comments have been collected over the years from dentists on the Internet dental forum. Some comments are anecdotal. Some have research to back up the assertions. Some have commercial undertones. Still others belong in left field at "the ballpark in Arlington". Truthfully, this subject is best summed up by Michael Miller, DMD, from the University of Pennsylvania:
"I read with some amusement these multiple letters (see following comments) regarding the etiology and treatment for aphthous ulcers. I say this because when I was involved in my oral medicine-training program at the University of Pennsylvania in the early 70's, we were heavily involved in both epidemiologic and basic science investigations of aphthous ulcers. I firmly believe that the disease is an auto-immune phenomenon; that the predisposition to the condition is genetically conferred; that all sorts of factors can elicit their occurrence including trauma, chemicals, hormonal cycles, stress, smoking, etc.; that many treatments have been proposed for aphthous ulcers and many work, from vegetable milkshakes, to rinses with chlortetracycline, to topically applied steroids. Why some work in some individuals, and others don't goes unanswered. I'm sure it is related to the etiology. What I have found is that you must be prepared to try a multitude of treatment modalities in some aphthous sufferers. Even then, sometimes, nothing works."
Keep in mind that the final common pathway of mucosal damage is the ulceration, which is often nonspecific in nature, giving us little clue to its exact etiology. Someday the specific treatment may be found. But, in the meantime, with the more severe cases, if you find a treatment that works, Good luck!
Before we move on, I suppose you need to know how we treat these in our office. Our first action is typically the use of our Nd:YAG laser, which is relatively pain free. On the tougher ulcers, and for those who want to rid themsleves of a painful ulcer as quickly as possible, we use Debacterol |
Ada banyak pendapat dan pandangan tentang ulser mulut didalam website tersebut.. di bawah ini...saya ambik satu antaranya yang mana saya rasa mudah untuk difahami dan mungkin mudah untuk di ikuti ..sama-sama la kita mendapatkan manafaat daripadanya..Jika ada kawan-kawan yang inginkan pandangan dan cadangan yang lebih lanjut.. kawan-kawan boleh la layari laman webnya disini..http://www.21stcenturydental.com/smith/education/ulcers.htm...ada banyak pendapat dari pakar-pakar yang lain..
Dr. Weil has the following suggestions:
If stress, fatigue, or other factors tend to result in canker sores in your mouth, you aren't alone. Mouth ulcers (aphthous ulcers) are common and can be very painful, even if they are barely visible.
The cause of canker sores remains unknown, although a popular theory holds that they are autoimmune in nature - the result of an attack by the immune system on the body's own tissues.
They may also be a result of deficiencies of folic acid, iron or vitamin B12.
Canker sores are often triggered by stress, fatigue, certain foods (including nuts, acidic foods and sweets) and occasionally by toothpaste containing the additive sodium lauryl sulfate.
While they are painful, there are ways to reduce discomfort and speed the healing process. Try making a tablet of DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice) extract into a paste, or make a paste from DGL powder and coat the paste over the sore.
Do this four times a day until the sore has disappeared. A daily B-100, B-complex vitamin supplement may also help prevent canker sores.
Perhaps most important are mind-body approaches, such as visualization, hypnosis or relaxation techniques, which can reduce the frequency and severity of outbreaks.
Join Dr. Weil on Healthy Aging for videos, music and information to help you effectively manage stress.
(kredit to 21stcenturydental.com)
[ Last edited by redbun at 7-1-2009 12:53 AM ] |
inmi pengalaman sendiri
dulu selalu sgt kena
maybe dlm badan panas
skang memang pastikan minum air putih banyak2
pastue makan buah n sayur banyak2
alhamdulilalh dh ok |
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