boyfren sy exciden last dec kt S'pore, serius jgk..patah tulang antara bahu dgn siku sebelah tgn kanan,colar bone kiri,radius & ulna tgn kiri,joint lutut tercedera,buku lali kaki kiri...
sekarang dia di kg kt sabah..beristirehat & rehab kt hospital queen elizabeth...
masalah skrg nie...tgn kirinya belum blh angkat walaupun 45 darjah...tp jari2 blh bergerak....sedih hati sy...
doctor ckp ambik masa..mgkn 3 bln mgkn jgk 6 bln..tak pn..mgkn tk blh bergerak...wallahualam..
doc ckp mgkn terkena saraf2..sbb 2 tk blh bergerak......
ada siapa2 blh bagi apa2 pandangan / cadangan supaya tgn kiri boyfren sy blh bergerak seperti dulu walaupun tk sekuat dulu....YA ALLAH.... |
Reply #1 miyu's post
Kalau jari-jari boleh gerak mungkin tak ada kecederaan kat saraf.
Maybe its because dah lama tangan yg cedera tu immobilise so movements now affected.
In my case, I fractured my metatarsal bone. Even though now dah 5 months post-op my legs don't feel like normal. According to orthopaedic surgeon, bone surgery takes time to heal. Anything from one year to 2 years.
In the meantime continue fisioterapi. Kena kuatkan semangat untuk pulih balik. Pray to God for strength. If you are a Muslim, solat jangan tinggal. Movements in solat is the best fisio for the body. |
I've just re-read your posts. Quite horrific jugak your bf's injuries.
Basically both left & right hands and left leg. Oh boy! I can't imagine the pain he's in. |
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