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bangkitlah melayu - issues
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this is comment i post on chedet blog(the generation gap), just in case it hasnt being post. i post it here
Asalamualaikum Tun,
THE GENERATION GAP is the most interesting topic to discuss. in future BN will have more challenges because there is this "GAP" youre talking about.
the picture would be like this.
"BN" = orang tua
"people" = orang muda
so what happened when org tua + org muda live together?
org muda never cares about the history, for eg: in UTUSAN theres an article about "BANGKITLAH MELAYU" this is completely nonsense for those who are educated.
do u know why? if im not mistaken, those HAK-HAK, protective issue IS MORE suitable for those living in primitive jungle, rural area because it is very dangerous wild world out there. this is commonly acceptable as people need to stick together for survival, hunting together &such. but now is it still reasonable in 21st century?
although i do mean it is mainly towards the malay, but chinese/indian are no exception either. there are many chinese/indian who are involved with agricultural, live in rural area and guess what..they are racist towards the malay as well. racism problem is actually EVERYONE's PROBLEM. not just certain race or some group of people.
regarding the UTUSAN issues, this is absolutely fishing bait for BN to those uneducated malays in the rural, or even worse primitive malays living in the cities. however.. due to development and economy growth in the cities/country, as the world become more and more globalized,org muda will survive and change. unless the propaganda from UTUSAN is the one who doesnt want Malaysia to be globalized and compete in international arena?
why im saying this? the reason is simple, because UTUSAN CLEARLY ask malay to stick together, and stay close. how is this possible in globalized world? (what a shame, do u ever see newspaper in america ask all the whities stay with whites together and black with black together?)
in globalized world, we need to share culture, share beliefs, share a lots of things! trade with each other to step forward in the country,what kind of exchange? from all-race across-all country this is how malaysia able to become developed country. but since utusan wanted or prefering malay to do this or that.. you guess what will happened when org tua asking org muda to do something? BN WILL FAIL sooner or later because they are race-based party(umno/mca/mic)!
based on history, BN(old government) giving the title, pangkat or whatever to malays. and i repeat.. this is old practice.. you! old man, will made org muda in non-suitable condition(globalized world) & ask us to do this and that because its more suitable to your 'old man' beliefs and practice! guess what will happen? more opposition force towards BN.
for eg:
.. because malays or umno are getting this or that, then.. the other race will also demanding this and that kind of 'Title'.. this is human nature. you cant stop them if you dont stop giving to your own people! or unless BN is admitting practicing berat sebelah? mana perginya simbol/lambang dacing BN yang tidak berat sebelah? god damn it bn!
[ Last edited by jong52yuara at 16-4-2009 16:09 ] |
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