Apparently, it is meant to replace the F18s. No orders yet. Perhaps we can see one flying by 2020 or even earlier.
It makes commercial sense to get a Boeing combat aircraft and not just rely on Lockmart. If this plane flies, Lockheed will certainly rush to sell the F-22s. Close Us allies would then operate this plane with the F-35s or F-22s with the F-35s.
It will certainly be a sight to behold and the this plane together with the F-35s on carriers. You just cannot beat the Americans when it comes to innovation and electronic supremacy. They are getting lazy but if they want to fight, you`ll be out in Round 1. Yeah, Im talking about the chinese and russians.
It`s a heavy plane like the F-14 Tomcat. Im thinking that this could be the successor to the Tom-Cat!!
If the F18E/Fs are to be replaced around 2025, you will see this plane flying next decade. In fact, it may be sooner than 2025 especially if the USN is serious about maintaining its grip on air dominance.