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Maybe I was nearly being CONNED in handphone fair at PJ SS14 28/11/09 saturday??
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To everyone.
I want to share this experience with everyone. Pls give feedback whether I was being cheated or it is the mistake of the staff.
On 28/11/09 saturday, I went to the hand phone fair in PJ SS14 and bought a China version Iphone (picture1). I bought it because the ah Kit saleman told me this phone come with 2 years warranty and their office in LOWYAT PLAZA level 1. After making payment, he opened a receipt without company headprint and contact number. I ask him if he can write down company contact, and he replied :" NO, our company doesnt have contact number" and he wrote down only a handphone number. The warranty card also doesnt have company cop. He said " the manufactuer in rawang will definately recognize without company cop" (picture2)
29/11/09 Sunday, there is some problem with my phone. I decided go to the adress written on the receipt. The UTNT person incharge said this is not their phone because doesnt have thier company sticker. I called telephone number written on the receipt. IT IS A FAKE NUMBER!!!!! The number belongs to a MALAY GIRL who doesnt work in lowyat and dunno anything about handphone. (picture 3). My instinct told me that maybe I was being CONNED?????
So, I went all the way to fair at PJ SS14 and argue with them. They agree to give me back a full refund but they cant give me a satisfied answer why the saleman put fake address and fake number on the receipt. The person who sold me the phone didnt even say a single word (picture 4). They said they messed up and took the wrong phone to me because theier phones from different supplier. UTNT is one of their supplier. Then the guy called Steve gave me his namecard U memory enterprise , told me the company in the mines shopping center 4th floor (picture 5). I am not sure if it is the incharge company though. I am so confused.......But he was the one who explained and refunded to me.
But still, why he ah Kit gave fake phone number? Why he said company is UTNT in lowyat?? (picture ). If my phone has problem after the fair ( 29/11/09 Sunday is the last day) who should I look for? Where can I find them???? They even borrowed credit card machine from some company in PJ (picture 6). How to find them after that??? It will be a dead weight loss!!!!! What 2 years warranty just bullshit.....Dont you think is not fair to consumers???
The boss called me on monday 30/11/09 and said sorry. He said the only thing he can do is to say sorry and he already punished his staff. He said ah Kit is new staff. So funny, new staff dont even know your company name and company phone number?? Dont you think it is ridiculous????? I dunno it is the company's fault or is the staff's fault, but they just couldnt explained why he put why phone number and adress on the receipt.
Whoever bought phone in the FAIR, pls check if you still able to contact the company who sold to you. I dunno if is only my case or there are some other buyers out there experience the same thing with me. I am sharing this just to to remind everyone,becareful when you purchase something in some FAIR. thank you.

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