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Author: lemontea_

Penapis Udara/Air Purifier

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Post time 17-5-2010 12:21 PM | Show all posts
My sons dua orang alergik dgn habuk, akhirnya dr cadang kami beli penapis udara. Hmm... boleh tahan gak rega penapis udara rupanya.. tapi dah tak sanggup anak2 asik batuk selsema tak baik2.. kami beli Coway punya.. secara sewa beli. Rega RM3100 kalau cash tapi beli sewa beli RM90 sebulan. Dah hitung2, rega sewa beli dan cash end up sama jer.. lebih untung beli sewa beli sebab service setiap 2 bulan .

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Post time 19-5-2010 09:50 AM | Show all posts
Reply 21# aleesa1940

    u beli kat kedai mana?

bleh share................

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Post time 19-5-2010 10:26 AM | Show all posts
ada jumpa satu brand nih.. Biozone
air filter...dia guna UV to kill the bacteria

rega lam RM2k++

dok tgh kira pitih lam tabung

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Post time 19-5-2010 12:48 PM | Show all posts
HEPA - This is a form of disposable filter that is highly effective at getting rid of smaller particles. However, it's also extremely expensive. Tips: First, make sure that if you are getting an air purifier with a HEPA filter, you know how often it needs to be replaced. Many times it's annually, and it can cost almost as much as the air purifier itself. Just keep that in mind when you're budgeting. Second, shoot for something that has a secondary filter as well. There are many cheap filters that you can clean on your own. They only get big dirt and not the fine particles - but they reduce the load on the HEPA filter and mean you have to change it less often. A lot of air purifiers use both at the same time for this reason - first it goes through the cheap filter you can wash and reuse, then anything that doesn't catch goes through the HEPA filter.

Ozone - This is a gas that is deadly to humans in large concentrations, but is used inside of some air purifiers to kill off germs. It can produce a weird smell. This is probably something to avoid in my opinion.

Ionization - A technology that is designed mainly to get dust out of the air. It works by charging particles as they come through the air purifier, so that they will stick to surfaces when they come out. You probably aren't interested in the physics, but you NEED to know this: if your air purifier doesn't come with an ionization plate, the dust is going to stick on the surfaces around it. That means dusty floors and tables. A plate is just a surface inside the air purifier for the particles to stick to - you have to clean it off, but your floors don't get dusty.

Ultraviolet - This is a way to kill germs. It's included in many air purifiers - basically, they send the air through an ultraviolet lamp. This is safe, but the one thing to watch out for is that some air purifiers say they use "ultraviolet" technology to kill germs, but instead of bombarding the germs with UV rays they use UV rays to make ozone, which kills the germs. It's an indirect way to avoid telling people they're using ozone - so be aware of it and watch for it.

1) Do the air purifier brands you're thinking about buying use ozone or not? This is a hotly debated subject - some manufacturers say it's great and kills germs effectively. However, the EPA has recommended that you avoid air purifiers that produce it - mainly because even if you use them properly, with some brands it can get concentrated around the air purifier at dangerous levels. The manufacturers respond that millions of people use them with no evident ill effects. My recommendation: go with the EPA - there are plenty of other methods of cleaning the air and I just wouldn't risk it. Some people also don't like the smell, independent of any health risks.

-ni maksud aku..yg pakai HEPA to rsnyer more to mechanical things la..yg jenih ionic there is concern on ozone plak...

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Post time 19-5-2010 01:58 PM | Show all posts
err..nak kena tanya chemist nih..camano plak UV digunakan utk create Ozone...huhuhuhuuh
need to research more

sebab ingat2 lupa ilmu kimia.. Ozone (O3) tu dipecah jadi  O2 kat udara sana

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Post time 20-5-2010 11:21 AM | Show all posts
Reply  aleesa1940

    u beli kat kedai mana?

bleh share................
genUmi Post at 19-5-2010 09:50

    saya beli kat dealer di booth Giant shah alam. Saya tengok kat giant kota dsara pun ada booth coway ni. Saya beli yang LOMBOK. Coway ada macam2 air filter. lain2 reganya... tapi walau ada air purifier saya rajin2 kan juga bersihkan habuk secara manual.. sebab rumah sekarang ni memang banyak betul habuk. Rumah mak dulu2 kat kg penuh pokok.. sejuk semulajadi... habuk pun tak ada lah banyak  bebeno...

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Post time 15-8-2011 01:52 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by mr_base at 15-8-2011 14:00

Best Rated Home Air Purifier - Comparison Chart

The comparison chart below can help you determine the best rated home air purifier for you, once you know the technologies. Prices, filters, warranty offered, and information on the most popular models are covered.
Once you know the technology you want, and the square footage you want to cover, you can easily do a comparison of the purifiers to get an idea which one will fit your needs.

NOTE:Below the chart is an explanation of each row.


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Post time 5-10-2011 06:10 PM | Show all posts
Need more info on COWAY's Air Purifier, can pm me.

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Post time 7-4-2013 06:15 PM | Show all posts
sesiapa tau bacaan air purifier sharp? apa maksud 60? 65?

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Post time 29-6-2013 12:47 PM | Show all posts
salam semua..
saya nak mencari air purifier budget sikit je..
tak mampu la nak beli yang ribu-ribu
boleh tak suggestkan brand yang sesuai.. target nak bagi sedut debu

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Post time 9-7-2013 04:53 PM | Show all posts
sesiapa guna hydroguard air purifier?
boleh bg review sikit x?

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Post time 1-10-2013 02:51 PM | Show all posts
Tarik nafas dalam-dalam. Tahukah anda apa yang baru anda sedut ke dalam paru-paru???

Secara purata seseorang menyedut kira-kira 15.2 meter padu yang dipenuhi dengan bahan cemar dan bendasing setiap hari. Menurut U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), udara di dalam rumah anda menjadi 2 hingga 5 kali lebih tercemar berbanding udara diluar!
Udara di dalam rumah anda mengandungi pelbagai bahan cemar seperti :
*Spora kelapuk *debunga *bekteria dan hama habuk *asbestos *hasil reputan redon *partikel dan bendasing lain yang kelihatan dan tidak kelihatan.

Kualiti udara di dalam rumah yang teruk boleh membawa kesan negatif kepada kesihatan, termasuk beberapa penyakit kronik dan pernafasan yang boleh menyebabkan kelesuan badan yang teruk.

Jangan bahayakan kesihatan anda. Dapatkannya sekarang untuk persekitaran di dalam rumah yang lebih sihat. Teknologi penulenan Penulen Udara ATMOSPHERE yang inovatif yang digabungkan dengan prestasi hebat dan kuasa penulenan sentiasa mengatasi penulen-penulen udara yang lain di pasaran :

•        Penurasan Clarus : Menghapuskan 99.99% partikel-partikel bawaan udara,hingga sekecil 0.009 mikron.
•        Intelli-sense : dengan sensor partikel terbina dalam untuk memantau dan melindungi kualiti persekitaran anda walaupun ketika anda tiada.
•        Pureflow : memperoleh pengesahan ENERGY STAR kerana menggunakan tenaga serendah 4 watt dan tanpa kebisingan kipas yang belebihan.
•        Kuasa turbo : memberi CADR (kadar pengeluaran udara bersih) sebanyak 7.1m3/min. membersihkan udara dalam sesebuah bilik seluas 190 kaki persegi dalam anggaran masa 30 minit.

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Post time 13-10-2013 12:15 PM | Show all posts
Rege? mampu milik ke x nie

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Post time 11-12-2016 03:10 AM | Show all posts
Menurut Agensi Perlindungan Alam Sekitar (EPA), kandungan udara dalam rumah boleh menjadi dua, 3, atau 100 kali lebih tercemar berbanding udara di luar rumah.

ada satu brand air purifier yang tinggi kualitinya serta mendapat perbagai anugerah dan di iktiraf globally.
- mampu membersihkan udara di dalam rumah anda dari:
       - allergen haiwan (kucing, anjing, lipas, debu hama)
       - spora kulat
       - debunga
       - bakteria
       - virus (campak, beguk, SARS, rubella, influenza
       - perengsa / karsinogen (habuk, asap tembakau, dioksin, ozon, ammonia, sulfur dioksida, benzena)
- mendapat pelbagai pengiktirafan
       - AHAM certified - clean air delivery rate
       - energy star (penjimatan elektrik)
       - the british allergy foundation
- dilengkapi dengan operasi senyap


Hubungi Izhar 012-7151913 untuk keterangan lanjut.

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Post time 11-12-2016 03:12 AM | Show all posts
aleesa1940 replied at 17-5-2010 12:21 PM
My sons dua orang alergik dgn habuk, akhirnya dr cadang kami beli penapis udara. Hmm... boleh tahan  ...

Menurut Agensi Perlindungan Alam Sekitar (EPA), kandungan udara dalam rumah boleh menjadi dua, 3, atau 100 kali lebih tercemar berbanding udara di luar rumah.

ada satu brand air purifier yang tinggi kualitinya serta mendapat perbagai anugerah dan di iktiraf globally.
- mampu membersihkan udara di dalam rumah anda dari:
       - allergen haiwan (kucing, anjing, lipas, debu hama)
       - spora kulat
       - debunga
       - bakteria
       - virus (campak, beguk, SARS, rubella, influenza
       - perengsa / karsinogen (habuk, asap tembakau, dioksin, ozon, ammonia, sulfur dioksida, benzena)
- mendapat pelbagai pengiktirafan
       - AHAM certified - clean air delivery rate
       - energy star (penjimatan elektrik)
       - the british allergy foundation
- dilengkapi dengan operasi senyap


Hubungi Izhar 012-7151913 untuk keterangan lanjut.

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Post time 17-12-2016 06:54 PM | Show all posts
Hey bro! Hi kawan2!!

30% Welcome bonus sehingga MYR 1,288 Sportsbook hanya untuk anda!!!

Membuat deposit pertama kali dengan MYR minimum 100 dan mendapatkan MYR tambahan 30 untuk bermain

Hari2 miskin, bila la nak kaya!!!


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Post time 17-4-2017 08:17 PM | Show all posts
Kalau nak beli, lebih baik dengan ada fungsi untuk memerangkap debu/ bacteria. Contohnya macam Sharp air purifier dgn plasma cluster, harga dalam 300+. boleh beli online melalui 11th street je, murah dan senang. Sebabnya environment skg ni banyak bacteria, klu ada anak kecik kat rumah nanti selalu dapat sakit, demam , allergic, asma. Klu dgn ada  fungsi perangkap debu/bacteria ni, sekurang-kurangnya udara yg disedut tu segar la... ... 0l-with-haze-846424

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Post time 15-8-2017 11:55 AM | Show all posts
Kene cari yg ade HEPA filter

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