rasa terpanggil utk sharing bsama2 forumers..ya agent orange ni merupakan satu senjata kim ...
eylaa Post at 13-7-2010 13:48
tq eylaa kongsi info ni ...baru haku tau...:re: |
i suspect the child has undergone reconstructive surgery for the face before, not a true congenital anomaly.. |
teknologi sekarang dah canggih, mungkin ada caranya untuk budak tu teruskan hidup dia mcm org lain.. |
cian baby tu.. tp dia comel.. |
Reply 42# bluezink
sama2..ada ilmu elok dikongsi beramai2..so utk beware marilah kita berubah kepada penggunaan tuala wanita yg lebih bersih, selamat dan tentunya 100% dr kapas bukan recycle paper a.k.a sampah..xperlu pandang jauh, pandang sekeliling, ade x saudara mara or kenalan yg terkena penyakit2 ini..kalo ade, cuba tanya diri sendiri "mengapa aku xkan kena cm diorang sedangkan apa yg aku guna n pakai sama cm diorang pakai..apa kelebihan aku?"same je..n then sakit2 kanser ni xde kene mengena lansung dengan keturunan..so marilah berubah kepada kehidupan yg lebih sihat..tq.. |
Reply bluezink
sama2..ada ilmu elok dikongsi beramai2..so utk beware marilah kita berubah ...
eylaa Post at 14-7-2010 10:26
kepada penggunaan tuala wanita yg lebih bersih, selamat dan tentunya 100% dr kapas bukan recycle paper a.k.a sampah
cth kasi ?! |
hmm cm sy pengguna fc bio sanitary pad..
dah pakai 5bulan dah..sangat selesa, rasa sejuk, tidak bocor dan juga rasa mmg bestla..huhu..
kalo nak, sy boleh kasi try tp cite dalam pm je la..tkut nnti org ingat sy brniaga plak.. |
owh yeake laki..huhu igt gurl td..ok la tu laki pun kene amik tau gak psl hal2 ppuan ni sbb nk jage diorang kan..bgus2..sebar2kanlah benda baik ni kt kengkawan...moga terhindar kta dr sakit2 kronik sperti kanser dan lain2..cegah sebelum terlambat.. |
Sharing is Caring.....sila baca..
The product Tampons & Sanitary Napkins is in the following categories:
Personal Hygiene Products
Tampons & Sanitary Napkins
Most tampons and sanitary napkins are made from cotton crops that were heavily sprayed with pesticides and then bleached with chlorine. Dioxins are inadvertently produced from the bleaching process.
Some products also contain other fibers such as rayon or polyester and many contain synthetic fragrances and deodorants.
Most synthetic fragrances are made from petroleum by-products or coal tars (a carcinogenic liquid or semi-liquid from bituminous coal). Coal tars can contain benzene, xylene, naphthalene, phenol and creosol.
Pesticides are neurotoxins that can contribute to cancer, hormone disruption, immune system and liver problems, and birth defects.
Dioxins are carcinogenic and hormone-disrupting. They are thought to be connected with handicaps in the children of exposed adults. In an animal study, a small dose exposure in utero or through breast milk caused sperm counts in offspring to decrease by over a half.
Synthetic fibers may get lodged in vaginal tissue.
Synthetic fragrances may cause a wide range of acute and chronic effects such as respiratory irritation, headache, sneezing, watery eyes, other allergic symptoms, sensitization, nervous system depression and skin irritation.
Consider that we put these products either inside of us or against some of the most delicate, sensitive, and permeable skin on our bodies.
When shopping for tampons and sanitary napkins, look for products made from 100% organically grown cotton, that are whitened without chlorine, no added scents or deodorants, and don’t have added plastic on the part that touches your vagina.
As an alternative to disposable products, you can also purchase cloth sanitary napkins that can be washed and reused, or you can use the “Diva Cup” or “Keeper,” which are rubber cups you insert into your vagina that collect the menses and can be washed out.
oringinally copy from
http://www.thenakedtruthproject. ... s.php?product_id=98 |
sok lusa bleyh jadi mask rider menyelamatkn bumi dr raksasa |
Kesiannya... isk, cam nak nangis jer.. |
kecian...bersyukur la kita yg sihat dan normal...Alhamdulillah.... |
ala kesiannye |
syukurlah normal... diorg 2 cmnelah kehidupan diorg dr kecik smpai bsr smpai bila2 dipandang semacma dek org... Allah jua Maha Mengetahui disebalik kejadian ciptaan-Nya |
kesian budak tu,mcm topeng opera cina pun ada gak. |
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