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[SBS/viu 2022] TODAY'S WEBTOON - Kim Se Jeong, Daniel Choi, Nam Yoon Su

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Post time 24-7-2022 09:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by Rahah at 24-7-2022 09:32 PM

Drama: Today's Webtoon (literal title)
Revised romanization: Oneului Webtoon
Hangul: 오늘의 웹툰
Director: Jo Soo-Won, Kim Young-Hwan
Writer: Naoko Matsuda (manga), Jo Ye-Rang, Lee Jae-Eun
Network: SBS
Release Date: July 29, 2022 --
Runtime: Friday & Saturday 22:00-23:10
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Genre: Business, Comedy, Life, Drama

Plot Synopsis by AsianWiki Staff ©
On Ma-Eum (Kim Se-Jeong) use to be a judo athlete. Her life revolved around the sport, but an injury ended her career in judo. She then got her first job in a webtoon editorial department. She has a hard time adjusting to her job as a webtoon editor and the people at her work. Through all the difficulties she faces, On Ma-Eum grows as a person and a webtoon editor.

Kim Se-jeong as On Ma-eum
A rookie contract employee of the webtoon editorial department. She has a large appetite, a great sense of smell, and cauliflower ears typical of a fighter as a former standing member for the judo national team. On Ma-eum had to quit her athletic career when an unfortunate accident during a match tore her ankle ligament, but she begins to dream anew as a webtoon editor.

Choi Daniel as Seok Ji-hyung
An unpredictable deputy editor with an unreadable poker face who becomes a dependable mentor for On Ma-eum. Although he can be brutally honest, he's also a supportive editor who takes good care of his colleagues. Nevertheless, outside of work, he shows a more clumsy side with his various charms and silly jokes.

Nam Yoon-su as Goo Jun-yeong
A member of the sales team. He gradually grows to be more like On Ma-eum, who sincerely puts her heart and soul into everything, while looking back on himself.


Ko Chang-seok as On Gi-bong

Jang Sung-yoon as Lee Woo-jin

Kim Kap-soo as Baek Eo-jin

Son Dong-woon as Oh Yoon

Nam Bo-ra as Jang Hye-mi

Park Ho-san as Jang Man-cheol

Im Cheol-soo as Na Gang-nam

Yoon Seo-ah as On Nu-ri

Ha Do-kwon as Heo Kwan-young

Ha Yul-ri as Pomme

Yang Hyun-min as Kwon Young-bae

Kang Rae-yeon as Ki Yu-mi

Baek Seok-kwang as Lim Dong-hee

Kim Yong-seok as Ma Hae-gyu

Ahn Tae-hwan as Choi Doo-hee

Kim Do-hoon as Shin Dae-ryuk

Jang Seong-yoon as Lee Woo-jin

Jeon Hye-yeon as Guo-ah

Hwang Young-hee as Hwang Mi-ok

Source: Asianwiki, Wikipedia, Mydramalist

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 Author| Post time 24-7-2022 09:28 PM | Show all posts


Use magic Report

Post time 25-7-2022 02:09 PM | Show all posts
akan gantu why her

tapi big mouth tu best tak?

ade thread dah ke Big Mouth tu ? ganti doctor lawyer ...

Use magic Report

Post time 26-7-2022 09:13 AM | Show all posts
Unpredictable deputy editor with an impenetrable poker face who develops as On Ma-loyal eum's mentor. Although he has a reputation for being brutally honest, he is also a caring editor who looks out for his coworkers. But when he's not at work, he exhibits a more awkward side with his numerous attractions and absurd quipsdrift boss

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Post time 29-7-2022 11:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mcm tak best je plot. Wlaupun sejeong yg blakon

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Post time 30-7-2022 11:41 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 30-7-2022 01:34 PM

ep 1 pilot

okay i watched the drama this morning semalam tengok commonwealth  birm 2022 and i tak tengok drama - aaah missing those why her and doctor lawyer -  they are really good dramas...

Okay ,  drama ni best pada i lah , plotwise , it's kinda  having simple main plot ( well so far lah - pilot pun, baru ep 1)  , based on simple day to day events , light heartwd buat you ketawa - yeah , it 's good weekend de-stress type of drama, jenis drama you tak payah pikiaq and gune otak
well  enough with  medical legal theme in doctor lawyer, crime -legal thing dalam why her and  adamas yg intrigueing, chilling a bit  and kene  yg gune otak...
citer ni light je theme dia...

yg buat dia warmth and light hearted tu sebab Kim Sejeong pandai bawa watak Ex judo national team athelete yg macam serik sikit nak lalui keperitan jadi athelete tu lantas bercadang nak tukaq kerjaya yes.

so inilah journey dia - hahahaha lawak

Perihal watak :

ini like iras iras watak ceria Shin Ha- Ri tapi role dia lain...and conflict dia lain ( logiklah ) so i dont think it is a roma com drama tapi more to a self - rediscovery , motivating  , i overcome teh challenge drama kot

yes Officer AN - - yeah Master Hemp Lee - yep dalam drama ni - he is sooooooo lain sikit watak dia kelakar lah juga tapi hmmm hahahaha jadi  penulis webtoom yg suke MIA , jolly all the time hahahhaahah

yg lain i tak kenal so tapi best jugak depa...

So, Kim Sejoeung jadi Om Ma Eum - seorang beks ahli sukan judo dalam national team yg setelah dapat serious injury dia nak quit atau rehat lah, so ...dia pun jadi   food delivery lady and sebab dia boleh martial art dia jadi part time security officer . So , satu hari ade comic con webtoon nilah , so adelah kejadian berlaku and dari situ dia dikenali juga lah oleh seorang mamat ni. Mamat ni keje kat webtoon company and dia dipanggil interview. Masa nak tunggu interviewing session ni - dia bertemu another male lead - Nam Yoon Soo - jadi watak Ku Joon Young, so adelah benda yg berlaku , dan sebelum tu ade scene dalam lift yg menarik , kelakar.

so - depa dua akhirnya dapat keje kat web toon section - the section yg productivity rendah and akan dimansuhkan oleh pengurusan corporate depa nama NEON.
so kalau depa tak buck up elok elok , generate income elol elok , dengan depa depa sekali akan  hilang jobs.

So, Om Ma Eum ni kena jadi pengurus yg uruskam web toon writers ni - ade 2 org - satu yg dah agak lanjut usia and satulagi Officer An hahahaha, so she is learning the ropeslah...ade memacam cabaran team webtoon ni hadapi dan salah satunya bila mana penulis webtoon tu tak meet up dateline ke atau  buat perangailah...

so drama ni macam bagi kita insight into this web toon business... i think seeting dah pernah ade dalam most of k drama.

So, feel good and  tak berat.


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Post time 10-8-2022 07:01 PM | Show all posts
Ep 2

Just a continuation of ep 1 . Dalam ep ni -  on ma eum  and Jun Yeong tu diperkenalkan ke dalam envirinment keje kat Neon Webtoom section.

So On Ma Eum okay saja , best saje melawat persona cartoonists at Neon Webtoon ni - dan antaranya ialah Officer AN, hahaha yg created webtoon kesukaan Ma Eum iaitu Princess Kumiho. Hahahah.

so hilarious, tapi dah ade crises yg mana On Ma Eum ni berjaya selesaikan  , ia melibatkan salah seoranng cartoonist yg warge emas - Cartoonist Baek. Adelah hal dengan komen komen teruk , kecaman teruk  kat webtoon ; dia sangat sensitive and depressing betul, so mamat ni mogoklah. On MA Eun dapat selesaikan ,  dan mendapat satu bentuk reputasi positif dalam tempat keje dia.

Salah satu lagi watak ialah  Goo  Jun Yeong - dia ni pulak the opposite, mamat ni pandai, booksmart and he has different expectation when he joined the organization. So, dia tak minat pun segale male yg berkaitan benda webtoon lah etc. On MA Eum on the other hand, she really into this. In  fact, her family has a comic cafe some more. so...boleh tengoklah siapa yg more enthusiastic in performing their duties well.

Cuma, satu lagi habit Jung Yeong ni ialah dia ade intel from kawan rapat dia kat main office, tentang section webtoon depa ni , which has a long history of non productive  outcome , so ini kebetulan kawan Jun Yeong yg bagi tahu suruh dia transfer dari sector tu secepat mungkin . so mamat ni pun bagi tahulah Ma eum , jgn beria ria sangat sebab webtoon tu tak lame..

so tunggulah apa reaksi Ma uen dalam episode ni

I think episode ni memaparkan  isu isu alam pekerjaan golongan muda di Korea khususya dan amnya crisis yg dialamai di mana sahaja sektor pekerjaan secara global.
so...citer ni motivatinglah daripada satu aspek.

i puji semangat Ma Eum.

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Post time 10-8-2022 07:05 PM | Show all posts
Ep 3 and 4,

Both On Ma eum and Jun Yeong have been assigned with their personal webtoon aratists to manage/ Hahaha - On MA Eum dapat Nang Gang - Nam hahahaha yg princess kumiho creator , tu ( officer An ) hahahahahah Master Hemp Lee - my god , tengoklah betape dramatic and kecoh mamat ni hahahahaha

dan Jun Yeong dapat  Pomme, webtoonist  yg ngader ngader habis.

anyways - so episode ni memaparkan depa handle measing web cartoonist punya karenah lah  yes...


and then jun heyong muka  mendapat sedikit pep talk daripada bos dia -s ebab dia minta bos dia dalam webtoon tu  Jang Man Cheol untuk transfer dia ke bhgn lain, masa tu mamat boos ni sekolahkan dia....

so dia mula sikit sikit ubah sikap
dan lihatlah ...apa something terjadi...

sebab mamat  Jun Yeong kenal beberapa org dalam yg atasan tu maka ...adelah ...sikit  ...kekacauan nanti...

so bestlah drama ni , easy going...

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Post time 14-8-2022 02:09 AM | Show all posts
Ep 5 and 6,
suka sangat attitude  On MA Eum yg akhirnya berterus terang  dengan ayah dia akan apa cita citanya, dan i think dia memang patit buat begitu puns ebab seluruh zaman hidup dia, telah dicurahkan kepada sukan judo.
Itu impian ayah dia yg nak tengok dia ke olimpik, tapi bukan apa yg dia nak dia happy2 judo,  tapi bukan as professional career kot.

lagi satu , i tak suke falsafah PD Kwon yg terlalu memerah keringat perintis webtoon yg junior tu, i tak suke sebab dia ada peluang untuk menajdi lebih considerate, lebih membantu sebab? yg Goo See A, tu baru je  pun berjinak nak jadi webtoon content author ...aduhai , sampai messed up budak tu dibuatnya.

lagi satu - buat ape assign inepxrienced junior editor /PD's to all the junior - depa tu bukan boleh guide secara tuntas, tengok feedback yg ditonjolkan a Eum t masa memula, feedback dia pun vague and that junior webtoonist pun macam blurs2 ayam gitu and tambah lagi nak terima feedback yg banyak gitu, so overwhelming juga.
jadi cara Ma Eum walaupun dia inexperienced tapi slow slow tu okaylah untuk webtoonist macam Gool Seel A tu...dapat kat Kwon habislah...punah motivasi kawan. nasib baik minat tu masih ada.

lagi satu

Ape sebenarnya motif Jun Yeong tu - yes?
kita tak tahu pun apa status dia- dia nak bantu webtoon section ke atau nak punahkan juga?
sedangkan PD Daniel Choi tu dah dapat alers on someone breaching the database?


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Post time 14-8-2022 02:10 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 14-8-2022 02:22 AM

Good healing drama, this one.

oh ya takut juga ade stalker pasang hidden camera kat kondo Pomme's.
memahami watak Jun Yeong ni  -

so dia ni bijak and dia jenis introvert , tunggu , study dan lihat...lihat beberapa babak yg dia daat observed benda yg Ma Eum x dapat observed, Ma eum ni jenis psychomotor cepat.
taklah impulsive, i wont consider On Ma Eum tu impulsive, tapi reflex dia cepatlah sebab dia in judo ( martial art ni reflex depa cepat)  , org impulsive ni dia bodoh and cepat je nak react, yeslah process singkat dah bodohkan macam watak Lee Dong rim  dalam adamas , so dim wit tu...impulsive betul.Dim wit I think kalau boleh Wooshin sisihkan aje si impulsive tu.

i hope he could be the one saving the division - sebab dia ade tanya - apa akan jadi kalau webtoon section tu dimansuhkan , kan? then kita tak dapat jawapan sebenarnya, cuma kita lihat perbuatan Jung Yeong yg suspens, ni may be nak tambah intrigue plot.


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Post time 15-8-2022 12:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 14-8-2022 02:10 AM
Good healing drama, this one.

oh ya takut juga ade stalker pasang hidden camera kat kondo Pomme's. ...

Ooo...time dekat rumah mr baek with shin kartunis yg pelik n assitant yg lain tu...tu goo tu dah cuit2 dah si om ni...
Mr kwom tu mcm mr seo ckp la...we have to choose not to hate him sbb dialah penyumbang pendapatan pd group tu...
Part daughter n father tu is something we can reflect...selalu mcm tu harap jd kita nak mcm if dedua2 baik..terpulang le pd empunya diri kan...

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Post time 16-8-2022 08:17 AM | Show all posts
honeybee1802 replied at 15-8-2022 12:09 PM
Ooo...time dekat rumah mr baek with shin kartunis yg pelik n assitant yg lain tu...tu goo  ...

itulah kekadang betul taw apa yg si Goo ni cakap , dia perhatikan yg On Ma Eum ni suka tackle  benda head on tai ade org yg sesuai cara begitua nd ade yg tak sesuai...macam mamat comic yg wird itulah ...dia tahu nak buat komik and dia belum dapat faham lagi yg mutu lukisan dia kena bebetul mantap baru ok.


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Post time 22-8-2022 07:04 PM | Show all posts
Ep 7 and 8 ...

wow  macam macam beraku dalam kedua dua episode ni.
Cabaran dalam dunia webtoon ni bukan main ye jugak, ingatkan lukis lukis  tulis2 happy rupanya rakus juga dunia webtoon ni ...

so telah dizahirkan persaingan yg begitu sengit antara  Neon  dan Youngtoon company.
ada pulak kes ypung toon ni dok curi webtoon artists  syarikat webtoon yg lain macam papaya hahahah etc semua .. So dalam ep 7 and 8  Nam Gang Nam ( macam woo Young Woo pulaksss ) dipancing oleh assitant editor Younttoon dan memaksanya berfikir panjang  tentang karyanya dengan Neon Webtoon pulak iaitu princess Kumiho.
Adelah kesan kesan kat On Ma eum ni.

kelakar juga pengalaman Webtoonist Nam Gang Nam tu hahaha , truly hilarious.
Boleh tengok  keletah dia dalam memikirkan apa nak jadi dengan princess Kumiho and gf dia tulah  hahaha

Okay now - Pomme - ni Goo Jun yeong nyer artist pun sama tapi dia ni ade lebih teruk isu- ade stalker ...and yes.

comel pulak PD  Jun Yoeng ni pujuk Pomme supaya jgn tinggalkan Neon.

So, memacamlah yg terjadi , Neon nyer chief section asyik kene tekanan je dengan CEO, so tension betul. Satu lagi PD ade artists yg tak hasilan penulisan bermutu...

Ten perkembangan kisah budak Sin Da Lyug tu , memang pelik, seab dia ini  budak yg ade past history of abusive father so...dia jadi macam weird and ade gangguan emosi lah ...

hmm ..i thin akan lebih mencabar lagi next week....

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Post time 1-9-2022 07:40 PM | Show all posts
Edited by BarronV at 2-9-2022 12:41 PM

That's great. I was impressed by your writing. I am happy to see such a topic. Please come to my blog and read it.


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Post time 18-10-2022 02:38 PM | Show all posts
aku memula rekod drama ni. pastu rasa cam berbelah bg nk tgk ke tak sbb ada yg kata cam x best. hamper je aku delete wlu dah rekod penuh 16 eps. tp ntah camana aku test tgk episode 1. eh eh, menarik plak jln ceritanya. ada pengajaran lah about life. so skrg baru masuk ep 8.

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Post time 18-10-2022 02:39 PM | Show all posts
tak minat choi Daniel ni, tp dlm drama ni nmpk menarik plak dia. mgkn watak dia bwk tu la kot

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Post time 22-10-2022 08:07 PM | Show all posts
Scheherazade replied at 18-10-2022 02:38 PM
aku memula rekod drama ni. pastu rasa cam berbelah bg nk tgk ke tak sbb ada yg kata cam x best. hamp ...

i tengok the pilot i follow my hunch ini healing drama, and best.
pada I , ternyata ia memang drama yg penuh mesej positif .

Drama ni about finding success againsts all odds..
bagaimana  cabaran  On Ma Eum and Jun Yeong menangani konflik hidup memasing.
Bagaimana keazaman and  nilai positive Ma eum tu membentuk dia menjadi seorang yg sangat working hard, bermotivated and so on.
Jun Yeong mempunyai personaliti yg berbeza dengan Ma Eum dan ini juga disebabkan past history yg menyakitkan - sapa yg tengok akan tahu kenapa.
dan di sebalik cabaran ini kedua  duanya masih mencari ruang untuk mengecap kebahagiaan mempunyai pekerjaan yg mencabar walaupun tak stabil dengan memberi semangat kepada satu sama lain. Ada kalanya persahabatan tu diuji dengan pelbagai kejadian.

Lagi satu i suke ialah cara depa paparkan suka duka dan cabaran menjadipemilik syarikat webtoon, penuh dengan liku liku dalam pengurusan artist tu sendiri, ancaman persaingan , kecurian  harta intelek, prestasi dan kualiti karya artist tu di komuniti sasaran.

Syarikat depa kerja tu NEON bbersaing  dengan syarikat yg lebih lumayan dana kewangan and pengkarya and jugapengkhiannatann daripada org atasann dalam   company tu sendiri so memacam dilakukan,  namun si boSS NEON tu Jang Mann Cheol memeprlihatka  sisi seorang bossyg bertimbang rasa, rasional annd tabah  pabilaayak ujia menimpa...syarikatdepa...

di..sampigitu,dramaiagipositifvibes dalam memerihalkan  variasi dalam mengurs pengkarya webtoon yg terdiri daripada pelbagai peringkat umur dan latar kehidupan yg sungguh rencam and lain daripada  yg lain..ini is kinda healing drama juga...

best pada i yes pada i , citer ni kalau nak cari motivasi best.


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Post time 26-2-2025 09:36 PM | Show all posts
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