Snow White is an upcoming American musical fantasy film directed by Marc Webb, from a screenplay by Greta Gerwig and Erin Cressida Wilson. The film is a live-action adaptation of the 1937 Disney film, which is based on the 1812 fairy tale of the same title by the Brothers Grimm.
The film was announced to have a release date of 22 March 2024
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Post time 23-12-2022 08:19 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by delia3003 at 23-12-2022 08:22 PM
kakikuDibibirmu replied at 23-12-2022 02:54 PM
Noh Gadot lagi {:mlh ...
Cleopatra pun dia jugak.
Nasib baik dah tak jadi Wonder Woman, kalau tak lagi bersepah
Huntong ye dek Rachel ni, berlakon filem terus sapu heroine, big production pulak tu, dari West Side Story ke Snow White. Pandai ke tak berlakon tak tau sbb tak minat nak tengok filem lakonan dia
dia ni pengarah paling x guna dan bodoh pada aku..dia ni bukan kreatif pun filem filem yang dia arah semua remake...dia x de kualiti langsung
pengarah kreatif pada aku ialah Woody Allen..every Year ada je filem filem arahan dia yang keluar dan semua bagus dan hebat...tapi itulah hollywood skrg ni penuh dengan tosik..sebab tu woody allen dah x buat filem lagi