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HELP!! Netbook kena attack sekali lagi even after reformat!!
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hello peeps!
fairy nak minta tolong ni...dah seminggu my netbook bagi warning yang it is being attacked by malware or virus (im sorry i am not so literate in this)...slow, hang and suddenly a page appears bagitau yang netbook under what i did was to bring the netbook untuk reformat by my uncle. then after dah reformat, i think dalam 3jam gitu my netbook kena attack lagi!!! even after dah on kaspersky...the malware/virus even defunction kaspersky!! my uncle said i went to website yang tak tentu...and no i did not! and yang i hairan, i was surfing the same websites (inclusing CARI) on my cousin's laptop time my netbook kena, if the virus/malware is from the same websites, mesti my cousin's laptop pun dah kena kan?? or is it?
format ari tu partition c: shj atau partition lain gak.. tkt partition lain ader virus jer.. |
u pakai antivirus x? klu lum pakai beli je kaspersky--rm45 je.. |
Reply 1# fairy_fairy
aku saspek itu malaun duk dlm partition yg lagi satu la.
itu bukan virus anyway, itu ialah ad-ware (advertising software) yg suka bg pop-up bukan2.
sila scan pc/leptop anda menggunakan spybot atau ad-aware atau malwarebytes.
sila download n install dari sini : (percuma je kecuali malwarebytes - kena bayar kalau nak full function). |
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