ejans posted on 23-9-2013 01:29 AM
Sekaligus yusry dah mengangkat martabat baju kebaya panjang di mata dunia. Hahaha
Good one Hahahahahahahaha |
http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com ... itself-in-the-foot/
tahukah anda...yusry telah dibash oleh sorang pengkaji vikings http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_E._H._Seigfried
Aku rasa dalam banyak2 dugaan yusry buat filem ni, yang ini adalah dugaan terbesar dia. Mana taknya, bila orang sana boleh samakan filem dia ni dengan filem yang menghina Islam tu Innocence of Muslims.
Diorang tak puas hati sbb yusry jadikan Thor tu watak jahat. The problem is, yusry punya respons yang agak sedikit tak kena and agak sombong bagi diorang.
Hmm tak senang duduk jugak kru bila kene kontroversi macam ni. Ye laa silap2, rosak reputation diorang di peringkat international. Ye laa kalau kat negara sendiri pun, teruk orang2 sendiri dok kritik ye dak.
Well hope kru boleh hadapi la dugaan terbesar diorang kali ni.
Told yaa....research and study pasal sesuatu sejarah tu amat penting before buat filem. Sekarang, orang luar pun boleh question about his vikings film. |
lahnapi posted on 24-9-2013 12:25 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
apa nak layan sgt mat salleh tu?
kalo kat hollywood lg teruk.
terang2 penipuan fakta sejarah dilakukan...
cthnya citer rambo, ada ke senang2 rambo leh menang perang kat vietnam, afghanistan. keh3...
x de plk org vietnam n afghanistan nak bising....
First tengok trailer aku pun terkejut juga sbb thor jadi jahat tp tak pelah citer fiction. Tp dia punya slogan tu yg buat masalah sbb mengatakan kisah ni adalah sejarah viking.
Hollywood lagi teruk pendapat aku, kekadang kutuk jesus atau jesus jadi pak lawak selamber jer... tembak menembak dlm gereja.
Walaupun aku tak minat sangat karya KRU sbb dialog skema ttp aku harap lepas ni lebih berhati2 buat filem. |
Kutipan terkini
![](http://i.imgur.com/uFq0vwU.png) |
otai_g posted on 25-9-2013 12:48 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
apa nak layan sgt mat salleh tu?
kalo kat hollywood lg teruk.
Aku tau..and bukan laa tujuan aku bangkitkan isu ni coz menyokong mat salleh tu. Problemnya skrg ni yg menimpa kat yusry ialah mat salleh ni pertikaikan respons drpd yusry dimana yusry bagi jawapan kat org tu yang org2 mat salleh ni pun tak berapa pasti tentang kewujudan orang-orang viking ni padahal si mat salleh ni memang pengkaji tegar Norse mythology nih.
So isu profesianalisme pengarah timbul kat sini dan bagi aku, yusry punya respons tu amat le sombong dan terlampau cepat nak kondem si mat saleh ni. Rupe2nya dia ni bukan calang2 orang juga dan isu mcm ni, si mat salleh ni pernah bangkitkan dekat pengarah avengers jugak.
Apa yang dikesalkan, yusry jugak guna tiket Islam coz dia rase mat saleh tu sengaja bashed dia coz dia pengarah Islam. Tak pasal je main isu agama, alih2 mat saleh tu pun pertikai la balik, kalu org Islam boleh buruk2 kan imej Thor, tuhan kilat diorang tu...kenapa pulak bila org diorang buat filem ttg nabi, org2 Islam marahkan diorang pulak. So tak pasal je isu macam ni timbul.
Aku cuma harap Yusry kena lebih hati2 bila menjawab soalan macam ni. Mungkin kat Malaysia, persoalan macam ni tak ditanya oleh wartawan tetapi bila terkena dengan orang luar...tengok macam KRU tak research betul2 pulak consequencesnya bila terjadi soalan yang macam ni.
kesimpulannya cite ni lebih bagus ke x bbanding cite merong yg xsedap tu...? |
sebenarnya , bila nak film sakata na bawa ke peringkat antarabangsa kenapa mesti buat film bercorak mythology macam ni ?
dan jauh dari budaya kita pun , why not ketengahkan cerita menarik dalam hikayat sejarah atau sastera klasik , I am sure banyak ...dan arwah Tan Sri P Ramlee pun boleh bangunka cerita penglipur lara ala adat dan budaya kita ...
I mean inilah kesannya. |
azilamie2 posted on 27-9-2013 03:16 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
kesimpulannya cite ni lebih bagus ke x bbanding cite merong yg xsedap tu...?
kesimpulannya aku rs elok la ko tgk cerita lain dulu....
kalo nak banding citer merong aku tgk kat leptop pun da rs menyesal... bkn menyesal x tgk kat cinema tp menyesal sbb aku da buang ms aku tgk citer ni...
otai_g posted on 28-9-2013 10:45 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
kesimpulannya aku rs elok la ko tgk cerita lain dulu....
kalo nak banding citer merong aku tgk ...
hahaha menitis airmata aku ketawa
Hehehehe .. daripada buat film mengenai Bangsa Viking yang kontroversi sangat .. mengapa tak buat buat film mengenai tokok-tokoh legenda melayu yang merupakan bangsa terhebat dan termulia di dunia ini ....![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif)
mbhcsf posted on 28-9-2013 09:38 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
sebenarnya , bila nak film sakata na bawa ke peringkat antarabangsa kenapa mesti buat film bercorak ...
sebab dalam fikiran dia utk masuk hollywood industri, kena tackle ummah barat punya taste..tapi yusri silap tekel
mbhcsf posted on 28-9-2013 09:38 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
sebenarnya , bila nak film sakata na bawa ke peringkat antarabangsa kenapa mesti buat film bercorak ...
kita boleh olah cerita2 dongeng melayu jadi filem fantasi yang mahabest - bukan crap mcm magika tuh
kalau tgk trailer part scene gmbar bwh ni. knp aku rs, mcm ringan je senjata dia tuh..
bermakna tak real & nampak mcm plastik
![](http://www.beyondhollywood.com/uploads/2013/09/Conan-Stevens-in-Vikingdom-2013-Movie-Image-2.jpg) |
Filem ni best |
x bnafsu nk tgk sbb dh tkena ngan merong mahawangsa. citer plg hazab di abad ini. aku leh tersenguk2 thn ngantuk. bosan nk mati ![](static/image/smiley/default/dizzy.gif)
opismet ade yg dh tgk vikingdom ni.guess what, citer baru separuh jln, terus tarik tangan awek, bangun kuar panggung. haha. sudah ku hagakkkss ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
Dennis Harvey - Variety
Film Review: ‘Vikingdom: The Red Eclipse’
Produced for a fraction of the budget of Marvel's 'Thor' pics, this cheerfully silly action fantasy is unpretentious fun best suited to younger viewers.
Mighty Thor is the bad guy in “Vikingdom: The Red Eclipse,” which also distinguishes itself from his recent Marvel screen adventures by having been produced on a fraction of their budgets. This first serious stab at Western markets by Malaysia’s Kru Studios is a cheerfully silly action fantasy more comparable to the vintage juvenile likes of Italian sword ‘n’ sandal epics, Ray Harryhausen pics, kiddie-matinee serials and goofy kung fu fantasies than to today’s superhero tentpole extravaganzas; fanboys, of course, will howl in pain nonetheless. Day-and-date U.S. release on Oct. 4 (with some screens showing 3D prints) is likely to get a kinder reception on the VOD side; rollout in numerous other territories continues through year’s end and beyond.
After an opening-credits segment that makes no bones about looking just like a videogame, we get a bloody CGI battlefield where Viking prince Eirick (Dominic Purcell) lies dying, telling surviving younger brother Beothric (Tim P. Doughty) to “rule well, as Father wished.” But “My story begins the day I died,” Eirick immediately adds in voiceover. He’s been magically revived to stop “god-made man” Thor (Conan Stevens in magenta beard and fright wig) from opening a door between heaven, earth and hell” during a rare upcoming “red eclipse.” This quest will require various feats which only an undead, as Eirick now is, can accomplish.
Eirick first assembles his warrior team, consisting of right-hand man Sven (Craig Fairbrass); token sassy female ass-whupper/sexpot Brynna (Natassia Malthe); incongruously far-from-home Chinese martial-arts fighter Yang (Jon Foo); and many pro-wrestler-looking types who go shirtless even when it snows. They then sail off toward various kinds of danger, along the way rescuing a slippery wizard (Patrick Murray), combating a zombie-ghoul army, engaging in battle scenes overly indebted to the look of “300,” and finally arriving at the inevitable climactic smackdown between hero and Thor.
“Vikingdom” is lively and colorful, albeit in ways that will often seem cheesy to audiences accustomed to more sophisticated and expensive fare. There are some nice visual ideas, such as the herd of thrashing underwater horses that suddenly greet our swimming protag, or the “Gate of Souls,” which consists of umpteen writhing women sprayed a “Goldfinger” hue. Then there’s the giant hellhound that looks more papier-mache than perilous, and one of the most unconvincing bear costumes ever. (Worse, after wrestling and stabbing this hairy hilarity to death, Eirick solemnly intones, “Forgive me, old friend.”)
This most ambitious production to date from Malay musician-turned-fantasy specialist Yusry Kru (Yusry Abdul Halim) often resembles a fairy-tale costume party, its Northern European Dark Ages scarcely resembling the more realistic takes in films like “Valhalla Rising.” While acting muscles are not especially exercised here, giggles are duly induced by several supporting turns, notably from Jesse Moss, attired in the campiest unisex drag imaginable as the platinum-blond Lord Frey. (The look is slightly better on Lady Freja, played by Jesse’s real-life sibling Tegan Moss.)
James Coyne’s screenplay is a near-nonsensical string of action setpieces that’s not without humor, although the dialogue (“Shh! Someone’s approaching — and it’s not one of us!”) often amuses unintentionally. Held alongside Hollywood’s CGI blowouts, the result will inevitably seem pretty tacky in both tenor and execution. More properly considered as an update of juvenile phantasmagorias like Mario Bava’s 1961 “Hercules in the Haunted World” (or Luigi Cozzi’s 1980s Hercules pics with Lou Ferrigno), it’s unpretentious fun best suited to younger viewers, provided their parents don’t mind exposure to a few severed limbs. (Most kids have doubtless seen worse in videogames, anyway.)
Tech/design package is pro if not exactly classy. Helmer’s brother Edry A. Halim contributes a score that seldom lets you forget the influence of “Carmina Burana” on similar efforts in the last three decades. And yes, there is a closing-credits power ballad.
Swimming With White Horses Away From the Battlefield
‘Vikingdom,’ a Fantasy From Yusry A. Halim
Published: October 3, 2013
It’s difficult to know how to categorize “Vikingdom,” an English-language Malaysian epic starring a Briton (Craig Fairbrass) and an accentless Aussie (Dominic Purcell) as Vikings battling the god Thor (Conan Stevens, from “Game of Thrones”).
The cheap effects of this ambitious project by Yusry A. Halim could best be described as a cross between a violent video game and a black light fantasy poster. One scene actually looks like that kind of illustration: Mr. Purcell (who has a Fabio physique) is swimming underwater with white horses as he makes his way toward glowing crystals at the gates of Helheim. Poor computer-generated effects give the movie an unsettling, two-layered feel.
Mr. Purcell plays Eirick the Bloodletter, the only one of his crew who is able to leave and enter Helheim because of his past affair with a blond goddess, Freya. (She revived him from death on the battlefield, so he is now considered undead.)
The real-life siblings Tegan and Jesse Moss play Freya and her brother, Frey, who has a very unusual look. With long blond hair, he resembles one of the twin rockers from the band Nelson, but with a yellow glow-stick headband and a long, lemon-colored chiffon dress trimmed with shiny gold and fuzzy yellow material. His arms are covered in what look like glowing white henna tattoos. The costume, unfortunately, leaves an indelible impression. But little else does. At least in a video game, you have some control over the plot. |
vikingdom dah bleh disedut di 300mbfilms.com |
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