Hi there! Hope youare well. We would like to inform you that our company (Cardas Research) arehaving another MysteryShopping exercise for the vicinity of Terengganu & Kelantan
ThisMystery Shopping exercise must be conducted within the bank's operating hoursof 9:15am - 4:00pm during weekdays. Each MysteryShopping activity would take about 10 to 30 minutes (depending on your visittime).
All visits assigned MUST beconducted from October 15, 2011 onwards
If you areinterested to perform the shopping at any of the areas listed below, kindly provideus information as listed below:- Name Age: Phone No: Email: Profession: Company: Location:
*Weekendvisits are prohibited (except for Kelantan and Terengganu) For ournew shoppers, below is a short description of what Mystery Shopping is about: Brief description: Mystery Shopping is a researchtechnique that is used to evaluate performance in customer service deliverythat adheres to a standard guideline that would be briefed prior to accepting aMystery Shopping assignment. As a MysteryShopper you are required to pose as a customer, perform specific tasksaccordingly and observe the action/gesture. Therefore, observation andcommunication skills are the important skills in Mystery Shopping. Theobjective of Mystery Shopping is to evaluate the level of customer service henceshoppers’ are requested to provide detail feedback on their experience bycompleting an evaluation form. Upon submission of the evaluation, the MysteryShopper will be rewarded. Kindlyinform us, if you know anyone who would be interested in this project or visitour website at www.crcg.com.my toregister yourself as our Mystery Shopper. Please send your details to [email protected] , [email protected] . We lookforward to your application. Thank youand best regards, Last edited by fatihah86 on 18-1-2013 05:10 PM