aku takut..kiamat dah dekat...allah menunjukkan tanda kekuasaannya kpd orang beriman supaya sentiasa ingat kpd Nya.. |
Nak share berita kat The Star arini
Eerie sounds traced to noise from oil palm plant
THE chilling sounds heard in the wee hours of Jan 11 and 12 over Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, and thought to be strange paranormal rumblings were nothing more than processing noise from an oil palm factory, Sinar Harian reported.
The factory at Kampung Endap had conducted a test on an automatic boiler and this caused the eerie sounds, resulting in panic among the residents, Science Technology and Innovation Deputy Minister Datuk Fadillah Yusof told the paper.
He refuted reports the sounds were due to the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program-me (HAARP) conducted in Alaska, United States, that was purportedly also heard in many parts of the world.
“Following the reports, the ministry set up a sky roar' committee managed by the National Space Agency (Angkasa) and the Meteo-rological Department.
“The incident has no connection to either the recent earthquake in Sumatra or the HAARP research in the US,” he said.
Fadillah said the ministry interviewed witnesses, including local residents, and had an analyst to check the video and sound recordings.
Following the reports which were extensively covered by the media in Sarawak, an international blog called Strange Sounds in the Sky also picked it up and it has since been carried by others, triggering speculation and apocalyptic theories.
Sinar Harian had reported earlier the sounds that resembled “loud snoring” were heard globally and could have originated from the HAARP ionospheric research. |
maksudnya.. yg bunyi sama kat seluruh dunia tu pun pasal sbb mcm nie ker? |
seram gak bunyinya, cam nak berperang je |
Sy tak rasa suara tu dari kilang sbb sy pun dengar suara tu, sama seperti bunyi di Samarahan, pada Khamis lalu, 2 FEBRUARI 2012, tgh mlm dan utk pengetahuan saya dari SHAH ALAM. Pada mlm tu, sy bru nk tidur, bunyi yg pertama sy mmg igt bunyi mercun tp bunyi mercun dlm bentuk letupan, bunyi yg sy dengar ni meleret2. Utk kali yg ke2 sy dgr btl2, sy fikir mungkin ada kilang yg buat kerja tp dlm fikiran sy tak mungkin kilang beroperasi tgh mlm. Kali yg ke3, sy amati btl2 suara tu dan meremang bulu roma, mmg speechless sbb tak taw bunyi apa. Sy igtkan sy, ibu dan adik sy je dengar tp beberapa hari lepastu keluar dlm BH yg ada suara dari langit, sy fikir mungkin suara tu tak sama mcm yg sy dgr, td sy search video kat youtube bunyi yg dari samarahan n sy betul2 terkejut sbb bunyi tu sama dgn apa yg sy dengar. Timing bunyi tu dri 1 bunyi ke 1 bunyi pun sama. Cuma di Samarahan bunyinya lebih awal dan sy dengar pada minggu lepas. Kalau sy taw berita tu lebih awl mmg sy akan rakam tp sbb time tu sy tergamam, tak blh nk wat apa. Nauzubillah.. |
Reply 45# aliesyaaisya
brapa lama bunyi tu kedengaran? dapat tentukan dtg arah bunyi dari mana² tak? |
lebih kurang 5 o 6 minit, bunyi tu pun berulang kali 6/7 kali...mmg sebiji sama yg macam samarahan tu, sy tak dpt tentukan sbb masa tu sy dlm bilik, berdiri dpn tingkap, selak langsir tak nmpk pape, nk buka tingkap mmg tak brani la time tu, sy tak terfikir langsung bunyi tu dri langit, kalaula berita suara dari langit tu keluar dulu sblm sy dgr mmg sy dh rakam dh...eeeee...ruginyeerrrr |
Reply 47# aliesyaaisya
sy x dgr pun.
sy pun skitar2 situ la juge.
yg sy dgr mercun bunyi kuat giler.
non stop.
tp sy x ingat hari ape.
tgh malam kan?
dlm kul12 lebih ek?
ntah le.
yupp, mmg ada, bunyi tu muncul sblm bunyi mercun, lepas dh bunyi benda pelik tu, dlm 3 minit lepas tu baru start bunyi mercun. hari khamis mlm jumaat |
Kat umah mak aku nie slalu dengor bunyi mcm tu..tp bunyi ekzos kete nak berlombe..maklum le..umah sebelah highway nie memang slalu dengor bunyi2 begitu |
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