Selalunya sis beli yg harga murah since newbie kan baking2 ni |
i like philly but if not available, the next best is anchor. I used these two brands a lot in baking. Have tried tatura before, but my sibs can spot that i used a different brand and they don't like it. |
Biasa guna tatura je..harga dan rasa ok
Prefer Philadelphia tp kalau terdesak Tatura pun boleh... |
Philadelphia & anchor je setakat ni. Ada member rekomen royal Victoria ni tp lom cuba lg |
Rain tak pernah guna cream cheese lain melainkan Philadelphia sajeee...
Philadelphia je setakat ni...dah OK. Tak berani nak cuba brand lain. Dah ler mahal. |
suka tatura...sedapnya cheesekut pakai cheese tatura |
Tatura sebab murah. Selalu beli yg 500g tu. Buat blueberry cheesecake rasa lebih kurang je dgn secret recipe tapi harga jauh berbeza. |
Philadelpia juga... Rasa dia lg sedap kot. Pernah try anchor dll tp tetap back to phila |
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