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Author: CikZzana

Keliru antara sambung ACCA atau MASTER????

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Post time 18-11-2013 01:58 PM | Show all posts
kalo aku..aku amek master dulu... sebb master recognize kalo ko nak masuk line education.. lagi pun master lulus gagal xmcm acca..

yg rata2 ramai yg melebihi waktu jangkaan tu lulus acca.. even scorer pon xleh nak lepas acca dlm mase 3 tahun.. tpi master senang jeh leh lulus dlm tempoh tuh.

aper pon len org len rezeki..



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Post time 24-11-2013 11:12 PM | Show all posts
For those yg masih muda & belum berkahwin - baik ambil ACCA dulu. Once dah lulus ACCA, then baru ambil Master.

For those carrier minded - go for ACCA first. Once dah ada ACCA - lagi senang nak lompat & get what ur dream in ur life ie gaji yg besar & pangkat yg tinggi

In my case - once get married & bila dah ada anak - duit & pangkat dah tak pandang coz everything is for my kids. As long as my salary lepas nak bayar hutang kete, rumah & belanja diri sikit - dah le

the rest - my time with my kids ie boleh balik awal & ada masa to spent with my kids



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Post time 26-11-2013 12:43 PM | Show all posts
Puteri_Naning posted on 18-11-2013 10:15 AM
hiks..teringat zaman kolej dulu, my dormates dulu semua budak2 external courses i.e. CIMA, ACCA, ICS ...

TQ mode Juju_Amin

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Post time 26-11-2013 01:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Saya advice amik master dulu then amik acca. Acca sgt tough utk lepas.

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Post time 26-11-2013 01:31 PM | Show all posts
kawan aku auditor, amik master dulu. dah grad & skang tgh amik ACCA. ACCA pun asyik resit je katanya...

dia tak kawen lagi, umo dah dekat 40an...

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Post time 15-12-2013 04:42 PM | Show all posts
Salam sy newbie dalam perakaunan, baru 3 tahun menempuh perakaunan, minat dan hebat. baru saja habis diploma di IPTA,dalam cuti2 ni nak minta mohon bantuan apa perlu dibuat untuk memantapkan skill sebelum Deg ketemu.

Jasa abang adik kakak pak cik mak cik amat saya hargai

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 Author| Post time 16-12-2013 11:28 AM | Show all posts
girlspretty posted on 18-11-2013 08:26 AM
byk jalan ni luas pandangan org cakap..baguslah tu cik zana.. anyway dah wat pilihan ker?

after a long consideration....
for now im going to persue at master level..  master in forensic accounting and financial criminalogy
hahahaaa... cant wait to be student again
but still the decision might change... i still have plus minus 6month to go..
hopefully nothing will be cross my decision **hrp2 bkn kena kawen tb2**


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Post time 16-12-2013 11:55 AM | Show all posts
CikZzana posted on 16-12-2013 11:28 AM
after a long consideration....
for now im going to persue at master level..  master in forensic a ...

mcm best jer.... mcm best jer . gud luck

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 Author| Post time 16-12-2013 12:04 PM | Show all posts
girlspretty posted on 16-12-2013 11:55 AM
mcm best jer.... mcm best jer . gud luck

errrrr mcm je best..the real situation xsure lg kan...

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Post time 20-12-2013 01:22 PM | Show all posts
Ok, i advice based on my experience, i hv both ACCA & masters. Ade 3 main area dlm career path in accounting
1. Practice then bukak ur own firm
2. corporate sector
3. academician/gov. servants

kalau practice, ambik ACCA, tak perlu masters. Then dptkan experience from small to medium audit firm. The fastest way nak blajar sbb u expose accounting, auditing, taxation & secretarial matters. Then usha2 lah mcm mana nak ambik exam utk dptkan licence.. advice from practitioner dptkan licence secretary dulu, then audit then tax. Drawback: Gaji ciput awal2, kerje teruk... Perk: after u dpt licence duit bertingket-tingket sbb byk audit/accounting firm yang buka tapi owner tak de licence jadi kos u just pen je untuk sign report. As compared to doktor yg ade kos lain such as ubat dan peralatan if buka klinik... and u free sbb u boss...

Kalau nak masuk corporate sector, with ur degree, masuk big 4/5 (i x sure), keje la sampai u jadi manager (my friend keje dlm 3-4 tahun la cam tu utk jadi mgr with ACCA). Rase nye big 4/5 support staff untuk sambung professional. Jadi, gunakan sebaiknya financial support from the firms utk ambik professional. Then, after dapat post mgr, dptkan membership MIA, title Chartered Accountant tu, u usha la big company... boleh demand gaji dengan experience & qualification u. Drawback: kerje teruk.. no life kate nye.. Perk: Gaji $$$

Finally, gov servants/academician.. kalau u pilih jalan ni, ambik la masters ye, tak perlu ACCA kot.. with masters, kalau u jadi lecturer rase nye gaji lagi tinggi berbanding post di gov yang lain (i tak sure). Tapi, kalau lecturer, kena sambung lagi PhD lah the final destination. Drawback: Gaji level ok je... Perk: gov staff dpt loan murah & other benefits la... pencen...

I complete ACCA umur 21 tahun.. with high qualification but no experience mmg tough. I harap dapat bantu u. Good luck!

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Post time 20-12-2013 05:04 PM | Show all posts
Minami2013 posted on 20-12-2013 01:22 PM
Ok, i advice based on my experience, i hv both ACCA & masters. Ade 3 main area dlm career path in ac ...

Salute to u dah completed both....

U buat ACCA dulu or master? Skrg which industry are u..?


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Post time 21-12-2013 08:57 PM | Show all posts
i pun kerja badan berkanun jugak dan vote for ACCA. Master tu kemudian pun boleh buat. Sapa kata ACCA tu tak dak value kalau kerja badan berkanun, sebab ada je orang naik pangkat bila ada ACCA ni.

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Post time 22-12-2013 01:28 AM | Show all posts
I am an accountant, and this is my half cent worth.

ACCA ke Masters ni nobody can answer except for yourself. Because it depends on what is your career path, what you want to be, and what is your strength.

If you choose to be an accountant and eventually a CFO or wanted to get a license to open a firm, you have no other choice but to do ACCA (or other professionals e.g MICPA and CPA). Masters have no value within accounting fraternity. It doesn't matter where you want to work, be it in audit firms, or you want to be an accountant in other companies, you got to be a chartered accountant, otherwise you will find difficulty moving further up as an accountant. Habiskan dulu your professional exam, after that only think of Masters and PhD. This will give greater flexibility, because once you are tired of being an accountant, you can choose to switch to other professions.

But if you choose other path, not an accountant, nak jadi academician etc, then Masters is probably the choice.

To those yg kata jgn buat ACCA sebab si polan si polan asyik reseat tak abis-abis, and giving advice that other people should also takut ACCA, here is what I think. There's a reason why not everybody can pass ACCA, because not everybody can be an accountant. So if somebody thinks that ACCA is difficult, that is because they are not created to be an accountant. You think everybody can manage the financials of a Company ke? Manusia ni Allah jadikan otak lain-lain, ada orang lebihnya di sini, ada orang lebihnya di sana. Everybody is smart, in their own area. So if your otak is designed to be an accountant, you won't have problem going through ACCA. If your otak is designed to excel in other areas, then you probably won't get through ACCA but will excel in MBA for example.

Bottom line is, know your strength, and know your passion. Then work towards it.

Last edited by antiQue on 22-12-2013 09:23 AM


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Post time 22-12-2013 08:53 PM | Show all posts
dedaun30 posted on 20-12-2013 05:04 PM
Salute to u dah completed both....

U buat ACCA dulu or master? Skrg which industry are u..?

ACCA dulu... then master...

I start keje audit firm, my plan A nak buka own firm, practice... tapi atas sbb2 tertentu, tukar plan B... gov. servant... hmmm, ade sedikit menyesal tak proceed with plan A, tapi ade la hikmah nye...

u accounting background?

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 Author| Post time 11-2-2015 10:21 AM | Show all posts
girlspretty replied at 18-11-2013 08:26 AM
byk jalan ni luas pandangan org cakap..baguslah tu cik zana.. anyway dah wat pilihan ker?

dah buat pilihan heheheee
finally... i amek master in forencis accounting & financial criminalogy
sesungguhnya minat pada audit sgt tinggi
doakan i..... sbb agak tough jgk course nie

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 Author| Post time 11-2-2015 10:23 AM | Show all posts
Minami2013 replied at 22-12-2013 08:53 PM
ACCA dulu... then master...

I start keje audit firm, my plan A nak buka own firm, practice... t ...

yups accounting background
since dh terlibat dgn internal audit nie....
rasa sgt menarik pulak
kita tgk luaran sesuatu jabatan shj....but internal audit knows alot
utk yg bekerja dgn gomen/berkanun nie lg sng pg pada master

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Post time 12-2-2015 01:16 PM | Show all posts
Advice from gov. sector....bagus kalau ada Master, boleh pegi bidang academia. Starting dlm RM4k ++...kalu bujang ok dah ni..tunggu 5 tahun....ada rezeki naik pangkat DM52, Senior Lecturer..gaji pun bertingkek2 dapat RM7k++.
Lepas tu boleh mintak PhD...kalau berhasrat nak dapat Prof. Madya...dapat Prof. Madya..gaji pun melonjak lagi mencecah RM10k.
Ikut standard swasta..mmg kalau nak jd surirumah..nak tengok anak2 besar depan mata, ada cuti panjang ms student break....Not very hectic lifestyle.
Kalau nak Kuasa....jadi Bendahari.....kena pulak ada ade background forensic..which everbody..every dept. akan diaudit dgn sgt ketat..dan didapati bersalah unless proven otherwise. Ni pengalaman betul ya. memang org dept lain menyampah...Tp ms tu ada Power..ada Kereta Mewah..

Tu je pandangan aku.

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 Author| Post time 17-2-2015 09:36 AM | Show all posts
sranua replied at 12-2-2015 01:16 PM
Advice from gov. sector....bagus kalau ada Master, boleh pegi bidang academia. Starting dlm RM4k ++. ...

heheheee macehhhhh
so i guess u dr public sector lah ye?
actually mmg wat master pn
baru je register last saturday...hrp2 jiwa nie kental
selagi bujang nie elok lah penuhkan masa dengan study..
pikir tue jgk...kot2 lah nk tukar bidang jd lecturer ke bagai kan
so far mmg duk dlm bidang internal audit
planning lepas abes master nk cr tempat keja yang lain..kikikikiiii
so kita nnti camne lepas abes master
deep down inside there a dream..... PHD maybe after this
may dream come true

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Post time 17-10-2018 12:07 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Any update on this thread - noticed it's not close yet?

Sharing various ways (from cheapest n fastest) to get ACCA after accounting degree:
1) Work for Big4 + get study bond (usually 3 yrs) -  after full exemption there will be
4 professional papers only to complete  and 3 yrs experience to fulfill (which has been achieved at upon completion of bond period ). Once become ACCA member, work for commercial company. - - - > big bucks!
2) Apply Yayasan Peneraju if you're bumi for sponsorship (full-time study). Then, work for 3 yrs experience requirement.
3) Work in accounting/finance for 3 yrs then apply MIA with your degree. Thereafter, apply for ACCA (all exempted papers fees - 9 of them, will be waived) and you need to complete 4 professional papers.
4) Work for 3 yrs and at same time take ACCA exam at your own costs.

If you want 'prestigous' professional accounting membership with slightly less difficult exam, google or ask around - there is an open book exam but with exorbitant fees. All this type of professional qulification will make you marketable/attractive/useful to private sectors.

If you wish to venture to government sectors / academic field instead, you may want to proceed with masters. Specifically, please ensure your master is accredited by Malaysian education ministry.

P/s: You can now earned master from foreign university using your ACCA after completing coursework. The only thing is not sure if this is accepted by Malaysian government should yoi wish to join them.

3 years

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