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Poster Propaganda Palestin Pada 1960-80an (24pics)
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Palestinian posters 1960 's-80 'sA selection of pictures Victory over the imperialist, fascist and reactionary conspiracy (1970 's) The heroes of the September operation-in memory of September when prevented plans Division of the land between Zionist Israel and Jordan (1967 year) September 4-the Eagles release and national independence (1967) Destroy Nazi tanks (1968) Popular Front for the liberation of Palestine (1968) Victory: today in Indochina-tomorrow in Palestine (1969) Support for the heroic struggle of the Palestinian people in Gaza against Israeli repression (1970) For a United international front against imperialism and Zionism. W-th anniversary of the founding of the Democratic front for the liberation of Palestine (1972) Viet Nam transfers the Palestine victory banner (1972) Democratic front for the liberation of Palestine (1973) Fatah in Palestine we have a past and a future (1974) FATAH-Palestine (1974) FATAH-10 anniversary of the founding of the Organization (1975) 15 May-Day against Palestinians (1976) Popular Front for the liberation of Palestine, Gaza (1977) FATAH movement (1977) The Palestinian popular struggle front-international year of the child (1979) Revolution until victory (1980) 17 years since the founding of the Palestine Liberation Organization (1981) The torch of the coming victory. The Palestinian popular struggle front-14 years since the Foundation (1981) Palestine is a defeat for our enemies. The Palestinian popular struggle front-14 years since the Foundation (1981) International women's day 8 March (1981) Day 1-may-the Palestine Liberation Organization (1982) FATAH-independent decisions and incessant struggle (1984) Danger (1984) The struggle for independence-Hezbollah (1984) Earth Day-1976-1986 years
Last edited by abgsedapmalam on 17-2-2014 09:25 PM
mereka semakin dipingggirkan~ oleh pak arab-pak arab sad.. |
Memang klasik. Tapi selama inipun ummah palestin dipinggiran. Selepas perang Yom Kippur, dan perjanjian damai antara Mesir & Israel, tiada lagi negara2 Arab yang bersatu menentang penjajahan Israel ke atas Palestin. |
Semuanya bersenjata api nampak keganasan |
ingatkan kartun betul huhuhu tertipu gue |
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