
Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera. hari ini aku nak share senarai ayat singkatan atau short forms yang digunakan di internet atau dunia siber. Aku rasa ramai yang dah tau ayat seperti afk, brb, gtg, tapi sebenarnya ada lagi banyak yang memang menarik dan pelik. Short forms ni selalunya digunakan di media sosial seperti facebook, twitter, chat room ataupun forum. Enjoy!
Senarai Ayat Singkatan Dunia Siber
- 10q Thank you
- 10x Thanks
- 1337 From the word Leet, derived from the word elite
- 2 Too, or to
- 2L8 Too late
- 2U2 To you too
- <3 strong="">Love (a sideways heart)
- 4 For
- 404 I haven't a clue; from the code for the common "Not Found" HTTP error message
- 4GM Forgive me
- ?4U Question for you
- AAMOF As a matter of fact
- ADN Any day now
- AFAICR/S/T As far as I can recall / remember / see / tell
- AFAIK As far as I know
- AFK Away from keyboard
- AKA Also known as
- AITR Adult in the room
- AIUI As I understand it
- ANFSCD And Now For Something Completely Different. Used to change the subject of conversation
- ASAP As soon as possible
- ASL or A/S/L Age / sex / location
- ATEOTD At The End of the Day
- ATM At the moment
- ATYS Anything you say
- AWA As well as
- AWOL Absent Without (Official) Leave
- AYBABTU (also abbreviated as AYB) All your base are belong to us (from the video game Zero Wing)
B- borked Thoroughly broken
- Bai Bye
- B2B Business to Business
- BB Bye bye
- BBIAB Be back in a bit
- BBIAF Be back in a few / flash
- BBL/S Be back later / shortly / soon
- BCNU Be seein' you
- BF Boy friend
- BFF Best friends forever
- BFFL Best friends for life
- BFN Bye for now
- BFFN Best Friend For Now
- Blog Also known as web log or an online journal
- BOF Beginning of file
- BOFH busxxxd operator from hell
- BOHICA Bend Over Here It Comes Again
- Bot Any type of automated software in chatrooms and web-cataloging software
- Br/BR Best regards
- BRB Be right back
- BRT Be right there
- BS Backstab / Bullshit
- BSOD Blue Screen of Death
- BTDT Been there done that
- BTDTGTTSAWIO Been there, done that, got the T-shirt and wore it out
- BTW By the way
- Bump Increment (For example, C++'s operator.) or a backronym for "Bring Up My Post"
- BW or B/W Between or black-and-white.
C- CD9 Code 9Parents nearby
- CBA Can't Be Arsed. A term to indicate or dictate laziness.
- chown Change owner. (used in Unix systems)
- CMIIW Correct me if I'm wrong
- Crawl To retrieve a web page along with the hyperlinks that reference it
- Crapplet A poorly written computer application
- CTN Can't Talk Now
- CU See you (later)
- CUNT See you next time
- CYA See ya OR Cover Your Ass
- Cyber (prefix) A term used to connect the subsequent word loosely to the world of computers or the Internet or sex over a computer
- Cyberspace Virtual reality, the Internet, the World Wide Web, and other kinds of computer systems. Science fiction author William Gibson popularized the term in his novel Neuromancer. Gibson used the word to describe a virtual world of computer networks that his cyberpunk heroes 'jacked into'
D- DDG Drop Dead Gorgeous
- DFTT Don't feed the trolls
- DGAF Don't Give A fxxk
- DIAF Die in a fire
- DIRL Die in real life
- DILLIGAF/D/S Does it look like I give a flip / fxxk / damn / shit
- DL Download
- DND Do not disturb
- DOA Dead on arrival. Refers to hardware that has never worked.
- DW Don't Worry.
E - EOF End Of File
- EOM End of Message
- EOL End of Life. Device or hardware that is at the end of its product life cycle
- EQ EverQuest
- ETA Estimated time of arrival, later (especially on blogs), Edited To Add-
F- FAQ Frequently Asked Question(s)
- FFS For fxxk's sake, or Fat Finger Syndrome(used to explain that one cannot type correctly)
- Flamer Someone who makes inflammatory, abusive or directly offensive comments. Similar to, but not quite the same as an Internet troll
- FMCDH From My Cold Dead Hands
- FOAD/FOND fxxk off 'n'/and die
- FOAF Friend of a friend
- FP First Post
- FTL For the lose / loss
- FTW For the win / fxxk the world
- FU fxxk you
- FUBAR fxxked up beyond all recognition / repair
- FUD Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (the purposeful spread of misinformation)
- FWIW For what it's worth
- FYI For your information
G- GBCW Goodbye Cruel Worlda dramatic leave taking of a forum or site
- GBTW Get back to work
- GF Great/good fight; or girlfriend
- GFETE Grinning from ear to ear
- GFY Good for you
- GG Good game, used at or near the conclusion of a gaming match, also used to describe a game that is very one sided and therefore considered already over
- GGF Go Get fxxked
- GIYF Google is your friend
- GL Good luck, often used at beginning of a contest
- GLHF Good luck and have fun
- GJ Good job
- GMTA Great minds think alike
- Godwin's Law Dictates that the longer a thread, the more likely someone will post a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler
- Gratz Congratulations
- GTH Go to hell
- GTFO Get the fxxk out OR Get the fxxk off
- GTG or G2G' Got to go' or 'Good to go'
- GR Gateway Router
- GR8 Great
H- HAND Have A Nice Day
- Handle Name used in online chat, (AKA nick(name), alias, screen/user name)
- HF Have fun/High-five
- Haxor or H4x0r (1337) Hacker
- Hit A request made to the web server, (noun) the results of an internet search, (verb) loading a Web page. Hits are not equivalent to visitors of a webpage.
- Home page The website's introduction page, starting point, and guide. The technical term is "index"
- Hot list A collection of publicly available URLs (World Wide Web site addresses), sometimes available as text files.
- HTH Hope this / that helps, or happy to help
- H8 Hate
I- IANAL I am not a lawyer
- IAWTC I agree with that/this comment
- IBTL In before the lock
- IDC I don't care
- IDGAF I don't give a fxxk
- IDK I don't know
- IHY I hate you
- IINM If I'm not mistaken
- IIRC If I recall / remember correctly
- IIUC If I understand correctly
- ILY I love you
- IMO/IMHO/IMNSHO/IMAO In my (humble / honest / not so humble / arrogant) opinion
- Information superhighway The Internet (AKA: I-way, infobahn)
- IONO I don't know
- IOW In other words
- IRC Internet Relay Chat
- IRL In real life
- ISTR I Seem To Recall
- ITYM I Think You Mean
- IWSN I want sex now
- IYKWIM If you know what I mean
J- Jaggy Aliased computer graphics
- JAS Just a second
- JIC' Just in case
- JFGI Just fxxkxxxg/Freaking Google It
- JK or j/k Just kidding, or joke
- JSYK Just so you know
- JFTR Just for the records
- JOOC Just out of curiosity
- JW Just wondering
- JFK Just fxxkxxxg Kidding
K- k or kk OK
- KIR Keeping it real.
- KISS Keep it simple stupid.
- KIT Keep in touch.
- KMA Kiss my ass
- KOS Kill on sight
- KOTC/L Kiss on the cheek/lips.
- KS(ing) Kill-Steal(ing)
- KTHX OK, thanks
- KTHXBAI or KTHXBYE OK, thanks, goodbye, used either to cut short a conversation or to express displeasure with being cut short
- KWIM Know what I mean?
L- L2P Learn to play; an admonishment to new or incompetent video game players.
- L8R Later (sometimes abbreviated to L8ER); is commonly used in chat rooms and other text based communications as a way of saying good bye.
- Lag Slang term for slow Internet speeds or high Internet latency; Lag is sometimes due to a server problem, but more frequently due to the connection between client and server. A slow or intermittent connection may often be referred to as laggy
- Lamer A know-nothing, one who is lame.
- Leet Often spelled as l33t or 1337 in ASCII form. It originally meant elite
- LFG Looking for group
- LFM Looking for more
- LMAO, LMFAO, LMMFAO Laughing my ass off, laughing my fxxkxxxg ass off, laughing my mother fxxkxxxg ass off
- LMIRL Let's meet in real life.
- LMK Let me know
- LOL Laughing out loud, laugh out loud. Occasionally: lots of love, lots of luck
- LOTI Laughing on the inside
- LTNS Long time no see
- Lulz A corruption of LOL, which stands for laugh out loud.
- Lurker Someone who frequents a Usenet group without participating in discussions
- Luser Loser + user; an annoying user from the perspective of tech support or a system administrator; also spelled luzer or luzzer.
- LYLAB Love you like a brother
- LYLAS Love you like a sister
M- MMORPG, MMO Massive Multi-player Online Role Playing Game
- MMOFPS Massive Multi-player Online First Person Shooter
- MOO MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) Object Orientated
- MOTD Message of the day
- MS Microsoft
- MTFBWY May The Force be with you
- MUD Multi-User Dungeon
- MUSH Multi-User Shared Hallucination
- MYOB Mind your own business
- M8 Mate
N- N2M Not(hing) too much
- N2B Not too bad
- NE1 "Anyone"
- Newbie, noob, or n00b An inexperienced user of a system or game, or an annoying person.
- NFW No fxxkxxxg way
- NM (Sometimes written N/M) Not much, Never mind or no message, used on message boards or in e-mails to indicate that everything is already said in the subject line.
- NN Night night. Used as an alternative for "good night"
- NP No problem
- NSFW Not safe for work. Warning about content that may get the viewer in trouble with his employer or co-workers.
- NTY No, Thank You
- NVM, NVMD, or nm Nevermind, not much
O- O RLY Oh really?
- OH OK A sarcastic okay
- OIC Oh, I see
- OFN Old fxxkxxxg news
- OMG Oh, my God
- OMFG Oh, my fxxkxxxg God
- OMGWTFBBQ Oh my God, What the fxxk, Barbecue
- OMW On my way or Oh my word
- OOC Out Of Character / Out Of Combat
- OP Original poster / Operator / Outpost
- OS Operating system
- OT Off topic
- OTOH On the other hand
- OTP On the phone or One true pairing
P- P2P Peer to peer, or pay to play
- P911 Parent emergency (watch what you type)
- PAW Parents are watching
- PEBKAC Problem exists between keyboard and chair
- Ping From the popular network monitoring tool, used as a greeting similar to "Are you there?".
- PITA Pain in the arse / ass
- PLMK Please let me know
- plz or pls Please
- PM Personal message or private message
- PMJI Pardon my jumping in
- PMSL Pissing My Self Laughing
- :
OOF:: Goodbye (leaving the room) - POS Piece of shit, parent over shoulder, packet over SONet, or Point of Sale.
- POTS Plain old telephone service
- POV Point of view
- PPL People
- PST Please send tell
- PTKFGS Punch the Keys For God's Sake
- pr0n Intentional misspelling of porn
- PW Persistent World (gaming)
- pwned or pwnd Owned
Q- QFA Quoted for accuracy. Similar to QFT
- QFT Quoted for truth, Quit fxxkxxxg talking
- QT Cutie.
R- Rehi (or merely re) Hello again
- RL Real Life
- Rly Really (See also: O rly) />
- RO(T)FL Rolling on (the) floor laughing
- RO(T)FLMAO Rolling on (the) floor laughing my ass off
- RO(T)FLOL Rolling on (the) floor laughing out loud
- RSN Real soon now (often used sarcastically)
- RTA Read The Article
- RTFB Read the fxxkxxxg binary (or book)
- RTFQ Read the fxxkxxxg/fabulous (polite)/freaking (polite) question
- RTFS Read the fxxkxxxg source
- RTFM/RTM Read the (fxxkxxxg) manual
- RYC Regarding your comment
S- S2R Send to Receive (Used in online chat to request self-pictures)
- SCNR Sorry, could not resist
- Sif As if
- Sim Simulation
- sk8/sk8r skate/skater
- Smiley Another name for emoticons
- SMH Shaking my head
- SNAFU Situation normal: all (fxxked/fouled) up
- Snail mail Normal paper mail service
- SOL Shit Outta Luck
- Spider The program behind a search engine
- SPYFN Stop Posting You Filthy Noob, generally the same meaning as GTFO
- Sry Sorry
- STFU Shut the fxxk up
- STFW Search the fxxkxxxg web
- Soz Sorry
- SU Shut up
- SWIM Someone Who Isn't Me
- SYM Shut your mouth
- SMYLS Spare me your life story
T- T4P Tell for people
- TANSTAAFL There ain't no such thing as a free lunch, from Robert A. Heinlein's novel The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress
- TBF Time between failures
- TBH, TBQH To be (quite) honest
- TFTC Thanks for the Cache, a Geocaching term
- TG That's great
- TGIF Thank God it's Friday
- TH(N)X, TNX or TX Thanks
- TIA Thanks in advance
- TINC There Is No Cabal, a term discouraging conspiracy theories
- TISNF This is so not fair
- TL;DR Too Long; Didn't Read, an admonishment that a post is too lengthy or lacks worthwhile content
- TMI Too much information
- TOS Terms of service
- TTBOMK To the best of my knowledge
- TTFN Ta ta for now
- TTT To the top, used in forums to bump a thread
- TTTH Talk to the hand
- TTYL Talk to you later (also spelled TTUL, T2UL or T2YL)
- TTYS Talk to you soon
- TTYTT To Tell You The Truth
- Tweedler One who has deep love for all computer related technology and gadgets
- TWIMC To Whom It May Concern
- TY or Thx Thank you
- TYT Take your time
- TYVM Thank you very much
- TPW Top Post Whore
U- U, Ur You, your, you're
- UTFSE Use the fxxkxxxg search engine
V- VB(SE)G Very big (shit-eating) grin.
- VEG/S Very evil grin/smile.
- Vlog Video blog
- VWG/S Very wicked grin/smile.
W- w00t, w00T or WOOT First two express exuberance, and the last is a backronym for the term "We Own the Other Team".
- W/ or W/O With or without
- WB Welcome back
- WBU What 'Bout (about) You
- WD Well Done
- W/E Whatever
- WoW World of Warcraft
- WP Well Played
- WRT With respect / regard to
- WRUD What are you doing?
- WTB Want to buy
- WTF What the fxxk
- WTG Way to go
- WTH What the hell, What the heck
- WTS Want to sell
- WTSHTF When The Shit Hits The Fan
- WTT Want to trade
- WUG What you got?
- WUBU2 What (have) you been up to?
- WUU2 What (are) you up to?
- WUW What you want?
- WWJD What would Jesus do?
- WYSIWYG What you see is what you get
- W8 Wait
Y- Y Why
- YA RLY Yeah Really (invariably preceded by "O RLY")
- YHBT You have been trolled.
- YHL You have lost
- YKW You know what?
- YMMV Your mileage may vary.
- YT You there?
- YTMND You're The Man Now, Dog
- YW You're welcome.
- YOYO You're On Your Own.
- YOYOW You own your own words.
Z- ZOMG (sometimes OMGZ) A variation of OMG (Oh my Gosh/God) used to indicate extreme excitement