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Sejarah Radio Kereta (30pics)

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Post time 28-3-2014 09:01 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Music at the wheel

Since when did the calculus begins Autosound age and who is actually considered his forebear?
Most likely, it was a radio amateur English Grebe. His car radios in 1919 looks like a tumble dryer: multimeter antenna was curtailed in several rows, just like housewives pull clothesline on which dried sheets and pododeyalniki.Vot so she looked:

In the U.S. there were attempts to establish radio on police cars.

The first serial radio for private cars produced in the U.S. small company All American Mohawk Corp (Lyric) in 1926.

It was a bulky structure is installed under the seat or in the back seat.
Unit from the late 1920s and early 1930s had a similar design in the form of a bulky box with a speaker, receiver, batteries and power with almost the same characteristics. But for comfort and control on the dashboard deduced "remote control" with a flexible shaft. As illustrated by the Crosley Roamio 91. Speaker installed separately or was built into the receiver itself.
Car stereo Crosley Roamio 91

American designer Bill Lear (/ Bill / William Lear) created the first full-fledged, specialized car radio in 1928. A prolific inventor, he perfected a radio control with flexible drive, endure to the panel of the car only a volume knob and adjust the frequency, coupled with a round dial with appropriate markup, and left a heavy box under the front seat. Besides, with his light hand in automobile receivers appeared voltage converters for radio without batteries, six-volt on-board network, and more practical lamp in metal instead of glass flasks.

Lear receivers much better fit in the design of the car, and as such have lived for many years. It is the second half of the 20s of the last century actually began the era of the car radio, and all the more happy motorists began to dissect the surrounding area of Chicago and New York with the girls to the sounds of the winding Charleston. Lear, doing his job, sold the patents on the car radio Galvin brothers, and again after many years have gone down in history as one of the fathers of small jet aircraft and the owner of the largest U.S. airlines in this market segment. In addition, he participated in the improvement of the first car stereo tape. A firm Galvin in 1947 changed its name to familiar to us «Motorola».

Postwar, especially the 50s throughout the world marked by rapid economic growth, and the auto industry was no exception. Became the leader here, of course, the United States, because there the economy is not only damaged, and many benefited from the war. Solvency of the American consumer has grown, and because radio became ordinary automotive option already on the assembly line. Yes, and the radio has become less cumbersome, manufacturers have learned to integrate it into the center console with all the "guts" and even with the speaker. There are removable receivers that can be stored at home, away from the robbers (car radio thefts has increased dramatically, including in connection with the craze gigs, especially overseas).Expand the range of received frequencies, there was a system of automatic settings and memory stations, adjust the sound frequency, and later in a car surround sound came, and with it the balance adjustment. Car receivers had no unified design and developed, usually for a specific car model, fit into the dashboard. Setting scale could be circular, horizontal or vertical, depending on the interior solutions. However, paying tribute to the fashion and style of the 50s, manufacturers autoradio spared chrome trimmed knob and buttons ranges ivory.
Ekso nachala1950 receiver's. He still had a tube. Worked from the voltage converter. Had six Preset station.

By the end of the 50s there were the first transistor avtopriemniki.

They are compact in size, cost. Opportunity mechanical fixation to the selected station.
Radio Buick. 1970.

Even then formed the layout of the car stereo, which is preserved to the advent of digital technology.

Blaupunkt Essen. 1963.


Ordinary Soviet citizens were the first full-time radio in the early '50s with the first relatively affordable Soviet car - "Moskvich" 402-th model. However, Soviet car radios do not hesitate much smacks of the same German "Blaupunkty" and later on "Becker."
190 radio Becker Europa S
Car radio "A-8."

Is designed in two versions. The kit includes: radio, power supply VP-8, a speaker 3GD-4 and the antenna cable. Radio "A-8" is designed for installation in the car "Pobeda" (GAZ-20), in another embodiment, it is set to design a car "Moskvich ". Produced since 1955. Frequencies: 2000-725 E m (150-415 kHz), NE 578-200 m (520-1500 kHz).

Car radio "A17". Produced since 1959.

Car radio "AVP-601-2." Produced since 1961. Ranges: LF, MF, HF (49, 31, 25, 19, 16 m), VHF (65.8 - 73 MHz). IF AM - 465 kHz , IF FM - 8.4 MHz.Lamps (9): 6N3P (2 pcs.) 6K4P (3 pcs.) 6I1P, 6H2P (3 pcs.). Transistors voltage converter to power the lamps - P4D. Intended for installation in machine "bosses."

60 APV, APV-60-2 1960, Mr..

Car radio top class AB-75 manual assembly. He replaced the previously unreleased AB-68. It is intended solely for installation in GAZ-14 "Chaika" and ZIL-115. The receiver was produced in several versions, the letter at the end of the name indicates the car model and the range of VHF (Soviet or European).
Usually range Soviet avtopriemnikov to 80s was small. For ordinary avtoradioslushateley were available several staff models.
Car radio third grade - "A-373B/BM." Manufacturer: Murom Radio. Production since 1980.

The picture shows the radio - "A-373BME." He's no different from those described radios and designed for installation in cars "Moskvich" automobile plant AZLK.

Car Radio - "A-370" is designed for installation in a car "Lada" VAZ-2101 and its modification "A-370m" in cars "Moskvich" M-412.
Were on sale and "Folk Tales."
Not treading water and broadcasting sector. Radio Stations FM-band steel delight motorists nice clean sound, though initially monaural. Nevertheless, the Americans began to tire of the radio stations that listeners impose its own format, generously flavored with ether advertising. Consumer wanted to hear in the car just what I wanted.
As a result, there were special car radiograms calculated first on a vinyl record with a speed of 16.5 rev / min, and then the standard "sorokapyatka."Desperate designers Chrysler, clinging to this know-how, even tried to soften the suspension of some of its models to needle track on the bumps can not jump, and supplied avtoradiolu changer (like jukeboxes in bars) that allows you to charge it several vinyls. Typically, this device has impressive size and low reliability, so in the womb iron horse he did not catch on. Today the car with the player - a rare and welcome find for collectors autoolden.
First Automobile player and a special format gramophone thereto developed by Dr. Peter C. Goldmark of the research division of radio SBC. He has reduced the speed of disk rotation in relation to the half-lasting conventional 33 rev / min. First serial copies went on sale in the 1952nd, and the following year player to be installed on all vehicles without exception Chrysler. Not just a simple "Chrysler" became a receptacle of new items, even the most expensive Cadillac Eldorado in 1953 received as standard equipment avtoproigryvatel Dr. Goldmark.
Supplies body carries all the same SBC (or rather, her unit for the production of records Columbia Records), began producing the long-running "semidyuymoviki", but only on condition that the first order will issue 20 thousand copies.
Unfortunately, the contract did not specify who would trade plates - whether conventional music stores, or corporation dealers Chrysler. The case has gone gravity and potential consumers were left to themselves. The first six discs included with the machine, and the question of where the holder to buy the following, and remained open, which is bound to affect the popularity of the new items. Therefore, the majority of motorists prefer to listen to the radio, not records, even with very good quality for the time.
Plymouth Savoy 1960 with 45 current player RCA.

Seeing that the idea fizzles, Chrysler replace the old player with a speed of 16.6 rev / min, in 1960 began to offer aid Highway Hi-Fi, calculated on the usual "sorokopyatki." Such player comes just three firms RCA, RAC, and Allstate. Players were charged once to the whole stack of plates, and the arm was brought to the lowest, in fact he was working "upside down." A special button on the machine arm relegated to the side and threw down a losing record on the spindle in a special drive, then you can listen to the next - it was the first of its kind car changer.

Despite the obvious functional benefits, they did not help to keep the rapid decline in the popularity of the turntable as a piece of equipment inside the car and with the end of the 1960 season option Highway Hi-Fi was "expelled" from the "kraslerovskih" accessories.

Player RCA Victor
In Europe, production avtoproigryvateley connected and Philips. He developed successful models, both fixed and Removable devices.

Detachable car gramproigryvatel Philips. 1960, Mr..

But the records, and they themselves were serious shortcomings player. It was necessary to create sustainable EPU vibration and stabilize the disc rotation speed. Control the player distracted driving, and age records shortlived. Some audiophiles behind the wheel mounted in the cabin portable tape recorders. That once made ​​the trip more comfortable. Soon oriented and audio producers in the mass market went first tape boxes, and soon radio.

Typical radio 90s. Not yet digital, but with digital scale.

The development of digital technology and the impact on the face of the radio, and especially its functionality.

Were those recorder with 8-track cartridges.

In 80 years, thanks to the unification of the same consumer has an opportunity to set the head unit and speakers other brand instead of regular, without actually having special knowledge and skills. Here and join the fight for the buyer the car audio brands such as Clarion, Panasonic, Sony, Kenwood. Of course, from the Japanese not far behind Philips and Blaupunkt. In 1979, Philips and Sony developed a new digital standard record - CD. In Europe and the U.S. for the first time there is a concept car tuning sound. Are manned vehicle acoustics and expensive amplifiers, later came to the aid of audience subwoofers.
Today, it is not necessary to be rich to have a car sound quality. At disposal of the modern motorist dozens FM-radio stations, hundreds of tracks on the CD and flash cards, set of speakers, creating a harmonious acoustic ensemble. In the U.S. and Japan motorists enjoy pure sound recorded on optical mini-discs. This format is poorly distributed in Europe, but the sound quality adherents often install these devices in their cars.

Is there potential for future development of the automobile sound? Increases the speed of progress, and we probably will not be surprised to see a few years later received a device that will be reading our thoughts are on the network and play any track, and when one set of speakers to replace multi-level audio source with the size of a button, an outstanding surround sound class High End. And all this as standard equipment will be installed cost minicar.

PS In the post deliberately not touched upon the advent of modern recorder, CD and DVD player car. Most familiar with this technique.

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