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Author: abgsedapmalam

KYRGYZSTAN: Tradisi Culik& Bawa Lari Utk Kahwin Masih Popular (32pics)

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Post time 17-7-2014 02:00 PM | Show all posts

takde pulak tradisi perempuan colek lelaki

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Post time 17-7-2014 02:23 PM | Show all posts
tak senonohnye perangai..

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Post time 18-7-2014 11:40 AM | Show all posts
gilo la main culik2 lak..

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Post time 18-7-2014 02:49 PM | Show all posts
dah tengok video ni..

x semua pompuan bahagia kat situ..

ade yg lepas kahwin bunuh diri..

kalau aku pon, x sanggop.. kalau diculik kawen dengan laki hensem kaya xpe gak..kalau serupa mat pet, mau x meraung ko dibuatnya

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Post time 18-7-2014 03:51 PM | Show all posts
google translation ke apa neh... ayat tnggang langgang...

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Post time 18-7-2014 04:45 PM | Show all posts
Madel posted on 13-7-2014 04:03 PM
Gila betul. Suka2 hati culik anak dara orang

Tapi kalu lelaki penculik tu kaya, encem , ada kerja ...

org kaya, pandai ada kerja ni semua tak kuasa nak buat kerja culik2 ni.

1 kerja plak nak fikir plan menculik tu

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Post time 18-7-2014 04:47 PM | Show all posts
mizz_fatyn posted on 17-7-2014 10:44 AM
eii...xleh hadam aku dengan prgai jantan cengginih.

yang peliknya dengan keluarga2 diorang pun sama join. agak sama jenis mcm lombok haa

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Post time 18-7-2014 07:07 PM | Show all posts
hishh paksa2 plak

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Post time 19-7-2014 09:19 AM | Show all posts
tak faham bahasa inggeris ni...apekah translate ke..

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 Author| Post time 19-7-2014 01:11 PM | Show all posts
The Stolen Bride

They did not want to marry. They had their plans and dreams, but once they were stolen, threw a headscarf - and a new family life. We offered several women from the south of Kazakhstan, where traditionally practiced stealing brides, talk about what it is - to be stolen.Unfortunately, in this report only told stories with a happy ending, many of the heroine did not agree to be interviewed and photographed, as their future life had failed.

1. Gulzhan, 32 years old, married 12 years, Maktaaralsky district, Shymkent:
- With her future husband, we have not met, I do not know him and do not hurry with the marriage. One day he sent matchmakers. The parents said that I should administer. I refused to marry him. I was friends with his sister, and she invited me to go for a walk. I had a premonition, I guess that I can steal. On the day we went out of the usual way, and deserted. Suddenly, we drove the white car he was driving. I tried to escape, but he caught up with me and dragged into a car. I cried and struggled, his relatives comforted me. Once arrived home, I immediately put on a headscarf. Behind me came my mom and daughter in law. Mom said he would take me, but I decided to stay.Realized that it was my destiny. The next day held a ceremony Nek, and we became husband and wife. Over time, I learned of her husband and fell in love. We now have four children. Parents in law helped me to adapt to the new situation and help raise the children. Now my husband a small flock of sheep in the 500 heads, and all summer long we live in the pasture and graze cattle. And when I go home, see my family and children, I understand that this is my home.
2. Estaevna Venus, 74 years old, married 55 years, the village of Karabulak:
- I was born in Zharkent, but after a while the whole family moved to Zhambyl region, and from there I went to Alma-Ata to enter the Faculty of History. I entered, but his finish high school I could not. On November holidays I came home. In the days of my youth mores were strict. So parents let me go anywhere unless accompanied by my best friend, and then only until 8 pm. Our area at the weekend staged dances for which we went with my girlfriend and my young man, if I may say so. We often walked with him, went to the movies ... By the way, go to the movies on a date at the time was a real adventure! Had to go to the gym alone and sit at opposite ends, and when the light is extinguished, he would sit down with me, and by the end of the film ran to his place. On that day, as it was on November 7, he offered to take us home. As soon as we reached the house of my friend, he says to her: "Well, Gaini Sarbekovna, leave us alone, we do more!". She then got very angry: "What do I tell your mother ?! We were promised by this time you have to be! ". After much persuasion, we still stayed with him.
Leisurely walk to my house, on the street no one - you can hold hands, and at some point it turns me on to some unfamiliar street. And he says to me, that he cut the ram home, baursaks fry ... And suddenly jump out of two women! Threw me a handkerchief and began to drag somewhere! I then had a small, thin, could not fight back, screaming, but no one heard me. Dragged into a house, closed in the room. After a while, the girl ran up to me, then the other, to following me. So I sat in that room for two days, and only a third of my family to know what happened to me, come to find out relations with the kidnappers. In the yard started this war, everyone was shouting, cursing. You know, a Muslim law is that as soon as she crosses the threshold of a new home, back anymore. Overall, I thought for a long time and decided to stay.
Were married for all the customs. The next year I wanted to continue training on my mother in law said, "We women do not learn." A year later, the first born daughter, then a son, all we have six children. Entirely without education did not want to stay, and I am still persuaded his parents to let me learn. Received medical and obstetric department, received a diploma and worked in the hospital for about 10 years. With my husband's parents, we lived up to their deaths, his father died in 1974 and his mother in 1985.
Now I have a grandson 21 and two great-grandchildren! Her husband, of course, the first time was hurt, but now I can not imagine a day without it! Winter will be celebrating 55 years of marriage!
3. Halbibe, 60 years old, 32 years married, Maktaaral district, Shymkent:
- After graduation, I started working as a teacher in the local school. And there's a colleague introduced me to her cousin. She invited me to her house, I took three or four friends and came to her. Then came another youth. And we had the evening. It took a few more home evening.After months of meetings, we decided to get married. In those days, all stolen, even the police are not feared. In rare cases, women were writing. But parents are not allowed to move a Man such securities. Threw themselves at his feet, and begged rescued from prison.Impersonating procuresses, zhengeshki earned money. The guys asked them to find suitable candidates and to reduce them. They found girls staged at home in the evening and created a platform for communication shy girls and humble guys. Thereafter zhengeshek thanked. When my fiance went to his home, everything was ready. Neighbor as if forcibly brought me home and immediately took a receipt that I have come on their own. Since this paper went to his parents' house and told that I have them. Then parents sent messengers - two men from our home.They asked if I was forced to. I replied that she came. Once there was a wedding, and we began to live and get to know each other. Life has flown by. All of my three daughters received an educational grant and worked as a teacher, the younger son is studying to be a doctor, and I can not wait when it will house a daughter-. My eldest daughter was stolen by force, she was not familiar with the groom. When he liked it, he consulted with her colleagues. They took her to a cafe for lunch, and then took her to his home. So she stayed in the house. As soon as she crossed the threshold, all the women of the family begin to amicably persuade stay grandmother lie at the threshold and beg. Hardly anyone dares to go. My daughter was very lucky, my husband got a good, they are now with their three children live and work in Shymkent.
4. Aitkul, 55 years old, married 35 years, from Maktaaral area (near the city of Shymkent)
- I married early, at age 20. With her future husband introduced me to my girlfriend. We came to her village for the wedding, and there he saw me. Later, he even came to see me, we went to the movies two or three times, and then I stole my consent. Now I am a mother-heroine, we have seven children. But not all such good stories, like me, my dear sister in law got married very unfortunate. She was beautiful, young, good-tempered, and in our area, if a girl is quiet, it just steal. Look the part, ask people and taken to his house. When he stole her, she cried a lot and did not want to be, but still it persuaded. She bore him a child, and like the beginning to get used to it. Her husband was an alcoholic and beat her for what she initially did not want to become his wife. Then she divorced him and married a second time, but was already failing health, and she soon died. For I have given to the bride-price of 2,000 rubles, because I was not her father, but the mother in law, and she looked in their capabilities. And for my sister, who first learned, got a job and received $ 100, paid 4500 rubles. Then the money will still go back to her husband's house as my dowry. Now the bride gives about 300 thousand tenge, if there is no such money, then do not marry, and stolen her female relatives can return home. In my time it was easier, who could give the bride-price or dowry, he invested, and who did not allow the funds that was limited just a modest wedding.
5. Nargis, 29 years, married for 4 years from Taraz:
- I worked in the hospital, and my future husband was my patient. So I met him and started dating. Planned to get married in a year, all went to the wedding. My parents did not agree, saying that it would be difficult to adapt to the Uzbek family that will have to get up early to water the yard, to care for their parents and guests. But Shukhrat explained to me that they have a very modern family. My dad is a child spoiled and always said that the main thing - education, work, and then marriage. One day we were visited by the best friend of my father and his nephew.Nephew invited me to sit in a cafe and talk. We had dinner with him when he called Shukhrat, and I told him that I came to woo. A friend's father was the most serious intentions, he said, If the nephew like Nargis, we immediately get her. I tried to calm Shukhrat, saying that I do not attach any importance to this meeting. But he was very worried and began to be jealous. He came for me, and we sat up nights, because he thought that if I go home, I was immediately taken away. Twelve o'clock we gathered with friends in a cafe. He explained the situation to them, saying that my girlfriend came to the bride, and I'm afraid that will not see it. Then one of his friends, Boris, suggested: "Shukhrat, let's steal it." The company was already drunk, and everyone liked the idea. The husband then confessed that he alone could hardly steal me, and when his friends supported, then warmed to. Boris asked the waitress to bring a pen and paper and said that I wrote a note that I have no complaints if I steal ... Came home to him the whole company, I sat in the car, and they were all standing in the yard, because they do not know how tell your parents that brought the bride. The guys on his feet shuffling, because all drunk and afraid to appear in this form in front of adults. Then he heard the noise Shukhrat father came out and asked what was wrong. He replied: "We have brought you a daughter-". Then he laughed, "What are you late? Brought at nightfall, they could not steal ?! morning. " He said that they took me home, gave promise that will do everything to ensure that we got married. Mom Shukhrat called my parents and explained that we love each other and want to get married.When they brought me home, I was very worried, as parents would react, but they welcomed me with a laugh: "What was stolen and taken back?". And a long time my father made fun of me because of this case. I have collected a good dowry, and we played two weddings: in my house in Kazakh and in Shukhrat - in Uzbek traditions. Now raise our daughter, and we live happily ever after.
6. Aizhan, 26 years, married 6 years, from Taraz:
- My husband and I met about six months, and then suddenly he stole me. I then had a third-year student and the parents advised me not to rush into marriage. In general, warned me that still will not give permission for an early marriage. But my future husband joked that still steal me. One day he came for me in the evening to take a walk. Instead, brought to his home. He was a strange, and I realized that he had decided to kidnap me. As soon as I got out, my grandmother once threw me a white handkerchief. In the courtyard there was a lot of people, I was led by the hand, and before I crossed the threshold of the house, I poured oil on the fire, it was the custom. Me all fumigated adraspanom (rue), then I crossed the threshold of the house on the right foot. For me, prepared a separate room, one part of it was separated by a curtain. Rite Nek (Muslim marriage) was at the same time together with the wedding. As soon as I threw on a scarf, immediately called his parents, two brothers, my husband came to our home and told his parents about everything. First, the father was angry, but then calmed down. Now I belong to another family. Now my husband and I are waiting for the third child and I am very happy!
7. Shinar, 28 years old, married 5 years, from the village of Rising (near Taraz)
- I was not familiar with my future husband. Once called a stranger to me the guy said he wanted to meet you. We chatted a bit and he asked me out. In the evening I decided to go into the city, and along the way has appointed him to meet outside the shop. Met, talked for five minutes, he told me a bit much, but I have not had time to understand what kind of man he. I started to leave, and he volunteered to give me a lift. Agreed, got in the car. Look around - did not seem that way, and he reassures me: "We'll pick a friend to now, there is an urgent matter." Looked around, and go back five or six cars with headlights and honking. He brought me to a nearby village - and then I knew. I threw on a scarf and brought into the house. I began to cry and beat him, shouting: "Why did you stole me? I do not even know you! ". He was crying in the corner, is justified: "It's my grandfather is to blame, he said that I should not in law did not come back." I tell him: "He had to at least a little to know each other!". And it calms, saying that then "know"! My husband - the first grandson of the eldest son, so his grandfather, while strongly ill, delivered an ultimatum: "In order today brought the bride, but otherwise is not comin home!". Then he pondered, whom to choose. Before that, he saw me a couple of times from the side and decided that I go up to him. It turns out that his grandfather came to the hospital, where my mom and asked all about me: how old I am, where I study. Called my parents and they sent messengers - my brothers. The elder brother came, looked around and said: "It seems a decent family for 24 years you will be soon, it's time to get married, stay." I thought it was fate. Two months later I got pregnant, and toxemia began to act up and be offended by trifles. Of course, because this was a misunderstanding, we all were strangers to each other. Went to complain to my mother, and she soothed, "It's okay, better than her husband still can not find, go home." Now we have two children, the eldest son of four years, the youngest was executed, and we live with her husband very well. Indeed, a better wife, I would not have found. He is an educated, working, building a big house and take care of us. And the nature of it quiet, hardworking, does not smoke, does not drink and always consults with me, with my considered opinion. I'm currently working at a local midwife infirmary. The main thing in family life - respect for her husband and know your place. My mother always taught me that if a man somewhere to go, then do not ask me where. Because male breadwinner and should not sit at home. Wedding we played December 30, 2009. It turns out that I was in a family that are all called Decembrists. Like, all the Decembrists Abitaevskie! After we got married two more Devereaux in December, my husband's father was married in December, and he married my grandfather in December. It turns out that such a tradition laid grandfather, because he believes that in December is already sogym and conveniently organize big events.


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Post time 19-7-2014 03:37 PM | Show all posts
ice_sky92 posted on 12-7-2014 01:32 PM
Ini semua poyo. Sampai ada yg bunuh diri bagai...

Ajaran syiah dah sampai ke sini rupenye

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Post time 21-7-2014 08:07 AM | Show all posts
CiliPadiSedap: kalau culik menculik jd tradisi sure tiada siapa nk culik rosmah

statement ni memang lawak bro..

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