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Author: fleurzsa

d'literary+publishing gloss(by Gorgonz+herbivor)

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Post time 24-4-2006 02:56 AM | Show all posts
I've been having some problems in distinguishing a 'conceit' and a 'metaphor'. I have a feeling that they're overlapped in some ways... Can anyone clarify on this please?



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Post time 25-4-2006 06:11 PM | Show all posts

Reply #81 pelicano's post

sumthin like dis...


An elaborate metaphor, artificially strained or far-fetched, in which the subject is compared with a simpler analogue usually chosen from nature or a familiar context. Especially associated with intense emotional or spiritual feelings, they sometimes extend through the entire length of a poem.

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Post time 26-4-2006 09:37 AM | Show all posts

Reply #82 seribulan's post

Thanks Seri....

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Post time 18-7-2007 10:55 AM | Show all posts


POETRY: A GUIDE                          
A poem is sectioned into stanzas,just as narratives (novels, stories, articles) are sectioned intoparagraphs. Usually, each stanza will contain a unit of meaning. Theorganisation of lines within each stanza is called the form and there are a variety of identifiable forms, depending on the pattern of rhymes used.
Rhyme is the identity of sound between words, usually at the end of verse lines. The rhyme schemeis the pattern in which the rhymed line-endings are arranged within thestanza. Critics usually express this by giving each line-ending withthe same rhyme a letter of the alphabet. Rhyme schemes may follow afixed pattern, as is found in sonnets, or can be arranged freely tosuit the poet抯 requirements.
  • Rhyming couplet - pair of rhymed lines: aa bb cc.
  • Tercet - three-line stanza: aaa.
  • Quatrain - abab or abcb or abba.
  • Iambic Pentameter - ten-syllable line with one unstressed syllable followed by one stressed, either: abab or aabb.
  • Rhyme royal - seven-line stanza: ab ab bcc.
  • Octavia rima - eight-line stanza, comic effect: ab ab ab cc.
  • Sonnet - one-stanza lyric, consisting of fourteen iambic pentameter lines with intricate rhyme scheme.
  • Petrarchan sonnet - eight lines: ab ba ab ba plus six lines cde cde.
  • Shakespearean sonnet - three quatrains plus one couplet: abab cdcd efef gg.
  • Spenserian sonnet - rhyme links each quatrain to the next: abab bcbc cdcd ee.
  • Lyric - short, song-like verse, conveying emotion.
  • Ballad - quatrain narrative, often containing a refrain.
  • Mock Heroic - trivialises the subject matter.
  • Lament - short poem conveying intense grief.
[size=85%][It will be beneficial for students to know the terms that have been highlighted in blue.]
Rhythmrefers to the movement of the poem, which is achieved by theorganisation of stressed and light syllables, creating a 慴eat



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Post time 19-7-2007 10:20 PM | Show all posts
let see what else...








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Post time 2-8-2008 09:00 AM | Show all posts

1. "The sun was like a large ball of butter" is an example of what literary technique?

The correct answer was Simile.

Similes are a type of Metaphor which make comparisons between two basically unlike things, normally using the words "like" or "as" to make the comparison. In this example, the sun is being compared to a large ball of butter.

2. "The wall stared at me silently" is an example of what type of literary tool?

The correct answer was Personification.

Personification is a literary device employed to give human characteristics to non-human things. You can clearly see in this example that walls cannot really stare at people, and thus they are given that characteristic using personification.

3. "If I do not eat my daily papaya, I will surely die" is an example of what type of literary device?

The correct answer was Hyperbole.

A hyperbole is usually an overstatement used to more easily get a point across to someone. In this example, whoever this person is will not really die if they do not eat a papaya everyday, but they are using hyperbole to get their point across, of how much they love that papaya.

4. "The road was a ribbon of moonlight," is an example of which of these literary techniques?

The correct answer was Metaphor.

A metaphor is one of the most general types of literary techniques, branching off into several more specific types. But in its purest form, it is basically a comparison between two unlike things (usually inanimate things-when those come into play, similes and personification are more often used). In this example, roads and ribbons of moonlights are two quite unlike things, rendering this one a metaphor.

5. "The wise fool is burning my taco" employs what kind of literary device?

The correct answer was Oxymoron.

An oxymoron is combining two complete opposite things into one phrase. In this example, a fool is not very often wise therefore it is an oxymoronic expression.

6. Picture this literary scene: the main character hears a scream, and then sees a man running out of the room with a bloody knife. You can often come to the conclusion (most of the time) that he killed whoever just screamed, although it never outrightly says "the guy with the knife butchered the screamer." This type of intelligent conclusion drawn by the reader based on clues and observations is called a(n) __________?

The correct answer was Inference.

Inference is a device used by you, the reader, based on evidence that the author has provided to make an intelligent conclusion about certain events. Most of the time the man with the bloody knife will be the murderer, as demonstrated in the example.
7. This question will use an example from the classic play, "Romeo and Juliet". In the Fifth Act of the play, Romeo arrives at the Capulet family tomb to find his love, Juliet, supposedly dead. However, we the audience know that Juliet is not really dead, she merely took a potion to make it look like she was dead for her own motives. When the audience of a story knows more than the characters involved, what type of irony is employed?

The correct answer was Dramatic Irony.

Dramatic Irony is a device used by authors to reveal knowledge to the audience that some characters may be in the dark about. In the above example, Romeo reacts by killing himself since he believes Juliet is dead, although we the audience know that Juliet is not really dead. Thus a certain effect is achieved upon us.

8. If you were bullied by another kid on the playground, and afterwards your friend comes over and says "I'll bet you loved that" and you say "Of course", what type of irony are you employing?

The correct answer was Verbal Irony.

Verbal irony is often a spoken form of irony in literature used when a character means the exact opposite of what he is saying. This is often confused with sarcasm; while certain aspects of verbal irony can be sarcastic, sarcasm can often be used to imply something else, instead of just the opposite. Sarcasm is often used more than anything to be mean, as it comes from a Greek word for "to tear flesh".

9. "Flaming ice" is an example of what literary technique?

The correct answer was Oxymoron.

Once again, "flaming ice" forces together two opposites, therefore it is an oxymoron.

10. "I simultaneously composed and destroyed the opera while writing it" is an example of what kind of literary device?

The correct answer was Paradox.

A paradox is a very confusing, complex, and often difficult to identify literary device. It is usually a statement that contradicts itself, but does seem to hold some truth. It is sometimes known as "the long oxymoron", but paradoxes hold truer to full statements.

11. "Bob is as brave as a lion" is an example of what literary device in action?

The correct answer was Simile.

Similes again are comparisons between two unlike things using the words "like" or "as". In this case, Bob's bravery is being compared to that of a lion.

12. "My mother always told me never to come too close to any danger, as that would be dancing with the devil. Little did I know that in my professional ballroom dancing career, that is exactly what I would do." What literary device is used here? (through the whole example)

The correct answer was Foreshadowing & foreshadow.

Foreshadowing is a very commonly used device that gives hints about future events in the story before they happen. Foreshadowing can be very clear and specific or very subtle. In this instance, the narrator appears to be giving a hint that perhaps he will dance with the real devil in his ballroom dancing career.

13. In the movie "Casablanca" you expect the loving couple to stay together, but then the girl hops off on a plane! Hey, that's not what I expected! What type of irony is employed in this instance?

The correct answer was Irony of the Situation.

Irony of the Situation is a specific type of irony that is used to put an unexpected plot twist. Very often it is used at the end of stories so that the reader will be surprised by the ending.

14. "Up went the bacon strips" is an example of what literary technique? (This technique is used more often in poetry.)

The correct answer was Inversion.

Inversion is a type of literary technique that moves word order around so that a greater effect is achieved. In this example, "Up went the bacon strips" has a much better effect than "The bacon strips went up."

15. "A dozen tight fists pounded the criminal's clavicle" uses a unique type of metaphor. Which of these types of metaphor is said type?

The correct answer: The metaphor type mentioned is actually called synecdoche. Synecdoche is a literary device employed where one part represents the whole. In this example, "a dozen tight fists" represents whoever is pounding the criminal's collar bone, presumably the police.

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Post time 2-8-2008 09:01 AM | Show all posts

"Many authors won't simply come out and say exactly what they mean in their works; they use a variety of techniques and devices to enrich their work and make it more interesting. See if you can identify some of the more common techniques."

Choose whether the line from a poem is an example of alliteration, metaphor, onomatopoeia, personification, or simile.

1. "What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?"

2. "Over the cobbles he clattered and clashed in the dark innyard."


3. "But the stars came out and they danced about ere again I ventured near"

4. "See the red berries...Fallen like little footprints On the garden snow"


5. "The sea is a hungry dog, Giant and gray."

6. "The angels, not half so happy in Heaven, Went envying her and me"

7. "When the moon is a ghostly galleon tossed upon the seas"

8. "and so gently you came rapping, And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door."

9. "Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter"

10. "Slowly, silently, now the moon Walks the night in her silver shoon; This way, and that, she peers and sees Silver fruit upon silver trees."

You Scored __ out of 10

Question 1 - Actual answer was: Simile. A deferred dream is compared to a dried up raisin in the sun using the word LIKE.

Question 2 - Actual answer was: Alliteration. Cobbles, clattered, and clashed show alliteration.

Question 3 - Actual answer was: Personification. The stars danced about.

Question 4 - Actual answer was: Simile. The fallen red berries are LIKE footprints on the snow.

Question 5 - Actual answer was: Metaphor. The sea is compared to a hungry dog.

Question 6 - Actual answer was: Alliteration. Half, happy, heaven, and her show alliteration.

Question 7 - Actual answer was: Metaphor. The moon IS a ghostly galleon.

Question 8 - Actual answer was: Onomatopoeia. RAPPING and TAPPING are examples of onomatopoeia.

Question 9 - Actual answer was: Onomatopoeia. FLIRT and FLUTTER are examples of onomatopoeia.

Question 10 - Actual answer was: Personification. The MOON is given human characteristics of walking and peering and seeing.

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Post time 14-2-2017 01:02 PM | Show all posts
                                                                                                                                                ISTILAH UNIK TENTANG BUKU YANG PERLU DIKETAHUI:

Yup! Orang yang suka baca buku di tempat tidur disebut librocubicularist.  Apa kamu salah satunya? Tempat tidur memang jadi salah satu tempat  favorit membaca para pecinta buku. Ssttt... Spring juga termasuk librocubicularist. Teman-teman di sini juga diam-diam mungkin ada yang termasuk librocubicularist juga, ya?


Biasanya seseorang yang mengalami abibliophobia ini suka sangat menimbun buku, walaupun banyak buku yang belum dibaca. Abibliophobia akan merasa sangat kecewa kalau sampai tidak punya bahan bacaan.  Menurutnya, lebih baik membeli banyak buku sekaligus, kerana dia takut  kehabisan bahan bacaan tiba-tiba.


Seorang bibliomaniac atau bibliomania ini sangat  ketagihan membeli buku yang sama dalam berbagai versi. Biasanya  bukunya tidak dibaca, tapi cuma buat memuaskan keinginannya saja. Salah  satu tokoh bibliomaniac adalah Sir Thomas Phillipps, 1st  Baronet (1792-1872). Dia punya koleksi 160,000 buku dan manuskrip. Wow,  banyak  koleksi bukunya!

Seorang bibliomaniac akut selalunya punya kebiasaan psikologis aneh. Bibliokleptomania, suka mencuri buku untuk bahan koleksinya. Biliotaphy, suka mengubur buku untuk menyembunyikan koleksinya agar tidak diambil orang lain. Bibliophagy,  saking terobsesi dengan buku, dia tidak hanya menimbun atau membacanya,  tapi juga memakan bukunya. Ada dua tokoh yang tercatat dalam sejarah  mengalami bibliomaniac sekaligus bibliokleptomania, yaitu Stephen Blumberg dan Reverand W.F Whitcher.


Banyak yang sering tertukar antara bibliomania dan bibliophile, tapi keduanya adalah sama. Bibliophile ini seorang kutu buku. Dia benar-benar mencintai buku, tapi tidak punya  obsesi berlebihan atau kebiasaan aneh seperti yang biasanya dialami bibliomaniac. Biasanya seorang bibliophile hobi mengumpul, membaca, dan merawat bukunya. Bagi para bibliophile buku adalah teman baiknya.


Bibliobibuli ini biasanya daya bacanya di atas rata-rata sangat. Kalau seseorangperlu  dua hari untuk menyelesaikan novel tebal, dia akan  menyelesaikannya beberapa jam saja. Jadi dalam seminggu dia sudah dapat  menghabiskan banyak buku. Membaca adalah hal yang paling menyenangkan  untuknya. Jika ada kesempatan, pasti dia membaca buku. Pasti  seorang bibliobibuli ini pintar dan berwawasan luas! Bisa disebut, seniornya kutu buku.



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