This guy deserved a special place in hell. lol
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Erkk.. Psychonya   |
Pe hal la  |
Jahatnye ko jantan x guna.  |
ex-gf dia meletup masa guna vibrator tu ke?  |
erm, ngeri nk berimaginasi |
Edited by DayangKirana at 30-11-2016 02:28 PM
rajin aku pegi google pasal nih..
mujur tak sempat jadi apa.. roomates dia report polis..
nak revenge bagai, tapi mulut macam bontot ayam..gigih reveal plot to others..
memang mendapat la kan?  |
DayangKirana replied at 30-11-2016 12:20 PM
gigih aku pegi google pasal nih..
mujur tak sempat jadi apa.. roomates dia report polis..
Mujurlah ex gf terselamat ye. Ngeri la kalau vurit bersepai |
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