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Two Main Schools In Buddhism

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Post time 20-6-2004 09:07 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
People, recently there have been a little misconception from what I know, regarding the views of the two main schools namely Mahayana (Great Vehicle and Hinaya (small vehicle). Hinaya is known to many as Theravada. So, to clear on the misconception, here is an article from, in my view, reliable site.

Two Main Schools of Buddhism

The real followers of the Buddha can practise this religion without adhering to any school or sect.

A few hundred years after the Buddha's passing away, there arose eighteen different schools or sects all of which claimed to represent the original Teachings of the Buddha. The differences between these schools were basically due to various interpretations of the Teachings of the Buddha. Over a period of time, these schools gradually merged into two main schools: Theravada and Mahayana. Today, a majority of the followers of Buddhism are divided into these two schools.

Basically Mahayana Buddhism grew out of the Buddha's teaching that each individual carries within himself the potential for Buddhahood. Theravadins say that this potential can be realized through individual effort. Mahayanists, on the other hand, believe that they can seek salvation through the intervention of other superior beings called Bodhisattas. According to them, Bodhisattas are future Buddhas who, out of compassion for their fellow human beings, have delayed their own attainment of Buddhahood until they have helped others towards liberation. In spite of this basic difference, however, it must be stressed that doctrinally there is absolutely no disagreement concerning the Dhamma as contained in the sacred Tripitaka texts. Because Buddhists have been encouraged by the Master to carefully inquire after the truth, they have been free to interpret the scriptures according to their understanding. But above all, both Mahayana and Theravada are one in their reverence for the Buddha.(For a short, excellent exposition on this topic, read Dr. W. Rahula, 'Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism' published by The Buddhist Missionary Society.)

The areas of agreement between the two schools are as follows:

1. Both accept Sakyamuni Buddha as the Teacher.
2. The Four Noble Truths are exactly the same in both schools.
3. The Eightfold Path is exactly the same in both schools.
4. The Pattica-Samuppada or teaching on Dependent Origination is the same in both schools.
5. Both reject the idea of a supreme being who created and governed this world.
6. Both accept Anicca, Dukkha, Anatta and Sila, Samadhi, Panna without any difference.

Some people are of the view that Theravada is selfish because it teaches that people should seek their own salvation. But how can a selfish person gain Enlightenment? Both schools accept the three Yana or Bodhi and consider the Bodhisatta Ideal as the highest. The Mahayana has created many mystical Bodhisattas, while the Theravada believes that a Bodhisatta is a man amongst us who devotes his entire life for the attainment of perfection, and ultimately becomes a fully Enlightened Buddha for the well-being and happiness of the world.

The terms Hinayana (Small Vehicle) and Mahayana (Great Vehicle) are not known in the Theravada Pali literature. They are not found in the Pali Canon (Tripitaka) or in the Commentaries on the Tripitaka.

Theravada Buddhists follow orthodox religious traditions that had prevailed in India two thousand five hundred years ago. They perform their religious services in the Pali language. They also expect to attain the final goal (Nibbana) by becoming a Supreme Enlightened Buddha, Pacceka Buddha, or an Arahant (the highest stage of sainthood). The Majority of them prefer the Arahantahood. Buddhists in Sri Lanka, Burma, and Thailand belong to this school. Mahayanists have changed the old religious customs. Their practices are in accordance with the customs and traditions of the countries where they live. Mahayanists perform their religious services in their mother tongue. They expect to attain the final goal (Nibbana) by becoming Buddhas. Hence, they honor both the Buddha and Bodhisatta (one who is destined to be a Buddha with the same respect. Buddhists in China, Japan and Korea belong to this school. Most of those in Tibet and Mongolia follow another school of Buddhism which is known as Vajrayana. Buddhist scholars believe that this school inclines more towards the Mahayana sect.

It is universally accepted by scholars that the terms Hinayana and Mahayana are later invention. Historically speaking, the Theravada already existed long before these terms came into being. That Theravada, considered to be the original teaching of the Buddha, was introduced to Sri Lanka and established there in the 3rd century B.C., during the time of Emperor Asoka of India. At that time there was nothing called Mahayana. Mahayana as such appeared much later, about the beginning of the Christian era. Buddhism that went to Sri Lanka, with its Tripitaka and Commentaries, in the 3rd Century B.C., remained there intact as Theravada, and did not come into the scene of the Hinayana-Mahayana dispute that developed later in India. It seems therefore not legitimate to include Theravada in either of these two categories. However, after the inauguration of the World Fellowship of Buddhists in 1950, well-informed people, both in the East and in the West, use the term Theravada, and not the term Hinayana, with reference to Buddhism prevalent in South-east Asian countries. There are still outmoded people who use the term Hinayana. In fact, the Samdhi Nirmorcana Sutra (a Mahayana Sutra) clearly says that the Sravakayana - Theravada and the Mahayana constitute one Yana (ekayana) and that they are not two different and distinct 'vehicles'. Although different schools of Buddhism held different opinions on the teaching of the Buddha, they never had any violence or blood shed for more than two thousands years. This is the uniqueness of Buddhist tolerance. ... ols%20of%20Buddhism

[ Last edited by ariyamusafir on 10-8-2005 at 02:36 AM ]

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Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
Post time 21-6-2004 10:24 AM | Show all posts
When Taoism blends with Buddhist Mahayana it becomes Zen(Japanese)/Chaan(Chinese).

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 Author| Post time 21-6-2004 09:46 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 21-6-2004 10:24:
When Taoism blends with Buddhist Mahayana it becomes Zen(Japanese)/Chaan(Chinese).

Is it? Oh, I did not know about this. I only heard Zen and cha'an before. Thanks for the info. However, I prefer pure Buddhism.

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lyhmsia This user has been deleted
Post time 25-6-2004 12:57 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 21-6-2004 10:24 AM:
When Taoism blends with Buddhist Mahayana it becomes Zen(Japanese)/Chaan(Chinese).

Actually, Zen/Chaan started before Buddhism was first introduced in China. There was a story that goes like this ... One afternoon Buddha was seating quietly while his student was puzzled why Buddha didn't say anything. Suddenly, a leave fall from a tree and one of his students was enlightened by observing that event.

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lyhmsia This user has been deleted
Post time 25-6-2004 12:58 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ariyamusafir at 21-6-2004 09:46 PM:

I prefer pure Buddhism

What's pure? Zen is Buddhism.

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 Author| Post time 25-6-2004 03:03 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by lyhmsia at 25-6-2004 12:58:

What's pure? Zen is Buddhism.

You see, I do not know much about zen but many Buddhist in Malaysia are mixed of Taoism, and Buddhism. I do not want mix. I want pure one, meaning only Buddhism as thought by the Buddha, not mixed with others.

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lyhmsia This user has been deleted
Post time 25-6-2004 11:38 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ariyamusafir at 25-6-2004 03:03 PM:

You see, I do not know much about zen but many Buddhist in Malaysia are mixed of Taoism, and Buddhism. I do not want mix. I want pure one, meaning only Buddhism as thought by the Buddha, not  ...

I think you're refering to Taoism Religion and not Taoism Philosophy (Lao Zhi). Both are very different and philosophy Taoism is very interesting and some of its teaching is similar to Buddhism. In a lot Buddhism master, the used a lot of Taoism philosophy teaching such as Master Chin Kung (Pure Land school). Correct me if I'm wrong. What do you think Adm_Cheng_Ho?

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 Author| Post time 26-6-2004 12:57 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by lyhmsia at 25-6-2004 23:38:

I think you're refering to Taoism Religion and not Taoism Philosophy (Lao Zhi). Both are very different and philosophy Taoism is very interesting and some of its teaching is similar to B ...

At the end, it is the best to refer back to the teachings of the Buddha.

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Post time 11-7-2004 04:29 PM | Show all posts
Pure Land Buddhism still available in Thailand, Myanmar and Sri Lanka, right isn't it? Sorry if i'm giving wrong confirm!

Have a nice day!

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Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
Post time 11-7-2004 05:19 PM | Show all posts
To me, it doesn't matter whether Buddhism & Taoism were being mixed since both are complementing & strengthening each other's philosophy.

Bodhidharma(Ta Mo) also blends Taoism with Buddhism. Yes, Zen/Chaan existed long before, however, it was Ta Mo who had explicitly propounded this philosophy. Followers of this philosophy adopts this mixture perfectly.

Lyh, Buddhist preachers/masters uses Taoism explanation as an expedient tool with a belief it would be more appealing and easier to get understanding from Chinese. Some of the terms in Buddhism isn't easy to comprehend, however, by using the inherent understanding most Chinese had been moulded in their culture, it would have achieve their intended goal much easier.

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 Author| Post time 11-7-2004 06:59 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 11-7-2004 17:19:
To me, it doesn't matter whether Buddhism & Taoism were being mixed since both are complementing & strengthening each other's philosophy.

Bodhidharma(Ta Mo) also blends Taoism with Buddh ...

Admiral, you must know, Taoism and Buddhism do have their differences.

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Post time 14-7-2004 12:33 PM | Show all posts
Both Taosim and Buddhism cannot be true at the same time cos they do contradict each other. At the same time, both can be false. Tomix both and come up with a hybrid religio would be foolish.
It is therefore important for us to examine what we believe carefully and not be misled.

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Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
Post time 14-7-2004 03:01 PM | Show all posts
What conflicting philosophy are you talking about? After all both are likely to return to the same source!

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Post time 14-7-2004 04:53 PM | Show all posts
by Adm_Cheng_Ho

What conflicting philosophy are you talking about? After all both are likely to return to the same source!

While I usually don't bother about whatever Debmey have to say (or Ariya for that matter), I must agree with Adm_Cheng_Ho. Toasm and Buddhism do NOT conflict with each other.

Each has its own rules and regulations and each has its own principles which can be followed by someone who is both Taoist and Buddhist. Only thing which will different is when there is use of magic and rituals.

Buddhism do not care too much about rituals but Toasm does, so Buddhist can rely on things like rituals for the dead, birth, business etc in Toasm side while still remaining a Buddhist.

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 Author| Post time 14-7-2004 06:22 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 14-7-2004 16:53:
by Adm_Cheng_Ho

What conflicting philosophy are you talking about? After all both are likely to return to the same source!

While I usually don't bother about whatever Debmey have to  ...

There is differences.

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Post time 15-7-2004 10:09 AM | Show all posts
by ariyamusafir

There is differences.

Name it ...

The ONLY difference I see is Buddhism do not look very highly at rituals, magic and alchemist while Taoism do. Then again, does rituals, magic and alchemics part of original teaching of Lao Tzu? :hmm:

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Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
Post time 15-7-2004 01:21 PM | Show all posts
Both Taosim and Buddhism cannot be true at the same time cos they do contradict each other. At the same time, both can be false. Tomix both and come up with a hybrid religio would be foolish

Debmey... if they are conflicting each other, Chinese won't be practicing both at the same time for thousands of years. Even today, Chinese can easily place Buddha & Deities together although we regard Buddha is higher than Deities. This can be easily seen by Chinese placing Buddha/Bodhisatva on top while Deities at bottom or lower deck to distinguish their enlightenment status. Indian Buddhists are eagerly sought in the past & some can even meet the Emperor directly.

Unlike Abrahamic religions. All other non-compliant religious figures would have to be removed. What' even more funnier, all the 3 religions disapprove each other. We don't. In fact, we even accept Hinduism concepts easily into many fields. That's what I call strength! Indian have numerology which I had studied. Chinese have I-Ching Hexagram. When combine both concepts, I also found out many complementing points filling the incomplete part of each other. I don't see much differences. So is my fellow friends & many other people in this region. Perhaps the way of doing it is different. But that's their way of arriving at the same effect. Same source. After all.

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Post time 15-7-2004 01:40 PM | Show all posts
Lie cannot be the Truth no matter how many times you repeat. Someone will always question it.

Truth cannot be covered up as a lie no matter how clever you are. Something will always appear to be out of place to show the border between the Truth and the Lie.

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 Author| Post time 15-7-2004 01:46 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 15-7-2004 13:40:
Lie cannot be the Truth no matter how many times you repeat. Someone will always question it.

Truth cannot be covered up as a lie no matter how clever you are. Something will always appear to be ...


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 Author| Post time 15-7-2004 02:03 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 15-7-2004 10:09:
by ariyamusafir

There is differences.

Name it ...

The ONLY difference I see is Buddhism do not look very highly at rituals, magic and alchemist while Taoism do. Then again, does  ...

before I continue, just want to ask about taoism. Is it that for taoism, we are a soul living in a body? and that when we die, our soul will leave this body and will remaina soul until reincarnation?

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