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southeastasiabackpacker✿The Best Face Masks for Flying

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Post time 18-7-2021 09:32 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
The Best Face Masks for FlyingBy Nikki Scott / 10th February 2021

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We don’t know what’s going to happen in the world in 2021 and beyond, but one thing’s for sure – we’ll be wearing face masks for travel for a long while yet!
Thanks to COVID-19, to get on any form of public transport these days, the law in most countries now dictates that you have to wear a face covering. Governments across the world have introduced compulsory mask-wearing (in some cases, even when outside) and airlines have made masks mandatory for all passengers.
Airlines have made mask wearing mandatory for passengers.

Which is the best face mask for travelling on an aeroplane?
If you’re taking a flight in the near future, you may be confused about which type of mask to opt for. Already there are a million different kinds of masks on the market, but some masks seem to be more focused on fashion rather than safety.
You may be wondering: If I choose a highly protective mask, do I have to compromise on comfort and breathability? And, do some airlines have rules on which type of masks they allow passengers to wear on board?
In this article, we’ll try to answer all of these questions and advise you on the things you need to think about when choosing a face mask for travel. We’ll also get the lowdown from the South East Asia Backpacker Community about their preferred masks for use on a plane. Hopefully then, you can decide which mask is the best for you!
Choosing a mask for flying is an important part of traveling.
Disclaimer – We have not tested, nor are we qualified to test the protection level and the efficacy of the masks that are discussed in this article. This article has been written using our own research and feedback from the South East Asia Backpacker Community who have been sharing their personal opinions on which masks they prefer to use when they travel. Please do your own research and consult with your airline when it comes to choosing the right mask for your trip.

Quick Answers

What’s important to look for in a mask for flying?
First things first, check your airline’s guidelines – If you are planning to fly, make sure you read the airlines’ guidelines when it comes to which face-covering they allow on their aeroplanes. For example, Lufthansa recently updated its guidelines to state that only FFP2, KN95, N95 or surgical masks would be allowed on their flights.
  • Breathable – If you’re going to be passing through airports and getting on long-haul flights, the first thing you need to look for is a mask that is breathable and won’t leave you panting for breath! Many members of our community suggested that travellers take a few different types of masks with them when travelling. For example, some travellers prefer to wear one type of mask when they are on the plane and a different one when they are in the airport itself. This is because some masks offer a great level of protection for the wearer (such as the N95 mask) but are not so comfortable when worn for long periods of time, therefore it is better to limit the amount of time that you are wearing this mask as much as possible.
  • Washable and Reusable – Single-use items have long been a drain on the planet’s resources. Since the Coronavirus pandemic started, thousands of disposable masks have been used once and thrown away, so much so that there’s been a surge in ocean pollution. You can’t blame citizens for this (assuming they haven’t dropped the mask in the oceans themselves, in which case, blame away…). Medical authorities recommend that masks such as the KN95 and surgical masks be disposed of after one usage. If you hate the thought of so much waste, you may prefer to invest in a fabric mask (like the ones below) that is washable and reusable.
  • Comfortable – If you’re going to be sitting on a long-haul flight for several hours, you will need something that you feel comfortable in. Our ears have really taken a beating over the past year and many people look for a mask with adjustable straps so that it fits better and relieves pressure behind the ears. Some people prefer the strap that fits around the bottom of their head instead. In addition, some of the fabric masks have foam fitted around the nose piece to prevent air leakage and also to make the mask more comfortable for the wearer.
  • Filtration – When it comes to filtration, we are talking about the percentage of aerosol particles that the mask filters out. For example, the safest mask available, the N95 respirator, is named according to the percentage of particles that it filters out, 95-97%. On the other hand, surgical masks and cloth masks offer less protection, but many claim that they are easier to breathe in.
  • Snug fitting – While some masks, such as the FFP masks (see below), offer a high level of protection, remember that these types of masks are only effective in keeping you safe if the mask is properly fitted. Having a gaping hole above your nose means that air can leak in and out and the mask will not offer as much protection. It is also believed that facial hair and masks are not a good combo. The hair growth widens the gap between the face and the mask, meaning that more air can enter and escape. The clean shaven look is very 2021.
Your mask should be properly fitted and cover your nose too.Mask with a valve or without a valve?
Ever wondered whether you should buy a mask with or without a valve? According to various sources that we read, masks with valves are less effective at preventing the spread of COVID-19. In fact, the CDC has specifically said that it does not recommend using masks with valves or vents which allow respiratory droplets to escape from the mask into the air around you.
Several airlines, including JetBlue and United Airlines, have banned masks with valves and will not let passengers board the plan if they are wearing them.
While masks with valves may be more comfortable to wear, making it easier for you to exhale and keeping you cooler, because they allow so much air to escape from the mask, they actually defeat the purpose of wearing a face covering in the first place.
These kinds of masks were originally designed for construction workers who did not want to breathe in chemicals, dust and other substances, but didn’t mind what they breathed out. When it comes to Coronavirus, however, wearing a mask is meant to protect those around you, as well as yourself.

Best masks for travel – According to our ReadersN95 Respirators
  • Cost – $10 US / mask
  • Reusability – It is not recommended that the average person wear an N95 more than once. According to MedPageToday, N95 masks can be safely decontaminated using ultraviolet light or vaporised hydrogen peroxide. This process can only happen two or three times without compromising the safety of the mask. After that it should be thrown away. Of course, travellers don’t have quick access to ultraviolet light (now that the Full Moon Party is cancelled) and so this is not a viable option!
N95 Respirators should only be worn once.
N95 masks offer the highest level of protection to the wearer. (Note that these masks are known as respirators rather than face masks.) At the beginning of the pandemic, governments advised that N95s should be reserved only for frontline medical workers.
However, since the pandemic has dragged on, it is now possible to get hold of these online from certain online retailers, for example these N95 masks, certified by NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) in the USA.
N95 masks are very expensive, around $10 US per mask and should not be worn more than once. They are also not so easy to breathe in and not so comfortable, especially for long periods.
Community Verdict: Are N95s a good option for travel?
  • “As a nurse, a surgical mask is your best bet for travel. N95s are saved for when you know you are going to be exposed to a Covid positive person or aerosol generating procedures. I think I would pass out if I had to wear a N95 longer than an hour or two.” – Becca K
  • “For my recent trip, I wore a surgical mask, then changed it to an N95 before boarding the plane. My flight was just less than an hour.” – Ady

FFP Masks (FFP2 / KN95 / KF94 Respirators)
  • Cost: Approx. $3 US / mask
  • Reusability: We could not find any recommendations for how to clean or disinfect these types of masks. It is recommended that they be used only once.
FFP stand for ‘filtering face piece’.
A mask with this many letters in front of its name must be good right?! If you’re looking for a clear explanation on the differences between these types of masks, compared with the N95 masks above, then check out this article which explains it much better than I ever could.
In brief, FFP stands for ‘Filtering Face Piece’ and actually, all of the filtration masks (N95, KN95, KF94, FFP3, FFP2 and FFP1) fall into this category. The reason for the different acronyms is the certification process that the mask has undertaken.
  • The KN95 mask is currently the most common of these types of masks and is certified in China.
  • The FFP2 face mask is certified according to European standards.
  • KF94 is the Korean standard.
All of these masks, while not as safe as the N95 mask, offer a similar level of protection to each other, claiming to filter out 94%+ of airborne particles.
Community Verdict: Are FFPs a good option for travel?
  • “For flying I would use at least FFP2 or an N95 respirator.” – Kamil S
  • “We flew on a French airline in September, and they refused the FFP2. Masks worn on board the aircraft HAD to be surgical masks. Something about the thickness of the FFP2, and the amount of O2 you get when breathing through them. But I don’t know if all airlines apply the same rules.” – Frank L



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Post time 18-7-2021 09:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Beli mask ni mod

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 Author| Post time 18-7-2021 09:54 PM | Show all posts

Thank you Sarah! Ehehehe info yg bagus. Nanti sapa2 nak travel boleh la compare kan?


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Post time 18-7-2021 10:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
LelaRentaka7 replied at 18-7-2021 09:54 PM
Thank you Sarah! Ehehehe info yg bagus. Nanti sapa2 nak travel boleh la compare kan?

Betul.. Sy suka pakai KN95 lebih selesa.. Atau kalau 3 ply mask.. Sy selalu guna yg 3D.

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 Author| Post time 18-7-2021 10:05 PM | Show all posts
sarah82 replied at 18-7-2021 10:02 PM
Betul.. Sy suka pakai KN95 lebih selesa.. Atau kalau 3 ply mask.. Sy selalu guna yg 3D.

sorry awak

tak paham yg 3D tu

yg mcmana tu? ada gambar? thanks!


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Post time 18-7-2021 10:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
LelaRentaka7 replied at 18-7-2021 10:05 PM
sorry awak

tak paham yg 3D tu

Yg ni 3D mask.

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 Author| Post time 18-7-2021 10:15 PM | Show all posts

Thank you Sarah!
much appreciated


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Post time 18-7-2021 10:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
LelaRentaka7 replied at 18-7-2021 10:15 PM
Thank you Sarah!
much appreciated

Hahaha.. Sama2..antara mask yg selesa yg pernah sy cuba.. Cuma skrg kena double mask.. Jadi sy jadi pengguna tegar KN95.

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 Author| Post time 18-7-2021 10:30 PM | Show all posts
sarah82 replied at 18-7-2021 10:16 PM
Hahaha.. Sama2..antara mask yg selesa yg pernah sy cuba.. Cuma skrg kena double mask.. Jadi sy jad ...

Betul tu Sarah. Skarang kena guna mask yg betul.
Terutama masa nak fly kena pakai mask throughout the journey.
Memang tak selesa tp apa nak buat kan?

Dah tak boleh guna yg basic and nipis.
Everywhere else in the world dah bertambah tinggi cases masing.
You stay safe and take care


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Post time 18-7-2021 10:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
LelaRentaka7 replied at 18-7-2021 10:30 PM
Betul tu Sarah. Skarang kena guna mask yg betul.
Terutama masa nak fly kena pakai mask throughout ...

Sy tgg mini usb fan utk mask sampai.. Nak cuba tgk ok ke tak.. Sbb tgk iklan kat lazada.. Fan tu bg selesa dan tak rasa panas bila pakai mask.

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 Author| Post time 18-7-2021 10:39 PM | Show all posts
sarah82 replied at 18-7-2021 10:33 PM
Sy tgg mini usb fan utk mask sampai.. Nak cuba tgk ok ke tak.. Sbb tgk iklan kat lazada.. Fan tu b ...

Ehehehehe Sarah!
Jangan lupa tau update sini


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Post time 18-7-2021 10:42 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
LelaRentaka7 replied at 18-7-2021 10:39 PM
Ehehehehe Sarah!
Jangan lupa tau update sini

InsyaAllah.. Sampai je.. Test terus.. Hihihi.

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Post time 18-7-2021 10:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sarah82 replied at 18-7-2021 09:48 PM
Beli mask ni mod

Mak aih.. dekat seribu? Utk baper keping nih?

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Post time 18-7-2021 10:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tinot7 replied at 18-7-2021 10:44 PM
Mak aih.. dekat seribu? Utk baper keping nih?

Boleh pakai semula.. Cuma kena tukar filter saja.

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Post time 18-7-2021 10:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sarah82 replied at 18-7-2021 10:45 PM
Boleh pakai semula.. Cuma kena tukar filter saja.

Kiranya reusable mask lerr..

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Post time 18-7-2021 10:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tinot7 replied at 18-7-2021 10:47 PM
Kiranya reusable mask lerr..

Yezaa.. Betul... Ada yg harga 1.3k..

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Post time 18-7-2021 10:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sarah82 replied at 18-7-2021 10:48 PM
Yezaa.. Betul... Ada yg harga 1.3k..

Mahai la.. iols takat pakai uniqlo punya jahh.. tapi la ni gigih pakai surgical mask jahh.. watson guardian sumer byk jual la ni

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Post time 18-7-2021 11:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tinot7 replied at 18-7-2021 10:51 PM
Mahai la.. iols takat pakai uniqlo punya jahh.. tapi la ni gigih pakai surgical mask jahh.. watson ...

Sebab yg ni rechargeable.. Kira ala2 ekon utk muka.. Hahahahaha.

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Post time 18-7-2021 11:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sarah82 replied at 18-7-2021 11:00 PM
Sebab yg ni rechargeable.. Kira ala2 ekon utk muka.. Hahahahaha.

Surgical mask dah cukup lerr..

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Post time 18-7-2021 11:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tinot7 replied at 18-7-2021 11:07 PM
Surgical mask dah cukup lerr..

Utk kita.. Org have2 x ada mslh nak beli.

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