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Strange books

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Post time 20-10-2005 02:18 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Read any strange books lately? Kalau ada sesiapa yang tahu atau terbaca buku2 yang boleh di kira 'aneh' strange for whatever reasons , would love to know them ...please give a bit of description why you consider them strange..

here are a few examples that i consider strange books and why:-

1) A Mind of Its Own : A Cultural History of the Penis
by David M. Friedman

Read an interesting review of this book some times back....
Zaman manusia boleh di bahagi dlm bentuk bagaimana human view penis...from religious penis , power& racist penis (black) etc and do you know what age we are now?...entertainment penis age...

2) Stuart : A Life Backwards (non fiction -bio)

A bio of a homeless man...only read a good review on this too

3) History of God - Karen Armstrong

A good review of how judaism, christianity and Islam view god over the ages...

4) Harry Potter

Very strange how  educated adults can go bonkers over this hyped up children book series...



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Post time 21-10-2005 07:55 AM | Show all posts
:hmm:jenuh perah otak...blom leh fikir buku yg dirasakan STRANGE...
ada yg post Wilayah KUTU kategori ni:cak: food for thought:hmm:

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Post time 21-10-2005 08:49 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by seribulan at 21-10-2005 07:55 AM
:hmm:jenuh perah otak...blom leh fikir buku yg dirasakan STRANGE...
ada yg post Wilayah KUTU kategori ni:cak: food for thought:hmm:

cik mod.. sorry sebab tarik post semalam. too graphic, takut disturbing je to certain people...  :tq:

so here are two reviews that i gathered, which is way not disturbing at all.. errr.. plus you can get this book here :dia: Silverfish Book's Wilayah Kutu

First credit goes to pizzofmine from Book Lover

If I have to choose just a word to describe this book, I would choose rebellious.

When you open up the book, you will be instantly greeted with a cynically funny piece of story titled "Tapi...aku hensem" written by Mr. Ruhayat X. The contents in this book is a colorful combination, as colorful as the neons in the big city of Kuala Lumpur, it is entertaining in it's own right, cynical and satirically hilarious.

Being a page turner, it is quite a wonder to know that most of the writers is not actually proficient in writing in Bahasa (Or so I have heard) and there are works in it that actually has been rejected by other publications but obviously this didn't stop them from writing.

This book has quite a variety, with assortments of writings from short stories to poems (Jerome Kugan; currently working as sub editor for the KLuE Magazine write quite a lovely poem and I am definitely surprised that he's not malay 3:0~>).

The stories are up to date and relevant with the current issues and the writers are just being blunt when telling their stories and the way they brought up their point across is clearly stated yet still maintaining the "abstractness".

The theme and the writing approach by the writers are raw and a refreshing change for it deviates from the stagnant style of writings that so far has dominated most books written in Bahasa Malaysia (menggunakan bahasa yang meleret-leret, berbunga-bunga and the theme always revolves around love, looove, love, looove story with mushy wushy lines that is hard to understand unless you are studying Malay literature or a poet). Understanding a story you read shouldn't be a chore or rocket science!

If you are expecting to see only writings in this book well hold that thought for there are also short stories creatively composed using picture mediums in it which is in one of the fact that got my attention.

Just the perfect book to read and then throw into the dustbin and afterwards take it out again in the middle of the night to read it again and again and again.

Don't read it to your kids or they'll start having nightmares and grow up to be a serial killer (For matured reader's only)

Something fresh, if you want something that is not quite the norm then this the book for you

Second credit goes to :dia: Grace Shu

揥ilayah Kutu



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Post time 21-10-2005 08:53 AM | Show all posts
oh yep.. the link to yesterday's VERY DISTURBING review is here (I don't think I want to paste it back since it seems to graphic, sorry guys, ampun) :tq:

:dia: Jongkang-Jongket's review on Wilayah Kutu

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 Author| Post time 22-10-2005 11:15 AM | Show all posts
limau-nipis, excellent stuff! thanks...baca review jongkang jongket membuatkan saya terasa nak cari dan baca antologi ni...mungkin one day...i'm in no hurry...i always believe that good books are timeless...i never succumb to fad and hype hence nobody in the world can convince me to read harry potters , least not in 10 years time...if it's still around then  and still being discussed i may flip a page or two...till then i'll leave the  boy with round glass well alone...

and i'm happy that malaysia now have a healthy new wave of film makers and seems like in writing dalam bahasa melayu too!!....

i'm never offended by strong words, strong themes or offensive writings... key thing is the writing must be unaffected, honest, intelligent, well written preferebly with a good dose of black humor...

a little digression;

i have not read too many strange books but have seen some very strange of the sickest and grossest movie (but very entertaining) is john waters 1972 film "pink flamingos"....john waters has a cult following and he once said that if anybody vomitted while watching his films , he consider this as a standing ovation!...

The other (very much more artistic) 'sick' film director is the great Peter Greenaway..i like his "the thief, the cook and his lover'...and david lynch ..especially like his 'wild at heart' and 'blue velvet'....

but when it comes to films with quirky sense of humor and great dialogue as though it comes right out of literary novels no one can compare to the coen brothers' films...."Fargo", "millers crossing", "the big liebowski", "the man who wasn't there", "Raising arizona" , "barton fink" and their recent "ladykillers" are my favorite....

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Post time 22-10-2005 11:34 AM | Show all posts
A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess? Strange.



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Post time 24-10-2005 05:18 PM | Show all posts
baru tringat satu buku...


buku saja strange, malah memualkan...tak abih baca...terlalu artistik kot...

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Post time 25-10-2005 07:54 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Greenbottle3 at 22-10-2005 11:15 AM
limau-nipis, excellent stuff! thanks...baca review jongkang jongket membuatkan saya terasa nak cari dan baca antologi ni...mungkin one day...i'm in no hurry...i always believe that good books are t ...

greenbottle, the book is limited copies printing... 1000 copies je.. skrg tgh promotion :cak:
pls read and tell me what do you think of it

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Post time 25-10-2005 07:59 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by seribulan at 24-10-2005 05:18 PM
baru tringat satu buku...


buku saja strange, malah memualkan...tak abih baca...terlalu artistik kot...

cik mod, what book? :hmm:
too artistic? just share ok?

i think another strange book would be from the fight club author- chuck palahniuk... entitled "Survivor"... I didn't find this book yet.. but browsing thru the web... the reviewers said the book is interesting because it starts with the last chapter and ended with chaptr 0.. so, the story is kind of backward?

wow, that's interesting...



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 Author| Post time 25-10-2005 01:37 PM | Show all posts
I think Ms Serigala was referring to the infamous Shanon Ahmad's book... yes...that's a strange one but i think relevant for that unfortunate era...

Limau-purut or is it limau nipis?? ... there are a few books that start with the ending first but I've never heard of any starting with the last chapter first... the one you mentioned must be a real kooky book...

There are a few other books ( can't recall now the titles)  that sound very strange (based on the reviews)... one was this book in which a particular alphabet (or is it word?)  is ommitted ...not one appears in the whole of the book...Kurt vonnegut wrote his autobiography  and drew a picture of how his anus looks like... crazy...



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Post time 25-10-2005 02:01 PM | Show all posts
ohh, is that the novel mentioned by cik mod?.. yep, i think too artistic.. mmg tak habis baca pun :lol

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Post time 4-3-2006 05:22 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Greenbottle3 at 20-10-2005 02:18 AM
Read any strange books lately? Kalau ada sesiapa yang tahu atau terbaca buku2 yang boleh di kira 'aneh' strange for whatever reasons , would love to know them ...please give a bit of description wh ...

Not lately, but I'd like to share this one with you.

Title: Unfinished Symphonies - Voices From The Beyond
Author: Rosemary Brown
Publisher: Pan Books Ltd: London.

Rosemary Brown had remarkable psychic powers and the book tells about her "communication" with several great composers of the past...among others,Litzt, Chopin, Schubert, Beethoven and Bach. Her "contact' with them enabled her to compose, write down and play piano works which are of uncanny characteristic of the composers although she herself had had very little training in music.

Another strange aspect of the novel is about the description made about life after death i.e. life in the spiritual world and the concept of heaven and hell recorded during conversations with the composers.:hmm::hmm:

[ Last edited by hamizao at 5-3-2006 12:00 AM ]



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Post time 28-3-2006 10:39 AM | Show all posts
yup.. sxxx by shahnon ahmad tu tak dpt diterima oleh otak bery tho i love SA's other books.
Kalau pegi perpustakaan negara, ada quite a number of strange novels..
berry ada gak baca strange novels tapi tak ingat coz i never records book i read which i alwasy postpone to do..

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suara_kekasih This user has been deleted
Post time 30-3-2006 09:10 AM | Show all posts
Ada baca buku bertajuk "MATRIX WARRIOR - BEING THE ONE" tulisan Jake Horsley ?

Mamat yang tulis buku ini perasan yang kita ini memang hidup dalam Matrix so dia bagilah tips bagaimana nak survivie dalam dunia Matrix tu....



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Post time 30-4-2006 02:49 AM | Show all posts

Reply #14 suara_kekasih's post

:hmm: ni mcm buku yg amek peluang THE Matrix film jer...any good?

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Post time 27-8-2006 10:31 PM | Show all posts
Would 'Catcher In The Rye' qualify? JD Salinger's.



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Post time 29-8-2006 06:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by chique at 27/8/06 10:31 PM
Would 'Catcher In The Rye' qualify? JD Salinger's.

do elaborate more on the book

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 Author| Post time 31-8-2006 09:11 PM | Show all posts
ms limau...

in my opinion catcher in the rye is  NOT a  strange book...but one damned good book about 'coming of age'...  book about this unforgettable boy holden cualfield who had a breakdown and about his angst and his crazy thoughts and encounters with some good , strange and not so good people kills he would say...

[ Last edited by  Greenbottle3 at 31-8-2006 09:14 PM ]



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Post time 1-9-2006 10:41 AM | Show all posts
oh is it? another opinion/perspective i suppose..

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Post time 4-9-2006 01:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by limau_nipis at 25-10-2005 07:59 AM

cik mod, what book? :hmm:
too artistic? just share ok?

i think another strange book would be from the fight club author- chuck palahniuk... entitled "Survivor"... I didn't find th ...

buku chuck palahniuk nih mmg pelik2 suma
latest baca the haunted
collection of different stories of different people in same house
kira cam short stories tp berkait rapat aa from one another

baca buku nih mmg kena tahan nafas...
sbb terasa kesakitan dia
tgk je laa fight club...mmg palahniuk nih obsess ngan benda2 yg buat kita rasa sakit physically

satu lagik buku invisible monsters
dalam buku nih dia cerita pasal pompuan nih takde muka sbb dia bukak cermin tingkap masa driving kat highway..cermin tuh pecah pastuh terhiris half muka dia hilang
pas baca part tuh terus fobia nak bukak tingkap kereta



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