Rupanya info ttg makhluk Mars tiada dlm forum ni.
Dulu I pernah buka thread ttg makhluk Mars tapi dah deleted.
Pd manuskrip Arab kuno dr abad pertama sebelum kenabian Musa a.s. sekelompok org Arab menulis di atas kulit binatang dgn bhs Arab Himyari kisah2 aneh ttg org2 yg dtg ke negeri Arab dr negeri lain yg jauh sekali atau mereka dtg dr suatu negeri lagenda.
Terdpt riwayat aneh ttg makhluk2 lain yg dtg ke Yaman di dlm bola logam dgn api yg bercahaya an berderum spt lebah liar. Sejumlah 10 org, memiliki tinggi badan tidak lebih dr satu hasta anak kecil. Mereka menemui pemimpin daerah itu utk bertamu. Berbicara dgn bahasa Arab yg fasih, memberitahu mereka adalah tamu kpd penduduk bumi. Mereka dr bintang yg jauh dr bumi. |
Terdpt pendapat oleh Carter F. Washinton bhw asal nenek moyang bangsa2 Amerika bukan penghuni bumi. Mereka dtg dr planet yg jauh dr bumi menggunakan pesawat ruang angkasa dan piring2 terbang.
Sekitar 1890-97 ditemui sepotong tengkorak, tulang paha, bahagian rahang atas dan sebahagian gigi yg telah rosak. anggota tubuh yg besar sgt mirip dgn anggota tubuh manusia, berdiri tegak spt manusia atau kera besar. Para ilmuan menamakannya dgn bahasa latin 'Pithecanthrophus Erectus'. |
Originally posted by fleurzsa at 22-7-2006 02:52 PM
Terdpt pendapat oleh Carter F. Washinton bhw asal nenek moyang bangsa2 Amerika bukan penghuni bumi. Mereka dtg dr planet yg jauh dr bumi menggunakan pesawat ruang angkasa dan piring2 terbang.
S ...
Native Americans atau europe punya koloni ? |
Java Man was one of the first specimens of Homo erectus to be discovered. It was originally given the scientific name Pithecanthropus erectus by its discoverer Eug?e Dubois, who found the remains at the site of Trinil in 1891. The word "pithecanthropos" was derived from Greek roots and means ape man.
Dubois' find was not a complete specimen, but consisted merely of a skullcap, a femur, and three teeth. It is also not clear whether those bones come from the same species. A 342-page report written shortly after the find throws much doubt upon the validity of this particular specimen. Despite this, the Java Man is still found in many textbooks today. A second Java Man was later discovered in the village of Sangiran, Central Java, 18km to the north of Solo. His remains, a skullcap of similar size to that found by Dubois, was discovered by Berlin-born paleontologist GHR von Koenigswald in 1936, as a direct result of excavations by Dubois in 1891.
Until older human remains were discovered in the Great Rift Valley in Kenya, Dubois' and Koenigswald's discoveries were the oldest hominid remains ever found, and the first cited as support for Charles Darwin's and Alfred Russel Wallace's theory of evolution. Many scientists of the day even suggested that Dubois' Java Man might have been the so-called "missing link", the creature that is supposed to provide the evolutionary connection between the apes and modern man. However, due to 19th Century skepticism, this theory was never credited to Dubois.
Brazilian cartoonist Maur?io de Sousa, inspired by the Java Man's scientific name, created a caveman called Pitheco, whose full name is Pithecanthropus erectus da Silva (Silva is the most common Brazilian surname). "Da Silva" is omitted in the English version
* http://kosmos.martinus.dk/da/kosmos/1934/kos1934-12-181.html (german website) |
Originally posted by Stewie at 23-7-2006 06:26 AM
Native Americans atau europe punya koloni ?
Tak arif pula I ttg perkara ini. Maybe yg lain ada idea. |
kalu x salah cerita ni ada dlm buku Siapa Penghuni Bumi Sebelum Manusia, kan?? salah satu buku Muhammad Isa Dawud... |
Originally posted by alhaadi2 at 23-7-2006 04:26 PM
kalu x salah cerita ni ada dlm buku Siapa Penghuni Bumi Sebelum Manusia, kan?? salah satu buku Muhammad Isa Dawud...
Yes... tapi tak ada penjelasan yg kukuh ttg perkara tersebut. |
Reply #2 fleurzsa's post
maksudnya native americans la...da red indian...kaum maya, aztec dan lain2 tue
europeans ni pendatang jer |
menarik ni fleurza...thanks for opening this thread... |
kepala bolat2 cam tuyul.. ? |
Reply #11 aizverus's post
tingginya n spesifiknya bahasa....tak terpaham.... |
Adakah ini salah satu tengkorak penghuni mars?
aku rasa bukan..sebab tak nampak pun bahagian lain tengkorak..takkan tengkorak kepala ja yang keras...dan boleh bertahan..
kemungkinan yang lain masih tertimbus dan tengkorak ini terdedah disebabkan oleh apa?..angin..tiada udara di mars..hmm..pendapat aku lebih kepada yang pertama.. |
Kalau nak bagitau ttg kehidupan seperti tumbuhan di planet marikh bley x instead of makhluk?
ini adalah keadaan di hemisfera selatan planet marikh yang dipenuhi oleh tumbuhan
ni plak macam pokok
tapikan, ada hipotesis mengatakan dulu, manusia hidup di venus namun setelah berlaku kiamat disana, manusia berhijrah ke bumi dan apabila bumi pula musnah, ada manusia berhijrah pula ke mars. Buat masa sekarang mars belum berpenghuni namun atas sebab tertentu diakhir zaman mars tetiba berubah seperti bumi dan menjadi syurga manusia tertentu manakala bumi pula menjadi neraka manusia tertentu.... |
Originally posted by kerelovani at 24-1-2008 05:50 PM
bleh bagitau kat mana link source ni...tq |
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