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I will be busy this month and nex month. I will not have enough time to read and reply all posting. But i'll always monitor this forum.
[ Last edited by casejulia at 14-3-2007 07:35 PM ] |
Originally posted by casejulia at 23-8-2006 04:15 PM
I will be busy this month and nex month. I will not have enough time to read and reply all posting. But i'll always monitor this forum.
Don't worry.. we'll try as much as possible to behave ourselves.. ![](static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif)
God bless... |
I'm over loaded with work this month :kant: i dont have much time to reply all posting.. so sorry. Somemore my laptop got problem, all documents are gone. If any problem in CC just pm me. God bless all. I'll be 'in-action' again next month. thanx |
Bro Tim, i Accidently deleted Your Thread Jesus itu Tuhan, so SORRY. Actually i want to Digest is but Terdelete pula. SORRY. Sorry to give you trouble. Please make again so i can give back your credit points. Sorry to all forumers too :tq: :tq: |
tiM This user has been deleted
Oh! gituuuuuu...
1) Nak ambil cuti... boleh. Bagi saya Mod punya pasword...!? hihihihi:lol
2) Oh! tidak.... Dah terdelete rupanya. Macam mana nak buat semula,... yg penting bagi saya dlm topik tersebut adalah posting kalian juga yg memberi makna padanya.
Tapi tak perrr. banyak lagi yg boleh kita bangunkan melalui tajuk lain....
[ Last edited by tiM at 26-9-2006 08:26 PM ] |
Buat semula maknanya, Tim kena open thread baru "Jesus itu Tuhan" supaya kita boleh membuat/sambung perbincangan dengan forumer-forumer lain |
Originally posted by casejulia at 26-9-2006 06:07 PM
Bro Tim, i Accidently deleted Your Thread Jesus itu Tuhan, so SORRY. Actually i want to Digest is but Terdelete pula. SORRY. Sorry to give you trouble. Please make again so i ...
hmml, did any of you (casejulia or tiM) open that thread today? to page 1? If you have visited that page not too long ago, it might be still in your Temporary Internet Files folder, you know. Try clicking File - select Work Offline. Then click your history button, and see if you can go open it from there. If it is, then you can copy and paste it into a new thread again.
I just realise I still hv page 2 and 3. Unfortunately, page 1 is gone from my cache already. Let me know if you guys want them.. |
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tiM This user has been deleted
OK kalau itulah natijahnya utk kita bangunkannya bersama. |
Originally posted by tiM at 26-9-2006 06:32 PM
OK kalau itulah natijahnya utk kita bangunkannya bersama.
Well, that is,.. if one of you have page 1. Else there's no point.. cos the discussion will be hanging, if you repost from page 2 onwards..
But i've saved the pages.. just in case.. ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
tiM This user has been deleted
Originally posted by sparrow at 26-9-2006 05:32 PM
hmml, did any of you (casejulia or tiM) open that thread today? to page 1? If you have visited that page not too long ago, it might be still in your Temporary Internet Files folder, you know. T ...
How how???... I cant get the temp internet files folder. where to go? |
Thanx Sparrow :tq:
I think i have it in my Intrnet files and folders |
Originally posted by tiM at 26-9-2006 06:46 PM
How how???... I cant get the temp internet files folder. where to go?
Are you using Internet Explorer? Click your History Button. Try to check the history for the link.
But don't click on it. Make sure set your IE to Work Offline, then only click on it.. then click "Stay Offline" Button (that way, you'll access the file from your Temp Folder.. else you will be refreshing it from Cari, and you get a note saying that it doesn't exist..)
[ Last edited by sparrow at 26-9-2006 07:00 PM ] |
Originally posted by casejulia at 26-9-2006 06:50 PM
Thanx Sparrow :tq:
I think i have it in my Intrnet files and folders
That's Good. I hv page 2 and 3 if you want them. I have no idea how to post it up though.. maybe copy paste one by one and post? How about the original "forumers" names.. ?
Is print screen a better way?
p/s: btw if you manage to get the file from your Temp, Click 'File' -> Save as.
Save it somewhere in your hard drive first. Stuff in temp fiolder may get auto-deleted as you surf the net. It's Temporary.. ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
[ Last edited by sparrow at 26-9-2006 07:08 PM ] |
tiM This user has been deleted
Originally posted by sparrow at 26-9-2006 05:53 PM
Are you using Internet Explorer? Click your History Button. Try to check the history for the link.
But don't click on it. Make sure set your IE to Work Offline, then only click on it.. then ...
..............................TQ.:pray: |
tiM This user has been deleted
Dah terlambat. Dah keluar dari list yg masih ada. |
tiM This user has been deleted
Eh! kena lock pulak topik tuuuu. Balik pi bukak posa dulu kerrrr?
Selamat berbukakkkkkkk. Aku makan kuih jerrr. Ader bubkur lambuk ker kat sabah? sedap tau! Maih KL pi kampong baru... tapi kena bebarislah... |
1.KISAH BANI ISRAEL DALAM AL-QURAAN - posted by Hammer 16-11-2006 11:17
i have merged this thread with KONGSI PENGETAHUAN thread
Reason: since this is Christian & Christianity board, it is more suitable if i merged it with the Share Knowledge thread. Thank you.
[ Last edited by casejulia at 14-3-2007 04:02 PM ] |
1. Azhar Mansur : Saya tetap Islam - posted by muslimbest 18-11-2006 11:54
i have merged this thread with hammer's thread (ingin dapat maklumat)
Reason: same topic
Thank You
[ Last edited by casejulia at 14-3-2007 04:02 PM ] |
Ini adalah peringatan kepada forumer-forumer untuk kali terakhir!
Saya harap semua menghormati Peraturan-Peraturan yang telah ditetapkan (C&C Guidelines)
Courtsey & Respect.
Hanya karena seseorang tidak setuju dengan anda, tidak bererti bahwa mereka salah dan anda betul. Meneruskan perbalahan hanya untuk membuktikan bahwa anda benar atau betul (dan tidak ada yang lain) tidak baik! Layani setiap orang dengan rasa hormat. Jika anda membantahi sudut pandang seseorang, bincangkan pandangan tersebut daripada menyerang individu dengan kata-kata yang kasar.
Watch your language.
kata-kata kasar, cabul, kata-kata yang bersifat sex, sindiran dalam bentuk sex, komen yang kasar dan tidak sopan, expresi -expresi kefanatikan, dan percubaan untuk menyembunyikan kata-kata dengan menggunakan Huruf Awal, tanda kosong, fomular atau symbol adalah dilarang sama sekali. Jangan melibatkan diri dalam menggunakan pangilan nama yang tidak senonoh seperti memangil forumer evil, a liar, satanic, demonic, antichrist, nazi, atau panggilan lain yang menimbulkan kemarahan (etc. bodoh dari lembu atau binatang2 lain , sama dengan beruk atau binatang lain, pengganas, kafir, terencat akal dll.)
Disruptive behavior.
membuat bilangan posting atau perbincangan yang tidak senonoh, membuat posting Off-Topic, membuat dengan sengaja kenyataan yang menghasut atau mengapi-apikan. memanipulasikan topic untuk menganggu perbincangan, memperpanjangkan ketidak-setujuan dari satu perbincangan kepada yang lain, kelakuan yang menganggu perbincangan atau menghalangi forumer lain untuk menggunakan dan menikmati forum ini dengan sewajarnya
untuk forumer Kristian;
Kepada saudara-saudara seiman yang kukasihi dalam kasih Yesus Kristus, saya harap semua bersabar apabila membaca posting yang menyakitkan hari, yang merendah-rendahkan agama kristian, yang menghina Tuhan kita, atau posting-posting yang sama waktu denganya. Nasihat dalam 2 timotius 23-26 kita jadikan pedoman.
Janganlah ikut dalam perdebatan orang-orang bodoh yang tidak tahu apa-apa. Engkau tahu bahwa semua itu hanya menimbulkan pertengkaran. 24Orang yang bekerja buat Tuhan tidak patut bertengkar; ia harus ramah terhadap semua orang, dan dapat mengajar orang dengan baik dan sabar. 25Ia harus dengan lemah lembut mengajari orang-orang yang suka melawan; mudah-mudahan Allah memberi kesempatan kepada orang-orang itu untuk bertobat dari dosa-dosa mereka dan mengenal ajaran yang benar. 26Dengan demikian mereka menjadi sadar kembali, dan terlepas dari perangkap Iblis yang telah menawan mereka dan memaksa mereka mengikuti kemauannya.
Tujuan kita ialah utuk memuliakan Yesus Kristus Tuhan dan bukan untuk memenangi sebarang perdebatan - Josh McDowell
Salam Damai. Tuhan memberkati kita semua.
[ Last edited by casejulia at 14-3-2007 05:54 PM ] |
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