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10 lost tribes of the Israelis.
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Aku nak tanya sikit setahu aku Bani Israel nie ade 12 suku kaum...tapi hanya dua sahaja yang mendirikan kerajaan di zaman silam iaitu Kingdom of Israel dengan Kindom of Judea. Mane pegi yang lagi 10 eh? Ade sesiape kat sini ade info leh kongsi mane gi lagi 10 suku kaum dari keturunan Nabi Yakub a.s nie? |
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Reply #1 rurouni_khairul's post
dua buku yang sesuai dan menarik untuk di baca tentang sejarah bangsa yahudi ni ialah:
(1) history of jew - paul johnson;
(2) jerusalem - karen armstrong (dia ni very excellent theological author).
dalam dua2 buku ni dia citekan apa jad kepada kesemua sepuluh so called tribe of israel. and wht happened to the lost tribe.
nanti ada masa saya cuba summarise kan isi penting sejarah tribe israel ni berdasarkan buku-buku ni. |
org habsyah claim mereka merupakan salah satu lost tribe bani israel melalui keturunan nabi sulaiman dan puteri balqis. |
Chinese Jews
Jews and Judaism in China have had a long and often enigmatic history. Jewish settlers are documented in China as early as the 7th or 8th century CE, but may have arrived during the mid Han Dynasty. Relatively isolated communities developed through the Tang and Song Dynasties (7-12th cent. CE) all the way through the Qing Dynasty (19th cent.), most notably in the city of Kaifeng. ("Chinese Jews" is often used in a restricted sense to refer to these communities.) By the time of the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949, few if any native Chinese Jews were known to have maintained the practice of their religion and culture. In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, however, some international Jewish groups have helped Chinese Jews rediscover their heritage.
It has been asserted by some that the Jews that have historically resided in various places in China originated with the Lost Ten Tribes of the exiled ancient Kingdom of Israel who relocated to the areas of present-day China. Traces of some ancient Jewish rituals have been observed in some places.
One group of particular note, the most well-documented and well-known throughout the world, was the Kaifeng Jews, who traveled to India during the mid Han Dynasty and later migrated from the Muslim-inhabited regions of northwestern China (modern day Gansu province) to Henan province during the early Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127).
Chinese Jews
Ohel Rachel Synagoue
Kaifeng Synagogue
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Indian Jews
India has a legacy of three distinct Jewish groups: the Bene Israel, the Cochin Jews and the White Jews from Europe. Each group practiced important elements of Judaism and had active synagogues. The Sephardic rites predominate among Indian Jews.
The Bene Israel ("Sons of Israel") lived primarily in Bombay, Calcutta, Old Delhi and Ahmadabad. The native language of the Bene Israel was Marathi, while the Cochin Jews of southern India spoke Malayalam.
The Bene Israel claim to be descended from Jews who escaped persecution in Galilee in the 2nd century B.C.E. The Bene Israel resemble the non-Jewish Maratha people in appearance and customs, which indicates intermarriage between Jews and Indians. The Bene Israel, however, maintained the practices of Jewish dietary laws, circumcision and observation of Sabbath as a day of rest.
The Bene Israel say their ancestors were oil pressers in the Galil and they are descended from survivors of a shipwreck. In the 18th Century they were "discovered" by traders from Baghdad. At that time the Bene Israel were practicing just a few outward forms of Judaism (which is how they were recognized) but had no scholars of their own. Teachers from Baghdad and Cochin taught them mainstream Judaism in the 18th and 19th centuries. |
kita dpt info yg another 10 lost tribes tu berpecah merata di seluruh muka bumi ni...yg confirm setakat ni ialah Ethopian,Indian,China,all latin countries and even kat Asia pun ada...mostly kat benua Arab & Eropah paling byk bangsa yahudi. |
Originally posted by rurouni_khairul at 30-10-2006 03:37 PM
Aku nak tanya sikit setahu aku Bani Israel nie ade 12 suku kaum...tapi hanya dua sahaja yang mendirikan kerajaan di zaman silam iaitu Kingdom of Israel dengan Kindom of Judea. Mane pegi yang lagi 1 ...
Mengikut sumber2 ada beberapa soalan tentang Beni-Yisrael yang mungkin tiada jawapan oleh kerana sejarah telah di tulis oleh pihak yang menang.Tetapi , bagi memendekkan cerita, selepas mereka menawan Palestine dan mendirikan Kingdom of Israel dan Kingdom of Judea . Biasanya disebut2 10 puak di utara (Israel) dan 2 puak di selatan (Judea). Harus juga diingat bahawa kaum Levi tidak di beri tanah tetapi diberi hak "priesthood" di kedua2 Kingdom itu. Mengapa ya? Ada yang mengatakan bahawa merekalah yang dibawa Nabi Musa keluar dari Egypt. Ada juga cerita yang menyatakan bahawa kaum Dan tidak menyertai dalam peperangan menentang Palestine tetapi di beri tanah di luar Israel di sebelah Utara. Allahwa'alam.Kaum Levi juga diberi hak mengutip cukai dari 48 (4x12= nombor ajaib mereka) perkampungan. Cerita mereka inipun menarik! Judea diduduki oleh kaum Judah dan separuh dari Benjamin. Yang separuh lagi di Utara.
Bible guna terma Kingdom of Israel, sejarah banyak juga mengguna terma Samaria. Utara dan selatan kemudiannya dipendekkan cerita lagi, selepas pemerentahan nabi Solomon,mereka berpecah dan menjadi musuh. Israel mula menyembah tuhan2 lain dan kemudiannya di kalahkan oleh Assyria dan dikatakan semua penduduk Kingdom of Israel ditaburi di merata jajahan Assyria. Retribution??:hmm: Di sinilah timbul perkataan "the lost tribes". Mengikut Howard Fast lagi dalam The Jews - Story of a People, hanya keluarga2 bangsawan Ephraim, Manasseh dan Gad di tawan. Asher dan Naphtali lari ke Phoenicia. Yang lain2..."were robbed and degraded. Cities were destroyed and homes burned." Keluarga2 bangsawan itu di serapkan kedalam populasi Assyria dan kemudiannya di tempatkan semula. Mungkin juga ada yang lari ke Selatan(Judea). Mereka bukan Yahudim ...hanya ada pertalian darah menerusi Beni-Yizrael.
Judea terus hidup sampai 18 raja lagi selepas Solomon, sebelum ia juga menerima nasib yang serupa ditangan Babylonians.
Mengikut catatan sendiri, mereka bukan hilang........hanya nama mereka hilang/ditukar oleh yang menang. Selepas kekalahan Assyria pula ramai yang migrasi ke barat ke Laut Hitam & ke Utara ke daerah steppe Rusia.Satu kumpulan besar (Sakka atau dipanggil,Iskuza oleh orang2 Medes, Persia) dikatakan menuju ke Jepun(?). Ada diantara kaum Manasseh yang ke Atlantik Utara.
Selepas Babylon, mereka juga migrasi ke Timur dan Utara. Hanya sedikit yang kembali ke Jerusalem.
Begitulah secara ringkasnya.
[ Last edited by hamizao at 2-11-2006 04:13 PM ] |
Banyak gak maklumat nie..aku dengar yang mendirikan negara Israel skrg nie bukan Bani Israel yang jati tapi dah hilang identiti, ye ke aku nie? |
kalau ada sesapa baca pasal cite nie kat wikipedia
mesti pening kepala |
Originally posted by rurouni_khairul at 24-11-2006 10:31 PM
Banyak gak maklumat nie..aku dengar yang mendirikan negara Israel skrg nie bukan Bani Israel yang jati tapi dah hilang identiti, ye ke aku nie?
Ada tertulis bahawa 90% Yahudi di dunia adalah kaum Khazars yang claim berketurunan dari Ashkenaz ( lantas dipanggil Ashkenazi jews) cucu Nabi Noh AS menerusi Japeth yang dikatakan bapa kepada bangsa Indo-Eropah berbanding dengani saudaranya Shem, bapa kpd bangsa Israel dan Arab. Kaum Ashkenazi adalah "converted jews" ...mereka memeluk ugama Judah bersama Raja Bulan dan negeri mereka Khazaria ...tak ada kena mengena dengan Kingdom of Israelpun. Selepas kalah kepada Rusia, orang2 Khazars lari bertaburan ke Eropah seperti PolandHami rasa itulah sebabnya pehak Israel (yang di asaskan oleh zionis) menerima kembali Bani Manasseh, Sephardic(yang lari dari Spain) dll kaum Bani Israel sepaya mendapat link kepada ketutunan Nabi Ishak - Jacob, Esau & Edom (?)
[ Last edited by hamizao at 24-11-2006 11:19 PM ] |
Originally posted by hamizao at 24-11-2006 11:18 PM
Ada tertulis bahawa 90% Yahudi di dunia adalah kaum Khazars yang claim berketurunan dari Ashkenaz ( lantas dipanggil Ashkenazi jews) cucu Nabi Noh AS menerusi Japeth yang dikatakan bapa kepa ...
Patut la aku ade terbaca dulu tapi dah lupa kat mana pasal orang yang akan merosakkan manusia di akhir zaman nanti bukan Yahudi yang asli tapi Yahudi yang mengaku mereka dari keturunan Nabi Yakkub dan Nabi Ishak walhal sebenarnya mereka bukan dari keturunan yang mulia seperti yang mereka dakwa. |
Reply #10 rurouni_khairul's post
yg aku tau skarangnye bangse yahudi bukan dari salah satu keturunan yg 12 ni, dorg ni keturunan yg lain, ke 13. aku ade dah post pasal mende ni kat thread mane ntah, malas nak tulis balik. huhu |
Reply #14 heysanto's post
Ade teori yang aku penah dengar etnik Pashtun kat Afghanistan tuh pun salah satu 10 lost tribes Bani Israel yang original dari susur galur Nabi Ishaq a.s. dan Nabi Yaakub a.s. |
Reply #1 rurouni_khairul's post
Kalo tak silap aku penduduk UK (di mana majoriti penduduknya berbangsa Inggeris) mendakwa mereka adalah salah 1 dari puak Yahudi yg hilang tu...
sbb tu skrg ni UK, Amerika & Autralia yg berasal dari keturunan yg sama - bangsa Inggeris ni kawal dunia skrg nih.. mereka anggap mereka dari keturunan puak yahudi yg hilang tu. Maka, mereka fikir mereka lebih mulia dari bangsa2 lain di dunia ni... tak hairan la nape mereka sokong Yahudi kt Israel tuh...
aku lupa aku baca kt mana... xtau betul ke x... |
Originally posted by ijad_adiputera at 3-9-2007 03:34 AM
Kalo tak silap aku penduduk UK (di mana majoriti penduduknya berbangsaInggeris) mendakwa mereka adalah salah 1 dari puak Yahudi yg hilangtu...
sbb tu skrg ni UK, Amerika & Autralia yg berasa ...
Bukan Orang Anglo Saxon Berketurunan Gog Maggot dan German Barbarian
[ Last edited by HangPC2 at 3-9-2007 10:20 AM ] |
Originally posted by rurouni_khairul at 1-12-2006 10:58 AM
Patut la aku ade terbaca dulu tapi dah lupa kat mana pasal orang yang akan merosakkan manusia di akhir zaman nanti bukan Yahudi yang asli tapi Yahudi yang mengaku mereka dari keturunan Nabi Y ...
Sorry,nk sentuh sket pasal tuduhan kat kaum Ashkenazi sbg kaum yg menipu hak keyahudian dan keturunan Bani Israel.
Israel mngamalkan dasar kerakyatan yg ketat, rujuk undang2 Chok Hashvut Le-Yisrael (Hak utk pulang ke Israel) yg mana, salah satunya ialah genetically jewish. Dan kebanyakan kaum2 di africa n asia yg mengaku keturunan bani israel dan menuntut hak utk mjadi rakyat Israel sprt bani menasheh di myanmar,beni israel di india,bani lemba n beta israel di africa telah dikaji dulu dorg punyer DNA.
Utk itu, dorg nyer DNA dibanding dgn keluarga2 keturunan Levite (Levis,Lewis,Lewinson,Levinson,Levinberg,Loewenberg,Lewinsky,Levitte,Levine,al-Lawi etc) dan Cohen (Kohen,Kahane,Kahin,KaTz) yg mpunyai Y-chromosomal Levi dan Y-chromosomal Aaroni sbab keluarga2 dari puak Levi (keturunan bani Levi ) dan Cohen (keturunan Aaron) mengamalkan tradisi turun temurun untuk menjaga status nama keluarga Levi dan Cohen secara patrilineal(mengikut jurai keturunan bapa), bukannya matrilineal (mengikut jurai keturunan ibu) semenjak exodus pd zaman moses lagi...
Hasil kajian menunjukkan dorg nyer DNA mmg mengandungi Y-chromosomal Aaron sbg chromosome penting kumpulan DNA Y-haplogroup J (wujud 31,700 tahun dahulu, berasal drpd kalangan middle eastern people).Chromosome Aaron ni dikongsi bersama oleh kaum Ashkenazi, Sephardi dan Samaritan dalam kalangan Yahudi yg kite kenal harini.Maka, kaum2 yg menuntut hak itu,yakni kaum menashe,beni israel,beta israel/falasha, bani lemba ni diiktiraf sbg kaum bani Israel yg sah sbb dorg punye genetic link tu mmg bkait rapat dan diturunkan terus melalui jurai keturunan bapa.
kaum yahudi Ashkenazi (yg korg tuduh sbgi keturunan khazar) ni lah yg lebih byk preserve dorg punyer Y-chromosomal Aaron b'banding kaum yahudi Sephardi sbab kaum ashkenazim ni lebih byk puak2 rabbinisme hasidim, yakni puak yahudi orthodox yg mengamalkan masyarakat yahudi rabbinical yg dipimpin oleh dinasti yg berasal dari keturunan cohen turun temurun.mereka mengamalkan isolasi yg ketat sehingga kini.
Utk tuduhan kaum yahudi sbg kaum keturunan khazar, pkara ni dah lama difahami bahawa ianya adalah satu kesilapan dr hasty generalization yg merujuk kpd kaum Karaim (kaum yahudi karaite yg menentang Talmud dan Rabbinisme) di Turkey, Crimea, wilayah2 Ukraine yg lain,Lithuania,Poland dan sbahagian Russia yg lazim dikenali sebagai Crimean KaraitesMerekalah kaum yg asalnya bketurunan Khazar.Malah, smenjak zaman nazi lagi hal ni dah terbukti kesalahan tuduhan tersebut di mana, kaum Karaim tidak disembelih sbagaimana kaum yahudi yg lain sbab mereka dianggap berketurunan tatar atau turkic. Perlu diingat, ENAM JUTA yahudi yg dibunuh dgn kejam tu kesemuanya adalah Ashkenazim. Macam mana pihak Nazi yg sgt berhati2 dgn genetic yahudi masyarakat eropah (org german yg ad keturunan yahudi sbelah moyang perempuan/lelaki pun dibunuh) pada zaman dahulu boleh membezakan kaum karaim daripada kaum ashkenazim kalau kedua2nya adalah berasal daripada khazar dan bukannya semitic?
Yg pasti,kajian haplotype utk Y-chromosome bg kaum Yahudi (ashkenazi dan sephardi) menunjukkan, trdapat mutasi yg tidak terdapat dlm masyarakat setempat eropah yg lain tetapi didapati dlm kalangan middle eastern people.Malah, analisa terhadap mithondrial DNA (DNA mitokondria ibu yg diwarisi oleh anak) dlm kaum Ashkenazi menunjukkan mereka berketurunan secara matrilineal daripada 4 org wanita Hebrew/Levant sahaja pada abad pertama atau ke-2 dahulu.DNA Mitokondria ini tidak wujud dlm org kulit putih eropah yg lain tetapi wujud dlm org2 middle eastern.Di eropah, terutama di bahagian german-austria-hungry-poland-russia-baltik-turkey, yg terdapat pelbagai jenis ethnic dan kaum,penyakit2 genetic menjadi petunjuk atau indicator bagi kaum tersebut kerana setiap kaum ada penyakit genetic yang tersendiri.Penyakit2 genetic yahudi ashkenazi memang berbeza drpd kaum eropah lain serta kaum2 di turkey tetapi wujud dlm msyrkt sephardi yg berasal dr sepanyol dan portugal.
Memang genetik yahudi kini telahpun terdapat variasi, tapi sejarah mengatakan mereka telah mengamalkan isolasi lebih 2000 tahun dan asimilasi ke dlm msyrkt eropah hanya wujud setelah zaman Haskalah (jewish enlightment) sejajar dgn Age of Enlightment di eropah pada abad ke-18. Bagaimanapun, kewujudan Israel sebagai negera Yahudi yg tunggal akan membaiki kesilapan tersebut dan mengembalikan kembali genuinity bagi genetik kaum Yahudi apabila masyarakat Israel kini lebih terbuka dan tidak lagi mengamalkan perbezaan budaya diaspora mereka sebab perkahwinan ashkenazi-sephardi-mizrachi atau yahudi-samaritan atau yahudi-karaite kini mjadi suatu pkr biasa di israel.. |
Jan 9, 2010 22:22 | Updated Jan 10, 2010 9:59
Are Taliban descendants of Israelites?
A former Taliban militant covers his face during a ceremony in which weapons were handed over to the Afghan government in the city of Herat province west of Kabul, Afghanistan.
Photo: AP [file]
Are the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan descendants of an Israelite tribe that migrated across Asia after it was exiled over 2,700 years ago?
This intriguing question has been asked by a variety of scholars, theologians, anthropologists and pundits over the years, but has remained somewhere between the realms of amateur speculation and serious academic research.
But now, for the first time, the government has shown official interest, with the Foreign Ministry providing a scholarship to an Indian scientist to come to the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa and determine whether or not the tribe that provides the hard core of today's Taliban has a blood link to any of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, and specifically to the tribe of Efraim.
Shahnaz Ali, a senior research fellow at the National Institute of Immunohaematology, Mumbai, has joined the Technion to study the blood samples that she collected from Afridi Pathans in Malihabad, in the Lucknow district, Uttar Pradesh state, India, to check their putative Israelite origin.
Shahnaz, an expert in DNA profiling and population genetics, will be supervised by Prof. Karl Skorecki, director of Nephrology and Molecular Medicine at the Technion Faculty of Medicine. Skorecki is famous for his breakthrough work on Jewish genetic research.
Shahnaz's research, which is expected to last anywhere between three months and a year, will be supported by a scholarship from the Foreign Ministry for the 2009-2010 academic year.
Shahnaz, who is staying in Haifa for the duration of her research, earlier worked at the prestigious Central Forensic Science Laboratory, Kolkata (formerly Calcutta). While the scholarship only provides her with $600 per month (excluding travel to and from India), her work will be followed closely by many here and abroad.
While the vast majority of Afghan Taliban are Pashtun, the largest ethnic group in Afghanistan, the theory that they are descendants of the Afridi Pathans is widespread in the area. The theory is based on a variety of ancient historical texts and oral traditions of the Pashtun people themselves, but no scientific studies by any accredited organizations have upheld the claim. It continues to be believed by many Pashtuns, and has found advocates among some contemporary Muslim and (to a lesser extent) Jewish scholars.
Official confirmation of the link by the Technion would lend immense weight to the argument. Afridi Pathans have an age-old tradition of Israelite origin, which finds mention in texts dating from the 10th century to the present day, written by Jewish, Christian and Muslim scholars.
According to some researchers, members of the tribe still observe many Israelite customs in their native places in eastern Afghanistan and in the federally administered tribal areas of Pakistan's North West Frontier Province, though they have lost all these traditions of theirs in India. In Afghanistan and Pakistan they are all Muslim today and form the core of theTaliban.
In his 1957 The Exiled and the Redeemed, Itzhak Ben-Zvi, Israel's second president, wrote that Hebrew migrations into Afghanistan began "with a sprinkling of exiles from Samaria who had been transplanted there by Shalmaneser, king of Assyria (719 BC)."
Zahir Shah, the last king of Afghanistan, when asked about his ancestors, claimed that the royal family descended from the tribe of Benjamin.
On the academic level, British researcher Dr. Theodore Parfitt has been conducting research on genetic effects and chromosome Y among numerous tribes around the world. In India he is assisted by a young researcher from the University of Lucknow - Dr. Navras Afreedi - who claims that his ancestors were Afreedi,descendants of the tribe of Efraim, and that many of the Pathans and other tribes are descendants of the Ten Tribes. Afreedi did his post-doctoral work at Tel Aviv University, titled "Indian Jewry and the Self-professed Lost Tribes of Israel in India."
Shahnaz's genetic research would examine Navras's theory that Afridi Pathans are descendants of the tribe of Ephraim, which was exiled in 721 BCE. The research uses DNA analysis to trace shared ancestries and origins of certain populations of interest in the eastern provinces of India, to map the cause of a certain disorder that is very frequent in the large populations of those provinces, and to see if the DNA mutations originate in a certain "founder event."
Shahnaz traveled to Malihabad and collected blood samples from the tribal population there. It is thought that the Afridi Pathans migrated from the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan, areas that are now "ground zero" in the war on terror. Shahnaz herself, while aware of the possible connection, is cautious to jump to conclusions.
"The research itself will take some three months, and after that we'll see what happens. It could take a huge amount of time to analyze all the data, as it was taken from tribal people in India, and we will need to examine how much the men from this tribe mixed in with the local population," she said.
Navras welcomed Shahnaz's research grant. "It's a great news that now my research would be analyzed scientifically," he said on his blog.
"I don't know what would be the outcome of the DNA analysis, but it would provide us a direction to resolve the complex issue. I also hope that such effort will have positive ramifications and will bring the Muslims and Jews close and enable them to forget historical animosity," Navras wrote.
gua search jumpa thread ni, sebab malas nk bukak thread baru, gua bump thread zaman tok nadoq ni |
kena wat DNA test dolo ka baru leh aaliyah ke Israel? mahal!!!! |
manusia smua asal dr satu bangsa gak.... asal-usul satu nabi Adam (as). |
Jangan terlalu percaya sangat huhu adoi tapi isu nie memang best kalu dibincangkan lol{:2_64:} |
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