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Dr Julai/Dr Zach/Dr Effa: Offering information about Teeth and the prob
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Sham akan jumpa dr gigi esok...untuk mencabut 2 gigi atas depan yang dah rosak.Masalhnya, sham TAKUT /FOBIA sangat nak jumpa dr gigi...tengok bilik dia,suasana,peralatan,jarum,baunya...ahh!!!!.........buatkan sham berdebar2,takut dan bimbang sangat....nak tanyalah........SAKIT TAK CABUT GIGI? DIA GUNA PLAYAR KHAS KAN? TERASA TAK?
Minta pandangan yg pernah melalui pengalaman cabut gigi.
[ Last edited by blackmore at 15-10-2006 05:22 PM ] |
yang kat atas tu mostly betulla...except bab yang kata,
''lepas cabut..balik umah..selalu la kumur ngan air garam untuk membunuh bakteria dan gusi tu akan cepat baik..kalo x buat g2..mungkin lambat baik''
s:hatdown:narnya lepas cabut gigi untuk 24 hours jangan kumur langsung kalau boleh sebab darah beku dalam soket gigi akan terkeluar n berdarah balik. Satu lagi,nasihat kumur ngan air garam hanya akan kami bagi lepas rawatn scaling. Tujuan dia untuk kurangkan bengkak dan bukan untuk bunuh bakteria.Air garam tak dapat bunuh bakteria.
kalo nak ilangkan rasa sakit lepas cabut gigi, bila rasa je bius tu dah nak kat hilang, terus makan panadol. Kalau rasa panadol tak cukup kuat, makan la postan. |
wah!!!~ mcm kenal jek drjulai ni!!~ welcome to the club!!~ ;) |
ui effa, apa kabar kolej? hari tu pegi nampak dah cantik. Mana aci.
taim kami dok sana 5 th tak penah diorg tingin pon nak renovate.
geram..grr |
Oh! thank you for the tips...![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
Jumaat lepas sham gi klinik pakar pergigian SIVA...ingatkan nak cabut hari tu...nervous gak leer nak masuk klinik tu..2,3 kali terhenti-henti nak masuk..:bgrin:...rupa-rupanya dia buat ukuran gigi palsu dulu...ada alat seperti rahang besi dan 'polestine' yg dimasukkan dalam mulut untk dapatkan 'copy' gigi yg dah rosak tu..fuh! lega skit..
tapi nervous tu masih adalah...anyway,Rabu ni sham baru cabut gigi.ahhh..penantian satu ketakutan...macam nak kena tunggu hukum gantung lak...haa..haa...::bgrin:
..tapi rasa sedihlah...terpaksalah pakai gigi palsu.. |
orait apa..baik ada gg palsu dr takdak gg langsung.
gigi palsu sham tu kita panggil immediate denture. kiranya lepas cabut terus pakai so takdak la sham terlohong nnt. tapi the thing is lepas 6bln-1th, mungkin gigi palsu ni akan longgar sket.sebab tulang keliling gg yg dah cabut tu dia resettle..melayu ckp dia kecut...mungkin la.
so kalo dah longgar n x selesa sket time tu, kena buat yg baru la.
oki doki?. |
drmnh This user has been deleted
I can guess that ur a dentist. Been wanting to ask a dentist a few questions. One question for a start. Do u always give a standard 3-day leave after a molar extraction? Had my molar done few months back. The surgeon incised my gum as the tooth was partially erupted. I'm sure he went down to the bone and maybe elevated some periosteum as he had some difficulties getting to it. Finally he had to use a power burr to cut it to half and extracted the molar in 4 bloody pieces. It took just over half hour to do it but the LA didnt last that long! I was in severe pain right after he finished it and he stitched me using a silk suture! It was loose and irritating buccal mucosa that I had to self-remove it. BTW after all that extensive procedure he gave only 3 days leave despite my plead. Definitely I wasnt happy cos it hurt so much that I had to get Tramadol from my hospital and 4 days extra of my annual leave.
Not going to make a generalization but I think being in a surgical profession we ought to consider what surgery we did and how long would a patient need to recover...not fully heal but not be able to function a bit at work..And of course my cheek was so swollen and painful that I thought I had a compartment syndrome there.
what do u think?:hmm: |
i cuba jawab satu2 ye?
1.. Do u always give a standard 3-day leave after a molar extraction?
if it's a simple molar extraction, one day mc is given. But if it's a minor oral surgery like you had for the xtraction of an impacted tooth, then yes, we do give 3-4 days of mc. But if you still feel the pain and if swelling persists after that, go to your dentist and ask for an extend of mc. If you have a good reason, your dentist will oblige.
Y'see the problem is, with most patient, if they experience pain/swelling/or whatever after a dental procedure, they often fail to come back to the dentist and consult their problems. Taktau la kenapa. takut ke? Malu ke?
so in the end, their dentist ni ingat everything is okay walhal it's the opposite.
Just like you guys in the medical field, we can only predict the outcome of a surgery but the thing is..well..shit happens right? short, kalo ada apa2 masalah after a procedure, nak extend mc ke apa ke, painkiller tak cukup kuat ke, jumpa balik dentist and tell ( and show) them why. Diorg will layan punya.
2. LA yang tak last long.
well, macam you all belajar jugak, the effects of LA varies from person to person. Ada yang tahan lama kat orang ni, tapi tak yang orang lain. My advice is, kalo dah rasa je bius dah hilang tu, take painkillers ASAP.
3. Using silk sutures.
hmm...biasanya kalau intraorally, we'll use vicryl. Err taktaula apa motif your dentist guna silk. Better ask him yourself on that one.
hope your happy with my answers. Jgn malu nak tanya lagi
Oki doki? |
drmnh This user has been deleted
thanks for your answers. i take your point shit does happen but we should have some common sense...i dont think anybody would want to go out of the house will a swollen painful cheek to see a dentist for an extension of mc. we should've been able to predict this when we cut somebody. let me give you an example...a simple ganglion excision normally gets a 3-5 days of mc but if it were complicated surgery where incision is bigger and more dissection is needed to free it out i would even give 1 week or more of mc, knowing well that if i give only 3 days of leave the patient would come back after a few days looking for me for an extension and i have no time to do that or i might be around to do that.
I personally suspect that the LA was lignocaine...maybe with adrenaline but during op it got diluted or washed out. mayb he should've used marcain instead... no painkillers are as good as LA you see.
i was quiet sure the suture was could be a vicryl but it was thick suture...3/0 I think.
Cheers :ah: |
The thing is, from previous mos done, 3-4 days mc usually is enough. Unless, like I said, patients who have complaints afterwards fail to come back and report to us their problems.
But..I'll take your suggetion into consideration. ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
About the LA, yes we do use lignocaine but it's really imposibble for the LA to get 'washed out'. The needle is inserted straight into the mucosa in the retromolar area and to the ID nerve.
Marcain is seldom used. Sorry.
as for the LA not lasting long, in the future i suggest if you're experiencing the same thing, tell ur dentist and ask him for another jab. There's no harm.
As for the sutures, well he shoulda used 4/0 but this preference varies between dentists. Some, yes, would rather choose 3/0 for personal reasons. .
Hope ur happy
oki doki?. |
momochan This user has been deleted
dr julai.. dentist ke?
if so, i have questions regarding invisalign. Availabe tak kat any orto clinic in Malaysia, and what is your comment regarding that? |
Well.. invisalign in sort of new in the dental field. It looks great, sounds great and better yet, it's not really visible if you wear it (compared to conservative ortho wires).
But it's new, and in dentistry usually new things are really expensive.
If you are interested, you should ask around in private dental clinics around KL about invisalign. Y'see I'm working in a government clinic so of course la takde invisalign kat sini. To tell you the truth, I haven't seen in myself.
ni |
dah cabut!
alhamdullilah!!..sham baru cabut dua gigui depan atas...pagi rabu tadi...syukur..semuanya..berjalan dengan lancar.....mahal juga ya..kos cabut gigi kat klinik swasta ni.....RM170 kena tadi......RM100 untuk dua gigi palsu dan rm70 untuk cabut...dengar kata kat klinik kerajaan rm1 jeer? oh! jauhnya..
tapi dia cabut sekejap jer ya? dia pulas sekali dua ters tercabut gigi tu.....ingatkan sebelum ni dia 'hogah-hogah',tarik-tarik gigi untuk cabut..senang jer gayanya. tapi memang tak sakitkan? cuma terasa cengkaman player khas tu...sakit tak terasa pun...cucuk pun tak ler sakit sangat..
Anyway...bila pakai gigi palsu ni suara dah jadi lain laaa...camana nak buat suara cam dulu?:stp:
satu lagi sham nak tanya............ ada tak kaedah untuk tanam gigi ker?.atau apa-apa leer yg membolehkn kita tak payah cabut2 gigi palsu tu.....sham ada tanya dr tadi..dia kata kos untuk tanam 1 gigi adalah rm7000....mak ooooiiii!!!.........mana nak cekih duit banyak tu?...kalau dua gigi dah rm, ada tak cara-cara lain yg leh kita lakukan..
thanks for helping and giving the tips!!:pray: |
Originally posted by sham159 at 28-4-2005 08:38 AM:
Sham akan jumpa dr gigi esok...untuk mencabut 2 gigi atas depan yang dah rosak.Masalhnya, sham TAKUT /FOBIA sangat nak jumpa dr gigi...tengok bilik dia,suasana,peralatan,jarum,b ...
Okay... since ada orang dah buka tajuk cabut gigi ni.. saya pun nak tumpang juga bertanya...
Para doc sekalian.. saya nak minta nasihat..
Kalau ada kes gigi siong.. ada tak, yang boleh kita cabut? I am thinking of removing them.. and then, baru pakai braces... ada tak org buat gitu? Bahaya dan logik ke, pilihan saya ni?
Saya dulukan tima kasih banyak2 kat semua doc yang budiman di sini...
:tq: :tq: :love: |
Untuk sham...
amacam? bes cabut gigi? hhehe. Gigi depan memang senang cabut, sekali dua pusing je mmg terus cabut esp gigi yang dah rosak atau patah. And yep, kerajaan cabut memang murah tapi consnya is kena tunggu hari tertentu dalam seminggu untuk cabut. Other than that, same je cara cabut ngan swasta.
mula2 pakai gg palsu mmg rasa pelik. susah nk cakap , mkn n mknan pon boleh rasa lain tp lama2 ok le tu. ala..mcm kasut baru le. mula2 rasa tak selesa tapi last2 ngam gak ye dak.
Pasal tanam gg tu, ada dua jenis yang melayu guna istilah 'tanam gigi'. dua-dua cara ni kita tak payah tanggal gg tu sbb kekal dlm mulut kita.
Satu is implants. Yg dentist sham cakap tu implants. Implants memang le mahal sebab melibatkan surgery untuk tanam lebih kurang macam screw kat dalam tulang n gusi sham. Implant ni dibuat berperingkat. Mula2 kena pastikan sham sihat dulu, pastu kena pastikan keadaan gusi sham pulak sihat ie takdak gingivitis or periodontitis. Pendek kata everything must be in a good condition. Tanam implant pulak berperingkat. Lepas tanam screw kena biarkan dalam mulut dalam beberapa bulan dulu untuk pastikan screw seswai ke dak dalam mulut. Lepas semua aok barula gigi dipasang pada screw. Implant ni pon leceh gak nak jaga tapi senang la sebab tak payah buang2 n takdak la rasa pelik dlm mulut cm gg palsu.
Org dulu kata kalo buat implant bila mati kena kuarkan, salah le fakta tu. mcm ni la, kalo org pth kaki n kena tnm screw kt kaki, bila mati, takkan kita kena ronggah screw tu kuar ye dak?
satu lg istilah tanam gg is bridge. bridge ni mcm crowning. lebih senang untuk buat dr implant. cara buat is dentist akan nipiskan gigi sebelah gg yg takde tu and kemudian lepas amik copy gigi tu, kita sarungkan 'gigi' yg dibuat dr porselin kt gigi yg dinipiskan n also kt bhgian yg rongak tu. susah nak detect org pakai bridge ni.
kalo tak phm cara i terang, cari kt internet psl bridge sbb i mmg tak terer nak explain dlm bahasa layman.
besnya bridge ni is any dentist can do it for you tapi kalo implant a specialist has to do it. satu lg harga bridge jauh lebih murah. swasta is maybe rm 600-700. kerajaan dalam rm 300 lebih. tapi bergantung kepda bilnangan gg yg hilang n yg nak ganti la. kalo sham nak buat kt ukm or um dental school pon buleh gak. murah dia sama mcm kerajaan punya tp student la buat.
[ Last edited by drjulai on 5-5-2005 at 11:12 PM ] |
apa maksud ' kes gigi siong' tu sebab semua org ada gigi siiong. ke maksud u gigi taring u tu tajam sangat ke?
kalu ye, sebenarnya apa yg u nak buat tu memang x digalakkan la. sebab gigi taring ni manaleh cabut suka2 n lepas tu nak pakai braces untuk rapatkan. biasanya dalm ortodontik (braces), kita x cabut gigi siong unless gigi tu teruk sgt berkaries. salah satu sbbnya is susah nak close up space bila gigi yg dicabut terletak kt depan. biasanya kita akan cabut gigi premolar atau geraham kecik sbb dia terletak ditgh2 so closure of space sekata n mudah dibuat.
kalu u tak suka gg taring tajam, maybe kita boleh trim sket bg rata sket supaya lawa sket tp tu pon akan menyebabkn gigi rasa sensitif/ngilu lepas tu.
oki doki? |
Originally posted by Eizzey at 4-5-05 06:38 AM:
Okay... since ada orang dah buka tajuk cabut gigi ni.. saya pun nak tumpang juga bertanya...
Para doc sekalian.. saya nak minta nasihat..
Kalau ada kes gigi siong.. ada tak, yang boleh ...
Utk orang yang hendak pakai braces ..
Sebelum cabut mana mana gigi, jumpa orthodontist dulu. Dia orang akan beritahu kita, gigi mana yang kena cabut, gigi mana yang akan dikekalkan.
Bergitu juga kalau anda ingin membuat ''bridge'' sila dptkan pandangan orthodontist terlebih dahulu. |
Hello DrJulai!
Oh! tq for the info....:solute:
Banyak maklumat yg diperolehi....tu laa....bila pakai gigi palsu ni makan benda keras punyalah susah(buat masa sekrg)..hari tu...pergilah KFc...kunyahan pertama...langsung tertanggal gigi palsu tu.malu:..nasib baiklah org lain x perasan ..cepat2 masuk kan balik kedalam mulut...:bgrin:
Tu laa....rasa 'tak best' lak...sore dah lain....sebutan D dan N jadi pelat..sebab kat belakang gigi atas depan tu sempit ditutup leh dinding gigi palsu tu..
DrJulai, sham rasa nak buat bridge lah...tak mampu nak buat implant tu...mahal sesangat...sham berminat lak kaedah bridge ni...tapi nak tanya....kaedah bridge ni kaedah ikat gigi yg berdawai-dawai tu ker? yang kita nampak gigi berdawai tu ker?:stp:..........sham harap tak betullah.....tak cantiklah kalau buat bridge tapi nampak dawai-dawai lak......can you explain more detail about this? dia bukan macam gigi palsukan? oh! ini yang sham tunggu-tnggu!!...tapi..kena tunggu gusi gigi yg dicabut ni kecut kan? kalau tak salahlah........
Sham nak tanya... kat mana area selangor tempat TERBAIK untuk buat bridge? tapi tak sakit dan kos agak murah........boleh gak sham cuba kat UKM dan UM tapi ok tak?...
tak sabar2 lak nak buat bridge!!:nerd: |
assalamualaikum..drjulai..nak tanya sket..saya dlm proses nak wat braces kat ukm..tapi kena g cabut kat spital gomen biasa pasal student ukm tgh cuti skang..tapi tu bukan masalahnya..aritu dah cabut 3 batang...yang ke empat nak cabut iaitu gigi kanan bawah no 5 x dpt dicabut sebab saya punya rahang bawah kiri terlalu dr tu x bley nak dia buatkan saya soft splint..just nak tanya..soft splint tu caner??pastu..aritu sebelum g spital kerajaan,saya nak g cabut untuk gg yang sama kat klinik kerajaan tapi masa dia cucuk mata kanan saya x nampak dan kebas sampai kat atas kes salah cucuk atau kenapa ey???selepas dari tu saya pegi spital..x pegi klinik kerajaan tu lagi dah..dah la asyik nak marah marah jer..berbeza ngan doktor yang kat spital..baikkkkkkkk sangatttt.. |
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